Chapter Nineteen

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Courtney's POV

"Wake up." A voice repeatedly hisses in my ear, but I can't bring myself to open my eyes.

"Courtney, please. We've got ten minutes until they wake up," adds a familiar voice, and that's when I awaken.


Evelyn and Jayda from before are looking at me. I notice that Ev's gag and ropes are gone, raising an eyebrow. 

"Nine minutes." Jayda quickly undoes the ropes that bind my wrists together and pulls off my gag, hauling me to my feet. 

Without question, Evelyn and I follow her out of the room. 

"They're sleeping there," Jayda whispers, gesturing to the door we walk past. I nod and soften my footsteps. 

We soon approach another door, and once it's open, the Falconrose assassin pushes us through. "If you go straight, there will be a stable full of horses. Use this money to purchase two." She hands Evelyn a pouch. "Get back to the castle."

Ev opens her mouth to speak, but I get there first. "Why are you helping us?"

Jayda sighs, pulling off her mask. I recognize her with a gasp. 

"Oh my God, Nia?"

"Who's Nia..?" asks Evelyn cautiously. 

"She's the Duchess of Cameroon. She went missing a couple of years ago, when Falconrose decided to attack Centrum. Nobody's been able to find her." I look to Nia. "You've been with them all this time?"

"Emperor Hua made it clear that if I didn't, I would be dead. Only now, I'm regretting not choosing death over this." She shakes her head. "Off topic. Once you get to the palace, tell the guards that you were held at Cabin Fife."

"But won't they catch you?" Evelyn murmurs.

"I know where to escape to. Now run!" she whispers, closing the door.

Evelyn and I quickly make our way to the horses, handing the man there the pouch of money.

"Where are you girls off to at this hour anyway?" he asks, not looking at our faces.

"Palace. We have an audience with the princess," Ev lies, grinning at me before setting off her horse.

After what seems like an hour, we approach a fork in the path. The castle stands tall and proud in the distance on the right.

"Come on." Evelyn and I try to turn, but the horses have stopped dead in their tracks.

"What's wrong?" I whisper in its ear, knowing perfectly well that it doesn't understand me. It was worth a shot anyway.

A chilling howl echoes through the forest, sending the horses into a frenzy. With two loud whinnies, they galloped off to the left.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Evelyn desperately tries to control her horse, but to no avail. 

"My mother always warned me to never go this way," I yell at her frantically, doing the same as she was. Neither stallion would stop, though. 

"And now I see why!" She points towards a dark and endless chasm in the distance.

I widen my eyes. "Turn, you useless animal!" I scream, shifting my weight as much as I can. 

Evelyn does the same, but in her desperation, she topples off the moving creature. 

"Ev!" I quickly grab onto a branch above me and haul myself off the horse before letting myself down. I watch the mindless animals gallop off the edge, sighing to myself. Then, remembering why I'm off in the first place, I run over to Evelyn. 

"Owww," she whines, squeezing her eyes shut. The side of her leg is badly grazed and bleeding. I rip off some of my already-torn dress and wrap it around her leg. 

"Can you walk?" I ask cautiously. 

"I'll try." I lend her a hand, leaning us against the tree as I haul her to her feet. Instantly, she cries out in pain, her knees giving way. "It's going to be okay," I murmur.

And just as I say that, it starts to rain. 

"Mother fu-"

"You need to tone down on the language." I laugh a little, leading her under a tree with more leaves to keep us dry. 

"Sorry..." She sighs. "We're never going to get back."

"We will. Of course we will. We have water," I gesture to the sky, "we have food," I look up at the crimson red apples that hang on the branches, "and shelter. We'll be alright."

Evelyn's eyes are cast downwards, into her lap. "Why did they have to kill Archer..."

I sigh a little, my eyes tearing up ever so slightly. "I've had my fair share of kidnappers, murderers, etcetera, not all targeting me. They all have one motive; to break you, and they won't limit themselves to what they will do in order to achieve their goal." I close my eyes tightly. 

She buries her face into my neck, and I can feel the steaming hot tears trickling down to meet with the freezing cold raindrops the wind sends our way. Together, we mourn over our loss.


Okay so this chapter wasn't that good but it's something :P Would you guys be interested in a story about this thing where like.. You know what, here's the (long ass) blurb;

Having lived there for as long as she can remember, Elara Nyx is approaching her fifth and final year at the College. Since she started her education at the age of thirteen, she has befriended many fellow students, had several encounters with a friend with benefits, and remained top of the class in all of her subjects. 

Despite these amazing things, though, she definitely has some doubts about where she is in life. She can't remember entering the doors for the very first time, let alone anything that happened before that. Her special friend seems to be keeping secrets from her. The alumni of the College don't seem to exist, with the exception of the selected few who come back to teach. 

The answers always seem to be on the tip of her tongue, yet she just can't taste them. Will she discover the truth? More importantly, what will become of her after she does?

Sorry, it's so long ahahah. Anywayy, we've started working on it already (only one chapter though just in case nobody's interested) so if you could let us know what you think, that'd be great. Thank you!

~ Zalie :3

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