Hey its us smilehood

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"Hiya suckers! Your favorite clown here to tell you some news on the next chapter!" Smile cheers wildly hood sits on the couch near her taking a long drag of his  cigarette  He held the burning smoke in his lung as he spoke "calm down crazy" he said and blew the smoke to the side as to not get it in her face smile crawls across the couch over to his lap a suductive smirk playing on her lips "aw dont pout sugar" she purrs and brushes her lips against his ear "you had just as much fun as i did" she said lightly biting at his ear lobe hood rolled his eyes with a smirk and pushed her off the couch smile lands on the floor with a thudd making hood chuckle before taking another drag of his cigerette "ya watever dont spoil it then if ur so damn excited why ruin it for them" smile pouted at this crossing her arms over her chest "aw your no fun" she said and stuck out her  tongue  at him hood then looks back at the audience "ya well the next chapter is" he says with a wink making smile burst into more laughter "your such a nerd! HeHaha~" she laughs to herself climbing back onto the couch but befor she reaches hood to kiss his neck she turns to the audiance her eyes dark and a sedistic grin spread over her lips "see you next time" she says  making hood give her a pointed look "you ok?.." he asked curiously making smile bite her lip "oh just peachy" she replys.

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