Our guest

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Smile stumbled a bit as her father nuged her into the room joker grinned a slimy wide joker grin and steped in after her closing the door behind them smile stayed scilent as her eyes stayed locked on the boy crumpled in a bloody beaten heap on the floor it was the boy from the night she had gone out the one in the funny clothes she wasnt in technical horror at the scene shed seen much worse obviously but she was sertently confused why had her father braught him here  it seemed like such a waist. Smile was snaped out of her thaughts wen joker placed his hand on her back and pushed her closer to the boy he stood her directly infront of him chuckleing in amusement "oooooohhhh ROOOOObbbiiinnnHehahahaA" he said circleing around the boy with no responce joker growled impatiently and kicked the boy in the side "speak to me wen im talking to u!" The boy shakilly started to push himself up off the floor joker laughed and kicked him again making him hit the floor with a cry of pain "ooOOHeha! Someones still got SOME PEP hehaAhHaA" joker did a little trirl and droped down to the floor next to the boy and firmly griped his chin forcing him to look up at me his swallen bloodyed face seeming to be irritaited with the whole ordial joker pointed up to me with a grin "i beleive you to have met, am i right?" Joker said grinning the boys unswallen eye widened a bit smiled eyes locked onto them unable to look away robin staired in confusion and glanced at joker "oooooOOOO I just LOVE bringing people together!" He cheered and droped robins chin leting his face hit the floor robin grunted in pain and tryed to sit up again joker wagged his finger at his feble attemps "nu-uh-uh your befor royalty bird brat!" He shouted kicking the boy again making him fall on his side "you bow befor a princess" he said in a regaly mocking way jesturing torad me robin glanced up at me "shes the whole reason uve been lucky enough to be a guest in my humble abode, hehA u should be thanking her! Kissing her shoes for christe sake! For giving u this RARE and most AMAZING oprotuninty!!" He shouted to the sky he nudged me closer "go on dear introduce yourself" he encouraged gently smile still confused swalled clearing her throat and gave the boy a joker like grin "the names Smile Quinn good ta see ya again" i said brightly the boys brow furrowed "quinn..?" He managed to choke out spitting blood onto the floor joker kicked him in the jaw "DID I SAY YOU COULD TALK?!" He shouted angrely  he then straightened out his coat and tie quickly back to his sadisticly calm image "and yes dear boy Quinn. She took after her mother in the name department, but u can see were she got her looks from" he said with a cheeky grin adjusting his tie again "w-wa?" Robin responded in a raspy beaten down voice "damn u birds are dumb aint ya" joker said knocking on robins head like a door "THIS.IS.MY.DAUGHTER" he said slowly as to not make it hard for the dumb bird to understand The boys face went pail as a sheet as he staired up at us in horor joker grabed a fist full of his hair pulling his head up from the cement floor  "and unfortunetly YOUR the one who stumbled across her on her littlee~...venture hA and i cant have u running around spreading storys u stupid bird!" His personailty change like a quick flip of a coin robin then spat some blood onto the jokers face joker slamed robins face into the cement and stoop up whiping off his face with a hankey "now that was just rude. I invite u into my home let u be in the pressance of my daughter and this is how u repay me!? Not even a thank u to my lovely princess for extending this invitation?" He asked mock-offended  robin gared from under his torn mask "go to hell freak" he said venumously joker growled at him angrely  and kicked him in the nose breaking it with a loud crack robin cried out in pain blood spilling from his now crooked nose joker laughed "HahA! I guess bats didnt teach u birds any manners did he HA!" Joker then ajusted his purple leather gloves with a sick amused grin "now princess go back up to ur mother while i tend to our guest. Properly" he spoke the last word in a dark cold tone Smile nodded and quickly ran back up the stairs to her mother like the obediant pup she was as smile etntered the main levle of the harley had finished cleaning up the glass and prepairing dinner for the joker "hiya sweetie! Watdya daddy want?" She asked chearily as she tossed some raw meat at the hyenas they began tearing into it growling and fighting over the large bloody slab smile shrugged "its that kid i met wen...wen i snuck out daddys giving him a special welcome" she said casually and walked over to the kitchen and poped a chip from the bowl on the counter into her mouth harley slowly stoped cutting the veggies on the counter and slowly looked torad her daughter "he  brought  Him here?!" She asked shakily  i quirked an eye brow at her "mama u ok?" Smile questioned harley shot her a nervous smile "uh-hu ya baby everythings  hunky-dory, heha....mamas just gotta go talk to daddy ok" she said dropping the knife and quickly making her way down the stairs to the abandond solitary confinement room dad was currently held up in, smile shruged and picked up the knife she took a step over the fighting hyenas and began to wall around her home in boredom she whistled for the dogs and the happily trotted after her laughing loudly smile flipped the knife in the air ketching it over and over as she thaught of the ways she could fill up her time. 