Chapter Forty

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Courtney's POV

Wrapping my arm around Daniel's, I lean my head against his shoulder. "Do you really have to go back to Newglade?"

"They need their king," he murmurs with a grin. "Besides, I don't belong here."

"Aw, well okay then." I pout playfully before planting a kiss on his cheek. "Don't miss me too much."

Daniel shakes his head and rises to his feet. "I'll call you, or message you, or something. Just, please; take care." We both make our way towards the plane together slowly, my hair blowing in the wind.

But just before he gets on, I grab his hand, suddenly remembering something. "Wait."

He arches an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

"Yes, um..." I hesitate before continuing. "Nolan... He sent a girl away in Newglade, away from her family because he got her pregnant. Her name is Cathy, and I want you to find out where she is and take her back to her family. The only thing I know about them is that her brother's name is Sammy."

Daniel takes my hand, kissing the top gently. "I swear that I will do the best I can."

"Oh! You probably want this too." I fish out the silver card he'd given to me before and start to hand it to him, but he simply shakes his head.

"It's alright; I won't need it anymore. I'll be getting a new one. You can keep it."

"Well, at least promise me you'll be a good king." I smile weakly. "We'll probably be seeing each other again soon. Archer will want you to sign a peace treaty between the two provinces once he's finished drafting it."

He smiles back. "After everything that's happened between us, I wouldn't expect any less." The conversation pauses for a few moments as we stare into each other's eyes. Then, without warning, he leans in to kiss me.

Quick as a bullet, I jerk my head backwards out of instinct. "I'm sorry. This just... it's not going to work out. Just know that I still care about you, okay?" I mumble, cheeks warming up.

Daniel sends me a small smile. "Of course. I'm sorry if I startled you. Until we meet again." He tips his head in respect before boarding his flight. I watch with dejection as it takes off and starts flying towards its destination, staying until the clouds come to wrap themselves around the plane, taking it further on its journey to Newglade.

Sighing out in exasperation, I return to my room sit on my bed, fiddling with the red and gold charm bracelet around my wrist and allowing the sunlight to glint off of it. After a while, though, it starts bugging me. Groaning, I stand up and walk towards the windowsill, placing my hands on it.

I look down at the river that flows beneath it. You could just jump right now, my mind screams at me as my vision clouds with tears. Like you did two years ago. No one will miss you.

"You're wrong," I snap out loud, breathing out shakily. I step away from the window and sit on my bed, tracing my fingernail along the inside of my arm. "I'm not going to kill myself. I need to stay here, for my family, for Jordan, and for the baby." My tone is stern, but I'm not even talking to anyone, only myself. Am I going crazy?

I hear something drop from next door and a loud "Fuck!" I wipe away my tears and walk out of my room, slowly making my way to the classroom.

My stinging eyes peek through the crevice in the door. Jordan is in the middle of packing his things into the box, humming a familiar tune. The song we danced to, I realize bitterly.

This is all your fault. If you weren't such a whore, you wouldn't have ever kissed Jordan, let alone had sex with him and gotten knocked up. You're the one who caused him to lose his job.

A searing pain flashes through my stomach, and I gasp quietly. Luckily, Jordan doesn't hear me. This has been going on at random times since three in the morning the day before, and with every stab it leaves a lingering discomfort.

Attempting to ignore the dull ache, I widen the door completely, standing in the doorway.

"Not even a goodbye?" I manage to murmur, hearing my voice crack a little. He turns his head to look back at me, then smiles gently.

"Oh God, I thought they wouldn't allow you to come see me again." Jordan walks up to me and embraces me in a tight hug, closing his eyes.

"They won't. But I'm here anyway." Pulling away from the hug to see his face, I smile slightly.

"Court, have you been crying? Your eyes are all red and puffy," he breathes.

"I'm fine, Jordan. It's just.. I'm going to miss you so much." I let out a quiet sob, and he hugs me again.

"It'll be alright, princess."

I suddenly push my lips against his in clear desperation, determined to kiss him once more before he leaves the palace. "I love you," I whisper, my throat a little hoarse from the crying I'd done earlier, before kissing him again.

"Wait... Courtney..."


"I just- I can't do this anymore." Jordan takes a single step backwards, but I feel like he's already miles away. My eyes are swimming with tears as he continues. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much, don't ever forget that. But I just- We can't keep running around in secret. You deserve someone who will make you happy and who you can feel comfortable with in public." He runs a hand through his hair nervously, his eyes cast down at his feet. "God, I should've stopped this a long, long time ago..."


"Goodbye, Your Highness." He plants a kiss on my forehead and grabs his things, leaving the room without looking back.

I stand there in shock, not even able to cry. My bottom lip quivers, my eyes are squeezed shut, but not a single tear falls.

Another sharp pain suddenly strikes my stomach, much worse than the previous one, and I yell out, clutching my abdomen as I fall to the floor. I feel something warm and uncomfortable trickling down my leg, and when I shift my position to check, I let out a loud gasp. Blood collects under me, seeping through the beige carpet and onto the wooden floor.

"No, no, no," I whisper in horror, then scream as the pain intensifies. I can hear panicked footsteps coming closer, and soon after, Evelyn and Archer rush into the room, eyes widening when they see me.

"Courtney, what happened?!" Archer speeds over to me and kneels, his fingers brushing away the hair from my face, but all I can do is cry. He looks towards his fiancée in distress, who I can just about see running out, probably looking for help.

"I'm going to lose it, I'm going to lose it," I repeat over and over again, violently shaking as I start to cry even harder. Another wave of excruciation hits me out of nowhere, and my head slams hard against the cold and firm floor just as Evelyn returns.

"No, Courtney, you won't. It's gonna be okay. Nurse Rowena! Doctor Clements! Anyone!" Evelyn cries in clear desperation, clutching my hand, but I've already begun to lose consciousness as I bleed out.

I shake my head, sobbing. "It isn't..." And with that, I completely lose consciousness.


I feel mean.

~ Zalie :3

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