Chapter Four

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Evelyn's POV

"Ev? You in here?" My head jerks up to see Lillie walk into my room.

"Hiya." I smile softly and make room on my bed for her to sit on. She peers at the unopened book in my hand.

"Broken Babe? What's it about?" she inquires, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it's about this girl that sleeps around to try and get over an ex-boyfriend that broke her heart, but it's just not working. Then she screws this guy who turns out to be a real sweetheart, and in the end they get together." I shrug as she flips through a cluster of random pages.

"The girl reminds me of you. Well, except for the sleeping around part." She grins at me playfully. "But hey, it sounds like something you'd do."

"Lillie!" I snap with a laugh, smacking the back of her head. "You bitch." I'm briefly reminded of my first, and so far my last, boyfriend, Nathan. He was everything to me, we were together for nearly a year. But once we started senior year, he just seemed to think I wouldn't care about what he did. So he cheated on me with my freaking best friend, Gina. Well, my ex best friend. It broke me into millions of pieces, and since then, I've been keeping my eye on guys I definitely can't have, because then I know I won't be able to fall in love with someone who will hurt me again.

"Evelyn..?" A hand waves in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze. Crap.

"Sorry, I was thinking about..." I drift off as tears fill my eyes.

"Nathan, right?" Lillie wraps an arm around me, and I pull her into a tight hug, burying my face into her shoulder.

"I'm so glad that you're always here for me," I sob, tightening my grasp on her torso. Her hands rub my back comfortingly, making me smile a little.

"Um, hello to you too." Lillie and I pull away from each other and look towards the door. An stands there, arms folded.

"Sorry, An." I stand up and go over to her.

"You know, I sometimes feel like you prefer each others company over mine," she snorts, glaring at me as she takes a step backwards.

"W-What? No, of course not, An," I reply, frowning. Lillie stands up to help me.

"Yeah, we love you just the same as we love each other. We're a trio, An. We can't be Evanlie without you," Lillie says calmly, taking Rianna's hand.

The brunette pushes Lillie off, hissing, "Fuck off. If you two want to exclude me from everything, go ahead. I don't care anymore. You two can be Evelie. Sounds better without 'An', doesn't it?" And with that, Rianna leaves my room, closing the door with a dramatic slam.

I rush to open it again, but Lillie holds me back. "Don't, Ev. Let her go. She'll come around, she always does. You know how she can be." We stare into each others eyes.

I nod reluctantly.



Cerise is a nightmare.

I can't believe the fact that I haven't already pushed her off the balcony or something.

I mean, she's not that bad. But her jealousy of me is pissing me off. I'm not as great as everyone thinks I am, I'm just plain old Evelyn Mare. Thing is, when people hear that name, they start squealing with delight because apparently I'm a celebrity.

"Ms Mare?" The dean stands in the doorway, smiling at me. "Would you mind coming with me for just a moment?"

Shrugging, I follow Dean Austen to her office, where she locks the door. Instructing me to take a seat, she sits in her own leather chair.

"What's going on?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"The royal family has requested an audience with you," she explains, locking eyes with me.

"Me? What happened?"

Dean Austen shrugs and stands up, looking out of her window. "The limousine is already here."

"Thank you." I race down the hall and head for the main entrance of the school. Sure enough, a majestic limo awaits, and I smile to myself.

A guard helps me into the vehicle, smiling kindly at me. I take a seat and smooth out my jeans as it starts to move forward.


"Ms Mare, is it? Come with me darling." The queen escorts me to a confined room with soundproof walls. "Wait here," she instructs, walking out of the room. I stand against a wall and look around for a bit.

"Oh, hey." My attention turns to the door as Queen Marissa returns, behind her the princess.

"Hey." I smile gently at Courtney.

"I can't believe the resemblance between you two... Anyway, thank you both for joining me. I have an urgent manner to discuss." I listen carefully, wondering whatever could be so important that I would be involved in.

"Falconrose from the east are on their way to Foxien. They are planning to attack and raid the palace, although they are only searching for one thing; the Terram Topaz." Queen Marissa gestures to the necklace that hangs around Courtney's neck. It holds three deep yellow gems, the one in the centre being the largest. "That one gem is extremely valuable. Here in Foxien, we don't focus much on wealth, but the king of Falconrose has been after it for a while. Legend has it that it possesses magic, a myth to most. But magic is real, I would know. They will do anything to get it, murder if they have to." She looks pointedly at Courtney, whose eyes widen.

"This is why we need you, Evelyn. I'd like you to pretend to be the princess."

Now it's my turn to widen her eyes. "What? Why?"

"If the invaders from Falconrose discover that the Terram Topaz isn't here, we'll all be safe. If my daughter is there when they come, she could get severely hurt."

My eyes dart from Courtney to her mother over and over again.

"I-I'll do it."

The queen smiles softly and pulls her daughter into a hug. "Now, you must not tell anyone. Not even Mister Hastings or your father, Courtney. If I could have you at the palace by eight this evening, that would be splendid."

I nod quickly. "I'll be there."


So yeahhh there you go ahaha

- Zalie :3

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