'Why dont we sneak out again' spoke her other personality smile rolled her eyes "ur an idiot. Im not getting beat cause YOUR bored" smile retorted catching the knife again 'hey your just as bored as me. And just think of all the fun we could have? We could go slit some throats, or burn some buildings or blow up the police station!' Said the voice in a twisted way of excitement smiles lips slowly curled up into a wide grin "hmmm. No" she said quickly letting her grin fall Her other self scoffed 'kill joy' "nutt job"  'hey your the one who created me! Remember?! Your the nutt job!'  " no! Im fine! Mama says im perfectly sane!"  'Moms crazy to u moron!'  " no shes not!" 'Wat do u think ur gonna acomplish in here all day?! Ur not doing anything but training u havent even killed the hench men in a few weeks!'  "Theyve been with dad all that time!"  'So wat do you really think ur gonna acomplish anything being this lazy!? Your such a god damn disapointment! Thats the reason why joker hits u! Cause ur a worthless mistake! He didnt even want u!' "Stop it..."  'Why u know its true! He dosnt love you dads NEVER loved u! He tryed to kill mom wen he found out about u! Remember wat mom told us! Hes ongly keeping u around cause he pittys your pathetic exsistance!' Smile clamped her hands over her ears droping the knife to the floor "stop it!" She shouted at the voices in her head 'no! Its true its all true! U worthless sack of shit! I bet mom dont even care about you! She probably ongly keeps u around cause joker says to! And he ongly wants u so he can keep expearimenting on u!' "Thats not true he loves me! Mommy and daddy love me!!" She shouted back pain rittleing her voice as she droped to her knees tears building up in her eyes 'god damn!! Look at u! Now ur crying?! God ur so worthless. So weak. This is why dads gonna just keep u around till hes bored then hes gonna kill ya' "NO!" 'And moms just gonna sit back and watch..but it dosnt matter they can just have another. They could have jj the son theyve always wanted' her voice said in a dark crule tone smile was now crumpled into a ball shaking and sobbing to herself her hands tightly gripping her hair "n-no mommy loves me she dose" she argued weakly 'you should do it' taunted the voice smile curled up more into herself "no..." She said her voice cracking  in tears ' yes you should, i can end it all.. I can end all of your pain' she encouraged smile shut her eyes tight "no." She said trying to sound stronger then she felt at the moment 'just let me have control for a moment theres a knife right there u wont even feel it...probably.' "No! No!! No!! NO!!!" Smile began to scream louder and louder and her voices keped trying to push her over the edge harley stoped her argument with the joker ubruptly wen she heard the blood chilling screams of her baby her face althow u couldnt tell from under her face makeup had turned whiter then the joker she quickly sprinted up the stairs "SMILE!?" She shouted in terror she made it up to the main floor and heared her daughters screams from down the hall harley fasted then she had ever ran befor bolted to her baby she stoped in horror at the sight befor her Smile crumpled in a shaking heap screaming and crying her hands gripping her hair so tight it looked as if she was gonna tear it out "SMILE!" She shouted she felt as if she was gonna vomit she droped to the floor beside her daughter and quickly lifted her stiff body off the cold floor away from the whining hyenas that were obviously conserned  harley pulled her into her lap craddleing shaking angle tears welling up in her eyes "smile, smile baby?" She said in a soft voice of fear she shakily brushed smiles green locks off of her face and gently stroked her cheek "baby girl? Hunny? Can u hear me baby?!" She asked more paniced now she grasped her daughters tight fist and pried it out of her hair and sliped her own hand into smiles holding it tightly "come on sweetie. Calm down shhhhhh shhhhh mommys here baby. Come on sweetie" she said trying to desperatly calm down smile she held her closer to her chest pulling her whole body onto her lap slowly rocking her back and forth "smile. Smile baby! Come on sweet heart!! Come on baby whos mommys little monster! Please come back to me baby girl!!" Harley pleaded and held her daughter closer soothingly stroking her soft hair "hush little baby dont say a word. Mamas gonna kill for you the whole damn world."harley sang in one last desperat atempt. smile slowly began to calm down and clutched to her mother tightly harley rested her cheek on her daughters head stroking her hair "was it the voices again baby?" She asked in a monotone voice Smile nodded a tear rolling down her cheek, harley let out a sigh "wat happened" at her qustion smile looked down at her still trembleing hands "mommy...do..do you love me?" She asked trying to hold back more tears harley looked down at her daughter in shock "baby. Is that wat this was about?" She asked trying to get a look at smiles face Smile mearly shruged refusing to make eye contact as this harley grabed her chin gently and lifter her head to look at her "Smile of course i do. Your my baby girl and ill always love you."she said with a reasuring smile brushing