Chapter Eighteen

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Evelyn's POV

"Stop crying, girl," one of my captors smirks, kicking me in the shin. I continue to let my tears fall, screaming from behind the gag.

The door bursts open, and two more "ninjas" walk in. The one at the back holds onto a familiar blonde haired blue-grey eyed girl.

"Courtney!" I yell at her, but my voice is muffled by the fabric around my face.

Our eyes meet, and she widens her own. "Oh God, you too?" she murmurs to herself.

They sit her in the chair beside mine, jerking her head upwards before tying a piece of fabric around her mouth, just like they had me. 

My eyes harden as I glance at the covered faces. All of their eyes are on me, as if a million demons are staring into my soul.

"Call the queen," the one at the side snaps, holding out their phone to the person beside them. They take it gratefully and dial a number.

"Hello?" I hear Courtney's mother answer. The man puts the phone on speaker to torture us.

"Good evening, ma'am. We are the ninjas from Falconrose, and we have your daughter and her... friend, as hostages."

"What do you want from us?"

"We're searching for the Terram Topaz and we would like to inquire if you have it."

"I don't," the queen replies firmly. "And if you don't return the girls immediately, we will be forced to take action."

"Oh come on." The man smirks under his balaclava. "We just need it. Then we'll give back the girls."

My head turns to Courtney struggling next to me, who's managed to get her gag off. Smart little girl, I think.

"No. Don't give it to them," she pleads, tears streaming down her face. "They had Archer. The-they killed him." She turns to face me, and I nod in agreement. Best to stay here with them than wait for a war to go through.

"I... I'm not letting you have the girls, Falconrose. Just give them back and we'll give up the Topaz. My daughter has it."

The man nods and points towards us, not bothering to hang up the phone. They start searching our bodies, their hands uncomfortable all over us. Finally, the only female member of the gang yanks off a protesting Courtney's necklace, dangling it in front of her.

"Found it," she states proudly, handing it to her "boss". The man turns the pendant over in his fingers, as if in a daze, before taking a knife out of his pocket and prying the Topaz out. He then puts the necklace back around Courtney's neck. 

"Now return the girls," Queen Marissa orders sternly. 

The man looks at us before replying to her. "I've changed my mind. We're killing the impostor."

Courtney and I exchange shocked glances. 

"As for the princess, well..." He scans her up and down, an evil glint in his dark eyes. "We'll have fun with her."

"How dare you go back on your word?!" I hear the queen snarl, a hint of fright in her tone. My eyes are set on the woman's, though, whose eyes are widened in surprise. 

"She's right, Noah, don't you think you're taking it too far with the girls? They're young, innocent. They won't say anything," she reasons carefully, folding her arms. It's only now that I notice her skin tone; much darker than her companions'. 

"Shut up," the man snaps back, shoving her back against a wall, provoking a gasp form her. "That's for revealing my identity," he hisses before turning the conversation back to Courtney's mother. "I apologize, Your Majesty, but you won't be able to find us anyway. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Goodbye." He hangs up and throws the phone across the room towards a wall, ensuring that it shatters into pieces. So the queen can't call back.

"Can we kill her tomorrow? It's one in the morning," the woman whines.

Noah sighs. "Women. Fine. But we're taking the princess." 

Another man grabs Courtney by her wrists and forces her to her feet, pulling her bum close to his lap. He chuckles when she squirms with discomfort, taking that as an encouragement to hold her tighter and closer. 

"Oh come on, save some for us," jokes Noah, and I can make out a playful grin. 

"Leave her alone," snaps the woman, pulling her away. 

"Of course you're defending one of your own, Jayda." 

She steps forwards and slaps Noah. "That's for revealing my identity," she mutters, using his line against him. "Now go to bed. We can use them in the morning."

Noah nods reluctantly and leaves through the door, the rest of the gang following after him. The last person switches off the lights before locking the door. 

Leaving the two of us in utter darkness. 


Omg we need to update more often :( So sorry! 

So anywayy, that's that. Sorry, this chapter was kinda bad :P Hope you enjoyed it anyway <3

- Zalie :3

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