First kill

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Insanity. Its such a storng word, but if you really think about it were all crazy! Some peopls reality is just a bit more fun then yours. For instance my reality is comepleatly upsidown and twisted, sickened in blood and smiles a deseas that can never be rid of. But my family and i bask in our world and i could never ask for more.

Harley runs around the abandon hospital laughing looking around playfully "were aaaarrrreee youu?" She sung, wen the sound of foot steps echoed from down the hall, her grin widened wen she saw the figure run to hide behind the corner of the wall "oh damn i guess your not here then might as well check floor 6" she said walking in place making it sound as if she left wen in reality she was nearing the corner she poped around making a face "BLLAAH!" She yelled and a little girl around 2 with pure white skin and green blonde hair squeeled laughing she scrambled to her feet to run from harley, harley laughed and scooped the child up in her arms "gotchya!" She exclamed as the girl laughed harder as harley began ticking her all over  "whos mommys little monster?" The girl shouted threw her laughter "i hehahah i hehaha am! HEHEAHA" the child squeeled  harley kissed her dayghters soft pudgy cheeks wen they heared a blood curdleing scream of a man echo down the hall, harley smiled at her baby "ooooheha! Sounds like daddy braught home a guest, why dont we go welcome him?" The child nodded excidedly and harley skipped down the hall with her angle in the arms wen they came to a stop at 2 large steal doors were the screaming was comming from harley walked in and jokers head spun around to see who it was ready with his crow bar but relaxed wen he saw them and shot a pissed look into harleys eyes "harley?!" He snapped but harley just smiled "hiya puddin!" "Wat the hell are you still doing here!? I told u we had to move hide outs last night!!" His eyes getting darker with anger and a bead of sweat dripped down harleys face setting down her child who looked around curiously at the blood that splattered the room, "we-well ya puddin, but we thaught we'd wait for ya heha" she laughed nervesouly and continued "smile wanted to wait for ya angel" joker was about to hit her wen the sound of a metal pipe hit the floor making both parents look back instinctevly ready to defend there precious daughter. Jokers expressioned relaxed wen he saw his princess struggled topick up a  short broken off pipe, she fell back in the pool of blood and dropped the pipe as she started splashing and drawing in the blood laughing , joker laughed with pride and waltzed over to his spawn "oohhhHehA now thats my little princess! But let me show u how to have some real fun smile my girl! " he said with a grin and crouched down next to his daughter and pointed to the beaten bloody man chained to the floor he was barley still alive and his blood decoraited the room beautifully. He pointed amd said "now princess this man is a very bad man, see? HehA, this man is the one that took me away the other week and tryed to hurt your mommy by putting her away in a verry awful place" he said frowning  as the little girl looked up at him curiously her green and bleach blonde mixed curls splattered in the blood she was playing in she took in every word her father said as he spoke. "And u see baby wen bad men, like this man here get in your way theres ongly one thing you should do" he explaned "wats that daddy?" She asked glancing at her mom breifly for an answer but harley keped scilent being in hot watter allready, "you KILL THEM!" He shouted frightening his little girl as soon as he noticed the look of fear on her face he scrooped her up and in her arms "come now smile daddy didnt meen to scare youuu" he said in a slight baby voice. "Im just getting my point across, that wen bad people like mr.officer here. Get in your way you HAVE to kill them OR you might never see me and mommy again. Thats why im killing this man. Cause i l-love you and mommy very much" he said with a grin his daughter smiled back and he handed her a knife "now you see dear its all how you tell the joke that well decide how your going to succseed in life and the punch line is always the best part even if people dont get it, now go and tell the punch line make daddy proud" he gently nuged the 3 year old to the dying man the knife in her small hands she was catious obviously nervous as she climed up the mad making him scream in pain as she steped on his wounds she kneeled on his chest making him choke on his own blood she was hesatant to kill the man, wen she heared her daddy laughing at her actions and harleys incouragement a wide sick grin crossed the girls innocent face and stabbed the mans throught dragging it across he had a breif scream and then became still, smile watched as the light disapear from his eyes and began to laugh covered in the mans blood joker lifted her up in the air happily and spun her around. "Thats my girl!!!" And the family laughed manically at there daughters first kill.

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