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Third Person

"Hey!" the young boy laughs, chasing his brother around the room. They weave in and out of the crowd frivolously, between elegant ladies in elegant dresses and tall men in dark suits.

"Catch me if you can!" yells the other boy, before colliding into someone wearing a pale blue gown. "Oh, sorry ma'am!"

Letting out a small laugh as she sighs, the queen of Newglade holds out her hand to help the boy up, just as his brother catches up. "I told you to stop running around, Dominic."

"But Mummy, Dakota started it!" he whines, but the blonde woman shakes her head.

"Don't blame it on your brother. Now, go see if you can find Rosé. Knowing her, she should be near the chocolate fountain." She lets go of Dominic, and the twins dart off in search for their cousin.

"How are you?" The king of Foxien suddenly appears beside the woman, giving her a small scare. "Are they still being troublesome?"

"Why are you always so formal?" she shoots back playfully. "You're my brother, for God's sake."

Archer sends her a lopsided grin. "Fatherhood has taken a toll on me, my dear." He looks behind him and motions for a young lady with flowing brown hair to join him, and she bounds up excitedly. "Meet my new queen, Bella."

"Lovely to meet you," Courtney greets with a small nod of her head, though she doesn't smile at all. However, Bella chooses to; very brightly, in fact.

"Nice to meet you too." A speeding figure shoots past the three adults, and she giggles lightly. "Excuse me, I need to take care of my dear Rosie." And with that, she runs right after the girl.

Once Bella is gone, Courtney sends her stepbrother a glare. "What's wrong with you?"

"What did I do?"

"She's so young!" she argues crossly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was illegal for a king to choose whoever he wanted to marry," he shoots back. 

Courtney scoffs. "What happened to Evelyn? Last time I saw you in this room, four years ago, you two were happily married."

Biting at his bottom lip, he responds quietly, "Not so happy, sister. She was still mad at me for many things, until she decided she didn't want to deal with me anymore. I hear she's engaged now."

Breathing out, she murmurs, "I'm sorry. I was hoping to see her here. And I don't want a petty teenager ruling over our childhood home."

"Don't worry. I've got her under control." Archer looks towards someone behind her before walking off in that direction, and she groans inwardly, walking away too.

She needs to make a phone call.


Evelyn lets out a groan as her phone goes off at her. It's only seven fifty, she thinks grumpily. You're supposed to go off at eight.

She then realizes that it's her ringtone and not her alarm, and dashes to grab it, then rushes to the bathroom to answer the call. "Hello?"

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