a strand of hair behind smiles ear  "wat on earth would make you think i didnt?" She asked smiles lip began to wuiver again "she did" she answered plainly harley nodded knowing whom her child was refering to she kissed smiles forehead and held her close "well dont listen to her."she said firmly "shes nothing but a bully and a lier who takes joy in upsetting u" harley wanted so bad to kill the one tormenting her sweet angel but the most frustraiting part was she would never beable to get to her for the little bitch lived in smiles head probably taunting her as they spoke smile lifted her head locking her blue eyes with her mothers own blue ones "so u dont think im stupid or a mistake or a disgraceful dissapointment?" Smile asked her voice with tears threatening to pour over again this broke harleys heart she gave her daughter a sad but reasuring grin "no baby. I love you and your the compleat oposit of everything u just said. Your smart and strong and funny and beautiful and ur not a mistake a mistake is something u regret and i definetly dont regret a single second of u being here and being my baby and im so proud of u" she said genuenly smile did her namesake and smiled up at her mother resting her head back on her boozem "daddy loves me to dosnt he?..." Harley heasitaited at this question her puddin was a complicaited man but she knew he loved them..sure he was...rough around the edges but underneath that he was a real angel harley thaught with a dreamy smile "ya baby daddy loves ya" they sat on the floor harley slowly rocking smile in her arms intill she drifted off to sleep harley jumped wen a puple gloves hand placed its self on her shoulder harleys head snaped back but realaxed wen she saw it was her puddin standing above her he held his finger to his lips signaling for her to be quiet he bent down and lifter his daughter from his wifes lap harley stood up after him and fallowed as joker carried a sleeping smile back to her room he lay her on the matress on the floor and placed the old ragidy ann doll in her arms he snapped signaling the hyenas to lay on the matress with her the hyenas quickly obeyd  joker steped out of the room quietly shutting the door behind him harley glared at him "were not done" she whispered angrely joker rolled his eyes "oh shut it harls. Were fine your fine im fine shes fine hes fine there fine WERE ALL FINE" he said irritably as he stalked away down the hall harley began to steam with anger and marched down the hall after him "no were not! U have robbin in our basement!" She said with anger joker meerly waved her off wile giving her a mock yawn "blah blah blah. Your point?" He said harley raised an eye brow "uh hello! Robin. ROBIN. Who do u think is gonna pop up once they know hes gone!?" Joker chucked at her "ha. He wont find us" harley threw her hands up in frustration "yes he well! He always dose! Like every time! Even if we dont pop up for a few months he finds us!! And wat do u think hes gonna find wen he dose?!" She said exsaspersited " he ha take a chill pill harls bats wont know a damn thing i leeft all the birds crap at the ally in gothoms north end and tge kids getting transported later at sunrise so the bat and his possy of flying rodents are none the wiser relax" he said with a grin harley stoped and crossed her arms glairing at him "fine be that way ya stupid clown! But im taking smile to pamys so YOU dont get her taken away from me!!" She shouted after him tears of frustraition in her eyes joker made an abrupt stop and spun around to her  with a dark  Look in his eyes "your lucky i have a new toy to punch around in the basment tonight or id beat u down into the CEMENT FOR SPEAKING TO ME THAT WAY!" He shouted making harley flinch and cower back as quickly as his anger came it went away with a flick of a switch  he gave her a smile and piceted on his heel back around to continue down the hall "tell pamy i said heloooohehahHaha" he said with a wave harley quickly recovered from his little episode and went up to there room and began packing some clothes and toiletrys she didnt know how long theyd be staying but she knew how much red adored her little neice even thow they havent seen eachother since smiles 7th birthday party she finished up packing and luged the heavy suitcase down the hall to smiles room she opened the door and took her spare suitcase and threw it down on the floor open the loud bang startled smile out of her sleep and she sat up quick as lightning "im up!" She shouted harley payed her no heed and continued to pack her daughters suit case "get up baby and grab some things u wanna take with u were heading to ant pamys house" smile rubbed her eyes with a yawn "why?" Harley quickly made her way around the room and grabed some more things she would need "cause mommy said so now get your tush moven" smile sleeply obayed and stood up from the matress and grabed some toys and her butterfly knife and playing cards from under her pillow and droped them in the suitcase except for the butterfly knife wich she stuck in her back  pocket harley latched the suitcase shut and handed it to smile and picked up her own on the way out of the room "babys!!" She yelled prompting bud and lue to wake up and excitedly run after harley "come on smile show some hussle!" She shouted smile groaned and sleepily fallowed her mother.

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