Your love..

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Wrapping my hands with Brian and fredo as we huddle up with the crew.

"Guys we need to go out there and do everything we can to make this one of the best nights of there life's, just keep the energy up and make sure even if there is mistakes. Pick me up, and keep going. We got this, go out there an bust some shit up!" Brian says.

"Guys this is our second to last show of this leg, and there has been some bumps in our way and there has been some amazing memories I have spent with you guys. I love you an I'm gratefulfor everyone of u." I say looking over everyone as Brian and fredo both lean down kissing my cheek. "We are grateful for you too." They says.

"Grateful on three. One.. Two... Three.. Grateful." Everyone says breaking.

Hugging and kissing everyone as I hear the count down going down. Just as I was about to run off to my lift ricky stops me, "your gonna give everyone else a kiss but me moonlight?" Smiling up at him I wrap my arms around his neck, "of course not." I say leaning kissing him deeply.. Feeling his hands wrap around me tightly as the kiss got heated. "Guys stop we gotta get on stage now!" Brian says running up to us.

"I'll see you in a few baby." I say pecking his lips once more before running of to my lift.


Waking up earlier me and ricky are both getting all our things together to head of to New York. Well more like Ricky's packing up both our stuff, "baby why are you staring at me?" He says sipping up his suit case laughing.

Smiling softly I walk over to him slowly wrapping my hands around him, "your cute. That's why."

"Oh I'm 'cute'" he says making me giggle as he lifts me wrapping my legs around his hips, feeling his lips brush over my neck, "I think I'm more than cute, cute is what you call your babies. Not your boyfriend."

"Oh you think?" I challenge making him smile pushing me up against the wall, it's kinda turns me on alittle. "So I'm cute cute?" He mumbles kissing my neck softly. Bitting back the moan I wanted to let out I nod my head quickly. Feeling his hands squeeze my ass as he suck on my neck I couldn't hold it anymore. "Baby.." I moaned.

Hearing his cute chuckle vibrate through his body he looks up at me, "if I'm just cute why you moaning?" He says. "Because your extremely hot right now." I say honestly.

"Well that's you all the time moonlight. Now let's back to packing Scott just texted me saying we gotta get to the airport." He says sliding me down his body feeling a very hard member that's got my core doing back flips from the friction.

"Oh..." I say looking up at him as he smirks, "you did that on purpose huh?" I ask

nodding his head I roll my eyes, "such a tease." I groan walking to grab my heals and suit case he had all ready for me. "Nooooo I'm cute remember?" He says laughing.

"Shut up, your not cute. Your a meanie." I say annoyed making him laugh. "Babby you ok? Se em frustrated! Why you rubbing your legs together?"

Shooting him a quick glare as we grab all our stuff walking out our room, "you know why." I say sternly but quietly as we Walk over to the twins.

"I love you moonlight." He whispers kissing my neck quickly.

"You guys ready!?" The twins say together as I glare at ricky making him smile, "yes, let's go." I say bitterly turning to leave the hotel.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear one of them whisper making ricky laugh loudly.

"Nothing!" I snap turning behind.

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