Birthday festivites

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Feeling my body breaking out into a sweat, getting really frustrated with the heat I wake up totally forgetting I was laying with Ricky on the balcony as the sun shined right on both of us. "Good afternoon moonlight." I hear him say scaring the shit out of me. "Holy shit!" I say making him laugh. "You okay baby." He says smiling.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just god I didn't know you were awake." I say holding my chest.

"Just imagen how I felt waking up to holding you. Scared me too!" He says making me blush, "Sowwwey I couldn't sleep good.." I say making him laugh, "I didn't say I didn't like it, but you basically broke what I wanted not to happen." He says making me feel bad..

"I know.. I'm.. Sorry." I say grabbing my blanket to stand for him to only grab my hips pulling me down to him. "Babe stop I'm playing I'm not mad! I just don't want your family and friends think I only care about sex with you..." He says rubbing my back soothingly.

"Ricky.." I say shaking my head, not believing what he was saying. "No babe really.. I don't wnat them to think its that, yes I do like to do that with you very much... Like really love it. But it's more than just that to me.." He says looking up at my face. "Baby... If anybody would assume that, than there completely idiotic of they don't see how much of a sweetheart you are." I say making him roll his eyes, with a smirk.

"Your. Such. A. Sweetheart." I say kissing his lips before each word. "If anyone thinks that I have a problem with them."

"I have a problem with you making me feel like such a better person than I really am!!" He says laughing.
"I'm just saying what's obvious! Your the perfect gentleman." I say smiling proudly at my baby. "Whatever, you say moonlight." He says leaning up pecking my lips. "Let's not get everyone staring at us again, and go inside?" He says smiling as I nod, wrapping the blanket around me tightly be both stand, seeing my family smiling at us. "Well atleast this time it's just Nona mama and Frankie.." I say

"I rather everyone else.." He says nervously. "Don't be so nervous." I say giggling as we walk into the apartment, seeing a smiling grande family. "Goodmorning.. Or evening" i say giggling. While we all walk to the kitchen, I look over to see my Nona wrapped in Ricky's arm. Smiling at the sight, I can't help but feel extremely grateful. He is so good to them, and me.. "Ari do you want anything to drink or eat?" Frankie says with his head in the fridge.

"Can I have some fruit?" I say climbing into the bar stool. Looking at my mom, she is smiling past me. Turning my head confused I see Ricky helping Nona in one of the chairs. "He's so good, I've never seen Nona like one of your boyfriends so much." She tells me quietly.

"He's special." I say softly looking at him closely. "I can tell, Yall are very adorable." She says. Pulling me from Ricky Frankie sets the fruit plate infront me, "what Yall talking about?" He asks.

"Oh nothing, just what Ari is gonna do for her break." Mama says, smirking at her slick move mama. "Oh really what you gonna do!?" Frankie says.

"Uh i don't know I have the mlb show during the break but, other than that's probably relAx do some shooting for the fragrance and writhing." I say as they nod there heads.

"What about your Ricky?" My mom says. Looking over at him, "oh I'm not to sure but for sure going see my family, we will probably have a big party for Fourth of July." He says. "Lots of Spanish dancing?" Nona asks as he looks down at her smiling.

"Oh, you don't even know." He says with a soft laugh. "I was actually gonna ask you if you wanted to go babe. My mom has been bugging me to see you again."

"Do I have to dance??"I ask making them all laugh. "Only if you want to." He says smiling.

"Than yes."

"Please make her dance!!!" Frankie says. "And than video it!!" Mama says rolling my eyes I shake my head. "Y'all are crazy."

"I'll get her to dance with me, and I'll make my sister video it." He says laughing. "You better not!!" I say turning to him.

While everyone laughs, I roll my eyes. "What are we doing today?" I ask.

"We have a party tonight. And since it's already 2 there isn't much to do since everyone is asleep!" Frankie says laughing.

"Ohh, I almost forgot I have a present for you." Frankie says jumping up in down.

"Guys I really don't need anything!" I say as while Frankie just runs away.

Coming back with a lil lavender bag. Pulling the wrapping paper out I see a little box, opening it slowly I see a beautiful god ring with a big lavender diamond. "Ohh my god!" I say covering my face at the sight of the ring.

"This beautiful.." I say looking up at my family as they smile. "You like it?" Frankie asks all giddy. "Like no I love it." I say jumping from the stole on his arms.

"Happy birthday belisima grandpa would be so proud of you." He whispers in my ear. "Thank you..." I say with my voice cracking as a few tears fall.

Pulling outta the hugs, I walk to the kitchen fixing my self a cup of coffee.

Walking to the table I sit besides now across from ricky. "Let's play cards!" Frankie offers as me him mom ricky and Nona all agree.

"Bout making bets grande?" Ricky asks as nonna shuffles the cards. "Hmm, we could...what's the offer?" I challenge with a smirk.

"Say I win.. Or when I win you have too let me hear the song. And dance with me for Fourth of July, wait no scratch that.. You have to let me dance for be my babby..." He says with a cute smirk making me laugh, "okay.. And when you lose.. Your gonna have to become the real Frankie.." I say making him scrunch his face confused.

"You have to get glittered up by Frankie and post a picture saying his is your boyfriend." I say laughing as Frankie is clapping excited. Ricky stands up smiling, "your on moonlight." He says so sweetly as he hold his hand out for me to shake. Taking it slowly I shake it while giggling.

"Let's get started nonna." I say makin her chuckle, shaking her head.


While a few new people gather around the table as the game got really intense between ricky and I, you could see the table divided as the game came down to the last hand. To the last card, I smirk up at ricky "I'm out." I say laying my cards down to show.

While half the table cheered I just smiled big looking at ricky that was sitting down in the chair with defeat. Giggling softly to my self I stand from the table ignoring everyone as I slide into his lap wrapping my hand around his neck.

"I love you ricky.."I say as I peck his lips multiple times until he started to smile and laugh with me. "Stappppppp.." He says wrapping his arms around my waist standing from the chair holding me up. "I will win our next bet.. And it will be a good one. " He says As I just roll my eyes, "Frankie come get Frankie junior read.. For y'all's couple portrait." I say smiling as ricky just glares cutely with my retarded excited brother coming to grab him. While ricky slowly let's me down leaving me to just feel my victory with my few people that are up.

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