Chapter Thirty Three

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Evelyn's POV

As soon as I feel the bomb hit the palace, I speed out of the basement of Lillie's sister's house, slamming open the door, and make my way towards the castle. Unfortunately, the guards who stand there are more than unwilling to let me through, both evidently shaking in their boots.

"Please?" I beg one last time.

"Why would you even want to enter, ma'am? The troops from Newglade are probably already inside."

"Well, then, I'm sorry to do this but.." I push away the guard, not enough for him to fall over but enough for him to crash into the gate behind him. I pull out his sword and point it at the other one, who unsheathes his own quickly. I pull off my hood, and he gasps out quietly, probably not expecting the princess's lookalike. "Are we going to have any problems, or..." I run my finger over the blade before pressing the tip into his chin, not quite pricking his skin.

He moves aside in reluctance, and I place a teasing kiss on his cheek before rushing past, the sword still in my possession. I've never learned how to fight, but how hard can it be?

Very hard, is the answer. I'm only just about to dodge the blows sent my way, one of them grazing the side of my leg, but I wince through it and look around.

Quiet sobbing comes from underneath a ceiling panel, and I lift it up carefully to see Isla cowering as her head is buried in long black tresses. When she looks up at me, I see Piper's lifeless expression and the blood that coats her clothing.

"Oh my Gosh..."

Isla starts to cry harder. "Please, Evelyn, help me get her out of here..."

I nod and lean down to grab one of Piper's arms, and together we haul her up and out of the hole, pulling Isla out after her. "What happened?" I ask quietly.

"We were running away from the troops an-and she got stabbed by a piece of glass. She bled out," she whimpers, clutching her girlfriend close to her.

"I'm so sorry," I mumble. "She probably meant a lot to you."

"You don't even know the half of it." Isla tucks a lock of hair behind her ear before continuing. "She's been there for me through so much."

I run my thumb over Piper's stone cold hand, smiling to myself. "Can you carry her?"

"Yes, with ease." Isla frowns. "Why do you ask?"

I look her in the eyes. "Take her somewhere safe. I'm going to look for Courtney," I instruct, tightening my grip on the sword. Isla sends me a nod as I walk away from her.

"Courtney?" I call out, careful not to be too loud in case the wrong people hear me.

A loud scream of "Help!" from upstairs tells me that she's around. I rush up to see Courtney standing against a wall at sword's end, held by a young man whom I don't recognize. His features are similar to Archer's, only he's much taller, handsomer and all around seemingly stronger. He taunts the princess with a smirk, not caring about the state she's in.

"Please, Nolan," she begs, sobbing. She pulls her neck away from the tip, and I can see a long vibrant mark, dark red fluids slowly dripping down.

So this is the psycho prince, I think to myself, sighing out quietly. I narrow my eyes, waiting for the right moment to come in.

"Sorry, princess, but this is for leaving the palace," he sneers.

Just as Nolan is about to strike, I run right in front and block his blade with my own fiercely.

"Ev, I told you to stay!"

"And let you get killed? No fucking way," I snap, pushing Nolan's sword away. However, he doesn't lose his grip, and instead arches an eyebrow.

"There are two of you? Perhaps you would have been more obedient," Nolan murmurs, keeping his harsh gaze on Courtney, who continues to cry. "It's a shame I'll have to kill you too."

"You won't kill me. I'll get you to leave, and nobody has to get hurt," I snap, and his head turns towards me. He shoots me a wicked smile, a smile that sends shivers down my spine.

"Like hell you're going to do that. I can kill you in less than a minute. I'm assuming you're just a young girl; your build isn't fit for a soldier or at least a guard. That's it. You're a young, confused little girl hellbent on protecting the princess with your life," he scoffs. "Well, guess what? You're going to fail, because I am much, much stronger than the two of you combined. I hope you rot in hell, girlie, with your mother!"

I don't even know how he knew, but that's it. With a loud cry of anger, I push him back with my sword, his one clattering onto the floor. Nolan runs to grab it, and I almost get there first. Of course, the prince beats me to his weapon.

Off we go; panting and snarling as we fight each other. I don't even want to hurt him; I just want him gone.

"Evelyn, stop!" Courtney yells out frantically. I jerk my head in her direction to say something, but then I see Nolan approaching me out of the corner of my eye.

Instantly, I jab my sword in his direction to defend myself.

Only to see his face go pale, his knees buckle and his eyes widened.

Mouth hinged open, the prince slumps to the ground, my sword sticking right out of him. My hands fly to my mouth as realization dawns upon me.

"I-I've killed him." My voice is barely a whisper. Tears prick the corners of my eyes painfully, but I know I deserve it. It and much more.

Two arms wrap around my waist from behind, and when my head turns, Courtney is there, burying her face into my shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Ev-"

"No, it's not! I killed someone!" I scream, my hands shaking with fear. I drop to my knees, getting rid of her grip, and start crying hard in guilt. "I didn't mean to hurt him, I swear, I swear, I swear..."

"Evelyn, it's okay. You did the right thing. He was going to kill you and I. Come on, we need to check to see if the troops are gone."Courtney pulls out of the hug to take a trembling hand, and I nod slowly in response, too remorseful to speak. Carefully, the princess drags me down the hallway.


We'll assure you that literally almost nobody will miss Nolan.

~ Zalie :3

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