Chapter Fifteen

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Courtney's POV

My eyes scan the ballroom. I see Evelyn, pretending to be me, in the beautiful red velvet dress I'd bought a few months ago. She waltzes around the ballroom with a young man I don't recognize. Then again, I can hardly recognize anyone in this place. That's the point, I guess.

"Courtney?" I turn to see a woman in a deep purple dress, wearing a small mask that only covers her eyes. I recognize her immediately, but decide not to blow my cover.

"Oh, I'm afraid you're mistaken. My name is Evelyn Mare." I extend a hand for her to shake.

Instead of shaking my hand, my mother pulls me close towards her and hugs me tightly, breathing out. "I've missed you so much, darling," she whispers as my hand strokes her hair softly.

"You always know where to find me, Mother. And you have my number as well."

"Yes, I know, but there's always the risk that someone may follow me or listen in to our conversation. I can't take that risk. I love you, baby."

"I love you too." I kiss her exposed cheek and look around. "Have you seen Jordan?"

"I'm afraid not, sweetie. I can barely recognize anyone here." She lets out a sigh. "I don't think he'll be coming. He does need to take care of his parents."

"Yeah, I understand.."

"So, tell me all about it." My mother links arms with me. "Where are you staying? How are you getting used to Emerald? Are people treating you well?"

I laugh softly. "Relax. I'm actually staying in a hotel room with Jordan in Maize because the school's finally on break, thank God. And yeah, I guess people are treating me well." I decide not to tell her about the incident that happened a few days ago.  

"Good, good." My mother's eyes flash towards the stage. "Oh, looks like I'm needed. I'll see you around, honey. You look stunning." She smiles at me before walking off, and I'm left on my own once again.

Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands snatch me from behind, one on my waist and the other on my mouth. I try to scream, but their grip is tight and nearly impossible to get out of. Struggling and kicking, I try my best to break free. My captor just chuckles, dragging me into the male bathroom.

"What the hell!" I shout when they lock the door, but based on their outfit, I'm assuming they're male. It's a simple black suit, nothing too fancy.

I bite my bottom lip, stepping closer to the man. Before he can stop me, I've pulled off his mask.

"Jordan!" My tutor just laughs at my outburst. "Stop doing that! This is not how you pick up girls!" I laugh back, pushing him backwards by the chest.

"Oh really? How about this?" Jordan lifts me up and does a twirl before setting me on the edge of the sink, pressing himself against me.

"I think that works." I remove my mask, lean forwards and kiss him softly, the feeling of our lips meeting once more enough to satisfy me for life. My fingers are tangled in his soft curls, and I feel like I could do this forever, just sit here and kiss him.

"The queen is going to kill me." Jordan pulls away from me and smirks. "But it'll totally be worth it."

"Agreed," I reply with a giggle, throwing my arms around his neck. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds, just enjoying the moment.

"I'm glad you could make it," I finally whisper, breaking the silence.

"Anything for you. But.. are you okay?"

I shake my head slowly, smiling. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm amazing, actually."

"That's good to hear," he grins, and I laugh.

"I love you, Jordan."

"I love you too, Court." He hikes up the skirt of my black dress and rubs my thighs gently. "And even if we have to hide this for the rest of my life, I'm never going to leave you. I promise." Jordan moves closer and puts his lips to my neck, leaving short and sweet kisses. He puts a hand in between my thighs, and I wince.

"It still hurts a little. But I'm sure it'll go away in a couple of days at most," I explain, and he nods, removing his hand.

"Would you like to dance?" he asks, extending it to me. Smiling, I take it and hop off the sink.

"I'd be delighted," I mock, giggling. We leave the bathroom, earning a strange and somewhat disgusted look from a man who is on his way inside, and make our own way back to the ballroom. Jordan puts his mask back on, helping me with mine, and places his hand on my waist. I cup the back of his head and move closer until we're about an inch apart. And together, we glide around the ballroom as another song starts.

No amount of dancing with random princes can prepare a princess for the one dance that she will remember for the rest of her life. With them, it's just awkward, but with the one you truly love, it's simply magical.

The song comes to an end, and Jordan and I find ourselves in the corner. Removing our masks once more, we press our bodies against each others. And kiss.

Someone screams, and I turn my head to look at where it came from. A woman is pointing at the glass ceiling, hand over her mouth. Ten dark figures stand on the roof, staring down at the ballroom. One of them has a knife of some sort, carving the glass. Each cut makes an unpleasant screeching noise, and after wiggling their fingers teasingly, the person kicks open the pane. It shatters to the floor, landing in front of a couple, who jump back instantly. The figures climb through the hole and onto the floor of the ballroom. A dark red phoenix is embroidered on their right sleeve, and I can finally identify them. Falconrose assassins.

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