Rules of life

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3 year old smile sat on the floor the 2 hyenas lying around her protectivally. Harley sat on the floor behind her daughter braiding her long curly locks down her back and joker paced infront of them, "now smile my girl, lets talk the family biz" he said with a chuckle "now to carry on my Legacy and make your mother and i proud you must fallow all of our rules of life" he jestured to the front of the room with a slight bow "harley girl come up and help me educate our princess" harley hoped up from the floor obediantly and quickly went up to the front with an egar smile. Ever since smile had been born joker had been treating her more...human i should say, even though he still smaked her around not that she cared, it just turned her on. It was actually in the middle of a brutal beating she was getting did the two start to have a night of fiery passion the resaulted in there daughter they have today.

Harley jumped up next to him "RULLLE #1!" She anounced and joker cleared his throught "life is a joke! And the way u live is how u tell it! And how you survive is how the punch line gose!, now this all may seem verry confusing but on the contrary my dear. Its all verry simple" he says with a smile pacing back and forth as if instructing troops prepairing for battle. "Now why life is a joke my princess, is because the whole world! EeevvEERY one IN IT! Are running around in there wheels like the hamsters they are! Always playing by the rules! And never actually living! Now.." He comtinued as he pulled out a deck of cards and shuffled them then held them out for her to pick one so smile couldnt see wich one it was "go on! Pick a card! Any card!" He exclamed the girl smiled and took a card joker smiled and stood back up "now. Wats your card mah'dear?" She held up the card for him to see and a wide grin spread over his lips "ooHehEHOOOHAA! Now you my dear! Are a joker!" He says with pride "you are the most honored and unexpected card in the deck! And thats wat makes you so amazing! You domt fallow there book and you do things no one would expect! Your like a pinyata! No one knows wat to expect! And thats wat makes it FUN! HehehooohOHo" the child started bouncing in excitement "i love suprises!" She exclames and joker jumps in joy "HEhA of course you do baby! Your a chip of the old block!" He clears his throght again and instrucs harley with a look she smiles "RULE 2!" She announces loving to be of ANY help to her phychotic lover. "How to tell a joke! Now to do this u must keep in mind of rule one dear thats very important! To tell a joke it dosent have to be funnyHehA cause either way your gonna get them to smile" he says grinning  wider  "for example the best kind of comity is physical comity! Wich meens that wen pain is inflicted its the best kind of joke! But to execute this u must remember some rules to the rule! *timing *pacing *execution! Remember those smile dear" he said in a firm but calm tone and she nodded and joker continued. Now first u must think of a plan carfully, you must know the location and time ur going to apear, BUT you never let others in om the joke! Exceped me and your mother!! We are the ongly ones you tell!-" harley then interjected "and thats because we love you sweetie and want ya to be safe" joker glared at her growling for interupting and harley laughed nervously he was about to swat her wen smile coughed and remembered he was in the middle of a leasson. He cleared his throught and offered me a warm smile "thats right princess we love you. And also you must always have a back up for your plan incase certian ppl show up" he said the last part with a growl and smile interjected "you meen the monster?" He smiled "yes dear the monster, he and his monster freinds are the ones always trying to take me and mommy away. Hes a very bad monster and so are his freinds! There just as evil! And some how he always shows up! How the hell do u keep finding me bat man!?! I just wanna rrrrrIP! That mask off and carv! A nice BIG SMILE-" harley then nudges him to calm down motioning torad there daughter that she was getting uneasy about the topic of the evil batman,  He cleared his throught again as he was getting off track and continued calmly with a smile "any-whOo~ were was i?... Oh yes thats right! You always need a back up joke thats why you always have your knives and guns with u and wen your older joker bombs hehahoo~ heha, thays why we have been teaching u how to use them dear. So u never get taken away by that monster. Also to tell a joke you need to keep on smileing threw it cause if u dont, how well anyone else know wat to do? HehO i meen a smile can be so contageous you know" he sad taping his daughters nose making her giggle , "RULE 3!" Harley announced "now this one is very important but to do it the other 2 rules must be fallowed exactly! Now rule 3 is the PUNCH LINE! Now not everyone is going to get the joke, thats the painful truth of comity. And you always take shots wen folks dont get the joke! See not alot of people get me and your mothers jokes so we usually get taken away by those monsters i was talking about. But no matter wat you have to make them laugh! Even if they dont want to! Cause as they sayy, laughter. IS. The best medician!"

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