Time to go

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I woke up slowly wrapped all up in Ricky's body, feeling someone behind me I see Alexa passed clean out.

"Alexa.." I shake quietly making her groan rolling around. "Boo you gotta get up your flight is today." I whisper as she sits up pouty. "Ari I'm leaving."

"Awe I know bae." I cry while we hug tightly, "cmon lets go get your stuff ready." I say climbing out of the bed slowly behind Alexa. Walking out my bedroom to hers.

"What time is it? I gotta be at the air port for 10." She says I smile. "I know boo. You got two hours it 8 lets get your stuff together and packed than get you ready. Star and I are taking you." I say as she nods Gathering all her things together.

Once everything was  gathered she put her hair together and than did her make up. Throwing on a onesie. "I'm go out like an Ari." She pouts pointing to her onesie. "Hehe I love you you nosey bitch." I choke wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"I love you bitch so damn much. Ok?" "Ok."

"I gotta go get some shoes I'll be back in a sec than we can leave." I say as she nods.

Grabbing the pair of heals right by my bed side I shake Ricky's body softly running my hand over his stomach he woke slowly. "Yes?"

"I'll be back in a bit ok? Don't leave with out me." I whisper as he nods puckering his lips, hehe. Leaning down I peck his lips and cheeks to his forhead making him grin. "I love you." I whisper grabbing my phone from the night stand fixing to leave as he grab my hand pulling me back, he grabs my face pushing his lips to mine with force.

"I love you, be safe." He mumbles half asleep laying down into the bed."yes daddy." I tease.

Closing the door to the bedroom behind me I walk down the stairs seeing Alexa hugging my moms bye. "We will see you for Christmas dear love you." She tells her.

"Bye mama." I say giving her a hug as well, "hey Ari if I'm going  into the office today for work so I may not be here when you come back." She tells me. "Ok mom have a good day love you."

"Love you mama!" Alexa yells, "I hope I woke up the whole damn house " she says chuckling as we walk outside the house to the truck where star was waiting.

"Hey handsome!" Alexa says, "hi miss Alexa." He says grinning, Awee so cute. "Miss Ari."
"Handsome." I say making him laugh. "Don't let Ricky hear you say that."

"Ole Ricky will have a fit huh star?" Alexa says, rolling my eyes I swat her arm. "He so would not oh my god." I say trying to defend my man. "If it was just some no body yes definitely he's very protective." I say being more honest as they both nod there heads.

"So star are you going with mama Frankie and Ari home to boca for Christmas?" Alexa asks, "I was trying to but miss ari wants me to be with my family."

"Hey it's my birthday you bitch maybe I wanted him to come." Alexa says as I just roll my eyes. "Oh I'm sure. Star already invest so much time in me I want him to see his family. Maybe next year." I say.

"So miss Alexa your birthday is legit on Christmas?" He asks her. "Yes sadly, but hey I share it with baby Jesus so ya know I'm kinda holy." She says oh my god can you get anymore stupid Alexa.

"Oh goodness well hey if you like your birthday that's all that matters." He says.

"Yaaaass star it's an Alexamas. You know we love you?" She says, making him laugh. "Yes ma'am, I love y'all too why I like this job." He says.

"Well I always feel safer when I have my star with me!" I say leaning up pecking his cheek.

"Oh goodness Ricky is gonna kill me." He says. "Star your not afraid of Ricky are you?" Alexa asks such a pot stirrer . "Um no, I'm 2x his size not that he's small because he isn't. But Ricky can fight." Oh no you are right star my baby ain't small, he's mmmm.. "Star you think Ari and Ricky are really in love?" Alexa asks. "Oh my god Alexa!" I snap.

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