Moonlight n Sunrise.

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Feeling the softness brush over my jaw and cheek, and the rubbing up my thigh. I open my eyes to see Ari smiling a toothless smile up at me, "cmon, I wanna take you somewhere." She whispers pushin on my chest to get out of bed.

Slowly getting out of the bed, I look over to her seeing everyone still sleeping in our bed. Chuckling softly to my self I shake my head, walking over I slip on my gym shoes as Ari does her a pair of slippers grabbing her phone. She walks over taking my hand, while we quietly walk out of the room and hotel. Seeing that it was clearly still dark, "Ari where are we going?" I ask as she squeezes my hand softly just leading us Down the side walk.

Reaching the path down to the beach she slides off her shoes setting them on the side walk as she walks down to the water. Watching the sunrise above the water showing her body as a silhouette, smiling at the beautiful site. I walk down to the water beside her, "it's gorgeous isn't it?" She asks looking over the water, "I've never seen anything like it.." I say softly never looking away from her tan face that glistering off sun, in the most non human but so beautiful way. Making her eyes sparkle, and her dimple pop out.

"Are you even looking Richard?" She asks shaking her head turning to me. Taking a step closer I hold my hand out to wrap around her waist, "I'm looking.. At the only thing I ever wanna see anymore. It's more beautiful than anything." I whispers brushing the small piece of hair that flew out of her cute messy bun.

"And what's that?" She asks with emotion, that was on the verge of tears, while she slid her hands around my neck rubbing my hairs softly with her thumb. "It's the one thing that, can make you wonder.. If a sunrise is really beautiful. Because nothing is as beautiful.. As my moonlight." I whisper never breaking my eyes from her large gorgeous ones.

"You know you really have a way with words baby.." She says leaning up to me barely reaching as her lips softly brush mine. Chuckling softly I grab her hips gently lifting her up making her squeal so cutely before my lips captured hers. Pulling her body against mine I wrap my arm under her butt. Feeling her hands slowly wrapping tighter around my neck deepening the kiss.

Searching for breath, I slowly pull away sliding her down back to the sand. "Thank you." I say making her face crinkle up, "for what?"

"For you, because for some unearthly reason you wanna be with me. I don't quite understand still exactly why, but sometime shit just don't make since. But I'm ok with being a little selfish and taking you." I say as she just blinks up at me than looks down grabbing on to my shirt she pulls it up and off me, making me look down at her in confusion.

Until her little fingers run up my stomach slowly and than run off to my side. Looking at her every move she traces over her nickname engraved into my ribs. "Let me trace the lines.. On your- tattooed heart.." She sings so beautifully. As she runs her fingers down my arm to my wrist, "why'd you get this?" She asks softly tracing my heart.

"You know what that means a colored in heart?" She asks again, "Yas.." I say in a tough voice making her let out a soft giggle escape. "Than answer me why'd you get it?" She asks getting serious again. "Because I've been in love with you before you even knew." I say honestly as she looks down between the two tattoos.

"In every universe in this world.. You deserve me you deserve anyone you want Ricky. Your absolutely breath taking and absolutely idiotic, but you are the sweetest most loving person I have ever met. I can write a song about how I love you and how we'll be alright, but it's just a song. Every single moment we spend together, every memory we will have
Together is how I know more and more everyday, that what we have isn't whether one deserves the other or not. It's how I know that this is lasting." She says while I just stand there watching her look over my tattoos in awe.

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