Chapter Twenty Two

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Evelyn's POV

Archer, Jordan, Courtney and I walk into the castle, the former in conversation with me.

"Oh God, I felt so bad. I thought I made out with my stepsister." He runs his hand through his hair, breathing out slowly.

"I'm sorry you felt like that. Truly." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I should have told you, but we couldn't take that risk."

"Well, at least you don't need to keep doing it." He smiles gently. "And everything can go back to normal."

I open my mouth to ask a question, but Courtney speaks instead. "Where's Isla? I need to talk to her."

"In her room, probably." Archer points towards the stairs. "Can you get her to come down for lunch?"

"Of course." She smiles gently at me before leaving. 

"So, you were saying?" asks the prince, looking into my eyes. 

I almost blush under his gaze. "No, no. Nothing important."


"Give it back!" Courtney giggles, reaching for the lamb chop that Archer is holding just out of her reach. 

"You can always get more." He smirks and stuffs the majority in his mouth. 

The blonde grimaces. "Never mind, you can keep it."

Isla laughs and pulls out her hair tie to redo it, all the while listening to Piper, her friend. They are in deep conversation, and they don't seem to be stopping anytime soon. 

"I'm glad you two are happy again." Queen Marissa smiles softly and takes her daughter's hand, smoothing down her hair before turning to me. "You're welcome to return to your studies at any time, I will personally excuse you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." I nod gratefully. "I think I'll stick around for a little while."

"Very well." She looks around. "Have either of you seen the king?"

"Father? No." Archer sets down his cutlery. "I think the guards arrested someone else, though, so they'd probably like him to talk to them."

A fairly loud crackling fills the dining hall. "Would Her Majesty and Their Royal Highnesses please make their way to the throne room?"

The royal family rise to their feet, and I look up at them. "You may come along if you like. Just don't say anything," the queen murmurs to me, before walking away, leading her children. 

I stay behind Isla as I walk, curious as to what is going on. 

Once we arrive, Courtney gestures to a chair beside hers, and I take a seat. King Alastair is already on his throne, greeting his wife with a curt nod as she places her dainty crown on her head. "Send them in!" he booms once everyone is seated. 

Two servants open the large doors, and two helmeted guards bring a hooded figure into the room. The one on our left raises the hood forcefully, and we're faced with a familiar figure.

"Nia?" Courtney exclaims, but her mother shushes her daughter quickly.

"We discussed the manner of talking in the throne room already." She turns back to the young woman. "Duchess Nia? What brings you here, and in this state? All of Terram thought you were well dead."

"I'm alive, I have been all this time. And I beg of you to ask them to release me. I have only come to return the Terram Topaz, but when the guards found it in my possession, they thought I was part of the Falconrose gang."

"May I speak?" I request politely, forgetting what Queen Marissa had told me. However, she seems to have done so too, for she nods, giving me permission. "She was part of the Falconrose gang, but she's the one who let us out and gave us the name of the cabin so that we could locate them again. I don't see what use she would have with the Topaz, other than returning it to its rightful owners."

Courtney nods slowly in agreement.

"The guards have my satchel. You may take the Topaz." Nia dares to look straight into Queen Marissa's eyes. "I swear on the well-being of Centrum and all that is good in this world, that I am innocent. If you would bother to think otherwise, you are welcome to throw me in prison."

King Alastair beckons for the guard with the satchel with his fingers, and they come forward, bowing respectfully before handing it to the king. He opens it slowly, and sure enough, he pulls the Terram Topaz out of the bag. 

"Very well, then."  The queen smiles gently. "Thank you, Duchess. We will request an airplane to send you back to your family and friends. Have a safe flight."

"Thank you, thank you so very much." Nia nods in gratitude before the guards escort her out. 

Once she leaves, Archer puffs out in relief, and I see him retreat to his regular half-slouch. "Do you have to do that with every prisoner?" I ask Courtney as we leave. 

"Pretty much. It's quite tiresome, but people must not be labelled as wrongdoers before judged by the highest authority possible. It wouldn't be fair." She shrugs, as if to say What can you do?

"Archer?" I walk after him quickly. "May I talk to you? Privately?"

"Yeah sure." He drags me behind a wall. "What's up?"

"Well, I need to ask you a question. It's kind of important."

"Go on..."

"Uh, you know, after everything that's happened." I shuffle my feet uncomfortably. "Will we still be able to, you know-"

"Date?" He keeps his piercing blue eyes on me.

"Yeah, that."

He sighs out quietly, and his firm gaze turns apologetic. "I'm sorry, Evelyn, you're an amazing girl, and I'd love to but.. I'm just not comfortable with it. I keep getting flashbacks of the taboo things I did. It's not you, it's me."

My heart skips a beat. "It's fine. And it is me, it's my fault." I turn around and walk towards Courtney's room, holding the tears back.


If anyone is still reading this, would anyone be interested in making an attractive cover/providing a good image for one? We'll give credit <3 If not, we'll probably keep this ugly one ahaha.

Also, we'll be updating every Tuesday (Eastern Time) so look out for that!

~ Zalie :3

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