Chapter Twelve

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Evelyn's POV

"Good morning."

I sit up quickly and widen my eyes, recognizing the voice. "Archer?!"

"Well, hello to you too," he sighs, a small smirk on his face. His hair is tousled. His cheeks are pink. His shirt is.. not visible.

"Did we do anything?!" I ask, panicked.

"No!" Archer laughs, clutching his stomach. "I got you good. Nah, we were watching a movie and you fell asleep."

I slap his arm playfully and stand up. "You really scared me."

"I know, I know." He grins.

I straighten my dress. "What happened at the end?"

"Katniss and Peeta got married. These classics are amazing."

"Yeah, this year's movies aren't that good." I shrug.

Archer nods in agreement.

"Well, I should get back." I smile and awkwardly give him a hug.

His hands roam around my back for a few seconds before pulling away from our embrace. "See ya."

I smile again and leave his room, a little hastily.


"You told Jordan?!" I hiss, careful not to be too loud so that Courtney's mother doesn't hear me.

"He offered me a place to stay, and potentially saved my life. He deserves to know," she argues.

"Ah. Well, your dad wants you to still be 'intact' when you go to Newglade so be careful there."

"Ew, seriously?!" I laugh at her outburst. "That's not funny! We haven't even gotten close."

"Got it." I giggle a little. "How are things?"

"Alright. So glad to be free of the academy. No offense, but it's really crowded."

"Understood," I respond. "Wha-"

I'm cut off by a hand around my mouth, the other one firmly planted on my waist. I try to scream, but the glove is too thick.

"Hello? Are you there?" I hear Courtney say from the phone, panic evident in her tone.

Biting the hand as hard as I can, I scream for help before running towards the door, trying to open it. But it's locked from the outside.

Desperately, I turn to face my attacker. They are wearing a black top that covers their arms and pants, accentuating their slender figure. A balaclava is over their head, the only thing revealed being their dark, round eyes. I think they're female, but I'm not one to judge.

"Don't hurt me," I whisper with a shaky voice, still fiddling with the doorknob. There's no point, though, it won't open.

They pull out a gleaming knife from inside of their boot, pretending to slit their own throat before approaching me. My heart pounds faster and faster until I'm about to pass out, my knees buckling and allowing me to fall to the ground.

They twirl the knife in their hand and crouch beside me. "Scared, princess?" they mutter in a deep voice.

I can't help it. I start crying, and they let out a cruel laugh. Before I say anything, they stab me in the thigh before jumping out the window. I howl in pain as a sharp sensation shoots up my leg, crying harder than I ever have before.

"Courtney? Courtney!" someone yells from outside, and I recognize the voice as the king's.

"Are you alright?!" the queen adds, frightened.

"Help," I manage to get out, before blacking out completely.


"She's coming to, be quiet."

My eyes open slowly as I get used to my bright surroundings.

"Are you okay?" Archer asks, holding my hand as tight as possible.

I manage a nod.

"Thank God," whispers the king, looking at his wife. She's holding herself in fear and relief.

"We'll leave you two alone," Archer murmurs, kissing my forehead protectively before he and his father leave. It's just the queen and I now.

"What happened, Evelyn? Courtney called me and told me that you two were on the phone when you suddenly screamed for help."

Trying not to burst into tears, I tell her the whole story.

"Well, I'm glad you're alright." She rubs my hand comfortingly. "Did you see something red on their clothes? Maybe the side of their leg?"

I frown. "Actually, now that you mention it, yes."

"Was it a falcon?"

When I nod, she sighs with anxiety. "Falconrose are already after the Topaz. Their suspicions go to you, since they think you have it. And when they found out you didn't, they probably stabbed you out of anger." She bites her lip. "I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I didn't think you'd get hurt."

"It's alright. Anything to keep Courtney safe," I say quietly, bowing my head respectively.

"I don't mean to pry, but..." The Queen sighs and sits on my bed. "Over the past two years, the bond between Jordan and Courtney has grown stronger. Other tutors she's had in the past call her difficult. Jordan, however, says differently."

"Then she must like him," I respond.

"Courtney despises tutors. Since the age of six, she's had twenty-five different tutors, which is much more than two different ones per year. I fear that, now that she knows what she wants, she's taken a more romantic liking towards him."

"What do you mean by that?"

"She's been betrothed to Prince Nolan since she was ten years old. If she were to start a relationship with Jordan, she'd be upset when it has to end. Also, it's pretty much not allowed. She was born into royalty, and so she can't marry any caste lower than hers. Newglade and Foxien have also had some.. history. This marriage is supposed to bring us together."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize." I hang my head in shame.

She lets out a quiet sigh. "So they are up to something, aren't they." I don't have to answer to confirm her suspicions. "I really need you to tell me everything."


Oh my God we just realized that we're always making this about Courtney SO SORRY

- Zalie :3

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