New understandings.

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I couldn't help but be pissed with. Ricky, I was mad by Maxs comment on him all over girls..

Watching Ricky flip shit with Max so quickly was kinda scary, and hot at the same time, he like threw Scott off him just to get to him. Felt like some jersey shore type shit.

"FUCKING BULLSHIT."he cursed loudly from the front room.

"I'll be right back." Brian says holding his hand up. Before he walks into the front room getting a hot headed Ricky.

"I'm sorry, Scott.." He says walking to helping Scott up. "Your good bro, calm down though." He says walking him to sit on the bed by me but I only move away from him. Don't really. Wanna be by him after he was taking pictures and getting people's numbers.. Well.. If he even was.. Everything is just so Shady right now.

"Okay someone please tell me what the fuck happened?? And what the deal with Max." Brian says trying to settle everything down as I just turn my head to look at D. She is so into the outbreak, like she is watching fighting right now. Trying not to laugh, at her I just shake my head. She is probably so on Ricky's side right now she loves him like more than any other guy I been with!!

"Fucking bitch that is what he is." Ricky says standing from the bed, damn he was really mad and I didn't know if I should be mad at him too or not because I'm totally into this mad act of his. It's so hot.

"How?" I say without even meaning to covering my mouth so quickly as everyone turned to me.

"What you mean how!?" They all say together.

"I mean how, all he did was tell me what Ricky did." I say obviously.

"No he fucking told you lies to get you a mad at me. I didn't fuck with any girls, yeah I took one picture with I think fans I don't even know because I didn't talk to them!! and that was it I didn't take any of there fucking numbers I talked to Josaer and Nekai the whole time and than went to play football." Ricky says angry, like beyond angry, he kinda was scaring me.
Grabbing his hand i pull him down by me. "You needa calm down." I say softly despite the but if fear I had to be this close to him right now. Feeling his body soften as he leaned against me.

"I'm sorry.. But baby calm down your scaring me alittle." I whisper in his ear for only him to hear placing a kiss on his cheek.
"I thought you and Max where cool when'd all this happen!?" Scott says.

"Since everyone fount out about us..." I answer for them because I feel like Ricky will just get more upset.

"What you mean?" They all say together. Looking at Ricky seeing if he wanted to tell him, he sighed. "We were kinda had a thing before any of you knew," he says holding my hands that are wrapped around his neck. My nice baby is back, making me smile, "But you were with Sean, than." Brian says.

Nodding my head, "and Sean cheated on me before we went on tour remember? Well once we started the tour I was hanging a lot with Justin, well while we were making Sean jealous. We were always hanging out a lot." I say

"Wait so you cheated on Sean!!!!!" D says all happy making me and Ricky both laugh. "No no I've never cheated on anyone ok. We wee just kinda more than what Yall thought, but we never made any moves with one another. Because we were both with someone." Ricky says making everyone look at us with a weird look. "Yall have me so much more confused." Brian says holding his head.

"What they mean was they were fuck buddies but just no fucking." D says bluntly. Making Scott's face drop at her words, "oh my god, what!??"

"Well thanks Dalina." Ricky says making me rest my head on his shoulder smiling softly. "Yall were really good at sneaking!! Jeez." Scott says.

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