Anty pamy!

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Harley and smile stood outside ivys apartment door the street lamps still on and the sky dark being it was  just 3am...well it was JUST  3am to harley but to smile this was just rediculous she could be spending these precious  hours sleeping peacfully in her bed but instead shes out here in the slums of gotham standing in the cold. Smile yawned sleepily as her mother rapped on the apartment door "pamy!!" She shouted "pammy open up! Its harls! Please i need you!" She shouted continuosly banging loudly at the door "mom shh! Someones gonna come out and see us" smiles said irritabily harley paused and gave her daughter a smile "now huney children are to be seem not heard" she said sweetly smile rolled her eyes and crossed her arms to keep warm and harley banged on the door again "pammyyyyy!!" She shouted louder "HEY! SHUT THE HELL UP YOU CRAZY BROAD IM TRYIN TA SLEEP" a man shouted angrily from his window three floors down "YOU SHUT IT YA SHMUCK!!" Harley snapped back Smile face palmed at her mothers come back wen ivys door swong open a fumeing pamila standing in the door way "harley! Wat the hell are u doing its 3 in the morning!" She snapped harley didnt seem to notice her best freinds sour mood and squeeled happily throwing her arms around her freind "oh pammy i missed ya!" She exclamed ivy sighed pinching the bridge of her nose as if the whole ordeal was causeing a head-ache  harley backed up keeping her arms around pams neck a large grin on her face "wow red u sure can sleep! I thaught ud never wake up!" Ivy staired at her obviously tired "i wish i never did" she said dead panned harley meerly laughed "oh red ur such a character! And u say ya dont gotta sence of humor" ivy just staired at her irritaited and then sighed in defeat to tired to argue "get in here u wacko" she said as she walked back inside harley clapped her hands happily with a squeek and picked up her suitcase "come on baby grab ur bag" she instructed as she walked inside the hyenas at her heels Smile groaned and stood up dragging her bag in after her mother, wen she entered the small apartment ivy walked up and shut the door behind them locking all 6 locks then turned back to harley as she threw down her suit case "wow red great place ya got here" she said but obviously ivy wasnt paying much attention and went into the kitchen to turn on some tea "harls why are u here?" She asked harley skipped into the kitchen and hoped up to sit on the counted next to the stove "aw come on red cant a girl just drop by" she said kicking her legs back and forth. Ivy slowly turned her head to look at her with an annoyed blank stair at this harleys shoulders slumped and her smile dropped "aw damn red ya got me. Mr.J is being stupid" she pouted "isnt he always" ivy quipped taking out three mugs from the cabnit  harley shot her a glare "no." She shot back sticking out her toung "he didnt hit you again did he" ivy asked harley smiled "nope not this time. He...hes just" harley glanced back at Smile who sat on the couch exsostid as the hyenas jumped around her laughed and barking she noticed her daughter could be less then interested in there conversation and saw it safe to continue she turned back to pamy and lowered her voice leening in closer to her freind "puddins got bird boy locked up in our basement" she whispered, this seemed to wake ivy up "he has who?!" She shouted wide eyed harley looked at her in panic "shh shh! Red keep it down!" Harley said threw her teeth and glanced back at Smile to see she had passed out she let out a breath of releif and turned back to pamila "i dont wanna scare smile she dont know" ivy put her hand on her hip "how come" she snapped back harley gave her a guilty look "aw come on pam shes just a kid" ivy put her hand to her face and then began to message her temples "ok ok, why in the hell dose he have HIM in your basement!? I meen i know hes a fucking idiot but seriously" "cut him some slack hes trying to be a good daddy smile was seen by the kid so J's cleaning up the mess" harley defended ivy quickly looked up at the blonde "she left the hideout?" She asked emediantly more concerned with her neice then the clowns stupidity harleys smile droped "ya the kid musta gotten antsy or somethin" she said glancing back sadly at her daughter "thaught id lost her" she said sadly more to herself then ivy, ivy smiled simpitheticly and placed her hands over harleys "but you didnt harls shes ok. Shes safe" she reasured her harley looked back at her tears glazing over her blue eyes "ya but now puddins got the bird in our basement and if the bat finds them he could find Smile and take her away and wat if the bird already told him about her! I cant loose her red! he cant take my baby!!" harley then broke down into sobs shaking all over ivy helped harley down from the counter and held her sobing freind in a tight hug slowly stroking her hair "shhhhhhh its ok harls nothings going to happen to her no one is taking Smile away from you " she cooed soothingly as she slowly rocked harley back and forth "you-you promise" harley chocked out with a loud sniff ivy held her tighter and locked eyes on the sleeping girl on her couch "yes" she said firmly "i promise harl nothing well happen to that girl" harley nodded snuggling her face into her freinds shoulder ivy kissed the top of her head and shut off the kettle smileing down at her "come on lets get you two settled" she said whiping a tear from harleys cheek harley smiled whiping her nose on her arm "really red? We can stay?" She asked her voice cracking with tears ivy cupped her face gently "as long as u like" she said sweetly taking harleys hand and leeding her back to smile. Ivy picked up there suitcases and harley picked up Smile still fast asleep careful not to wake her she fallowed ivy down the hall to harleys room..well it was technically a 'guest room' but seeing how harley was the ongly guest ivy ever got and was there 98% of the time ivy just made it into harleys own room with some of her clothes and toletry and makeup and a red comfiter to boot. Harley gently layed Smile on the bed and draped the comfoter over her kissing her cheek ivy set down the bags and smiled "ill let you to get some sleep" harley quickly ran over to her freind and leeped into her arms "thanx red ur a life saver" she exclamed ivy chuckled "wat are freinds for" she said with a yawn "now go to bed crazy im exsostid" she said teasingly harley nodded and began to strip into her pajamas "love ya red" she whispered loudly "love ya harls" she responded quietly shutting the bedroom door harley happily hoped into bed next to her daughter and fell asleep.

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