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Feeling really cold for some odd reason I wake up slowly seeing I was all alone in the movie room.

Getting up slowly I take the blanket throwing it over my back walking out the room past the empty living room and up stairs to the bedroom. Just as I was getting to the door I heard whispering in there.

"Yes I know it just happened I'm sorry really but can you like not bring it up.." I hear Ari's voice say. Rolling my eyes not really caring who it is I open the door ignoring whoever even in here and just going to my side of the bed dropping the blanket I crawl into bed looking away from the people.

"Awe speak of the devil." Alexa says, definitely Alexa. Lord only knows what they were talking about. "Awh Ari you made him tired pore babyyyy." She teases, as I just mentally roll my eyes.

"Babe.. You ok?" Ari whispers as I shake my head, "I'm going to sleep. I don't care what y'all talk about I won't listen." I grumble. "Are you grumpy." She giggles running her hand up in down my back.

"Shit that feels good..." I mumble shifting in the bed laying my head in her lap wrapping my arms around her waist, while she giggles rubbing my back. "Ricky your gonna be a daddy." I hear making me jump up. "What?" I ask. Seeing Ari shake her head and Alexa bust out laughing. "She playing you are not dont worry." She says patting her lap, nodding my head slowly I crawl back to just how I was laying before while her nails softly scratch and rub my back.

"You know Ricky Ari really fucks your back up when y'all have sex." Alexa says as I feel another Hand touch my back. "We didn't even have sex." I say.

"Lying isn't nice Richard." She says, looking up to Ari slowly, she is looking down at me nervously. "Seriously you told her." I groan.

"No, she had a fucking dream about is while we were having sex!" Ari hisses at me. "Ew.."

"I know.." Ari says. "Ok I don't want you touching my back right now. Or me at all." I groan getting up moving to the side back to my self. "Um excuse me what?" She asks.

Turning on to my back I glance to the side opening one eye, "I'm mad at you so shh." I say laying one arms out and the other on my chest.

"Um No no mister. Don't you dare." She says feeling her coming closer and closer till her hand was resting in my stomach and bicep. "What?" I ask looking to see her glaring at me ugh. That's great.

"Ok mom, what? Let me hear it what ya gotta say?" I sigh sitting up slight against the headboard.

"Mister you are the one that start it all! You are the one that gets hard every time we try to watch Harry Potter! And your the one that said there sleeping it fine just be quiet." She mocks as I just nod, "hey I was quiet! You weren't!!!"

"Your ridiculous!!" She gasps, leaning over I lift her up over my shoulder jumping up from the bed. "Oh Just shut up!" I tease as she scream my name to put her down. "So Alexa in the dream was she screaming my name like this?" I ask turning to see her covering her mouth from laughing.

"Yes." She says bluntly. "Hmmmmmm, but you didn't do that earlier so in that case Ariana why IN THE HELL WOULD YOU TELL THEM!?" I ask emphasizing each word, "Ricky if you don't put me the fuck down! I swear to god!!!!" She hisses.

"Swear to god what? Huh what you gonna do?"
I ask as she slaps my back. "YOU LEFT A HUMONGOUS HICKEY ON ME AND BITE MARKS! What WAS I SUPPOSE TO SAY?" She yells. "You lie ari!! We did have sex last night they were half fucking asleep when they saw us this morning you know how easy it would have been?" I say spinning her around in a really fast circle, "RICKY! You asshole put me DOWN!"

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