Tun 'O fun

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Smile lay on her bed in there new hideout, an old boat house outside gotham she lay anxiously jittering her leg wen she finnaly couldnt stand it anymore "god this is so irritaiting!" She shouted 'wat? The silence? Its been 2 miniutes' her other self said smirking "no u dummy! Dad" she bit back. It had been 3 days since jokers capture and no one had made any atempt to break him out of arkham, harley had said that joker would get out wen he didnt think it was funny anymore and god knows how long that well take smile hoped out of bed and straped on her leg holster with her glock in it and straped her throwing knifes in her belt along with her joker bombs and amo 'are we going out ?!' Asked her voice excitedly "uh doy im bored" smile said picking up the knife her dad got her and put it in her bra with a smile lastly she packed her acid playing cards a gift from her mother and some exploding gumballs "mom well be fine for a few hours" she said aplying her makeup 'oooooo!!!! I LOVE IT!' Squeeled her other self , smile then grined pleased with her aperance and slipped out her window onto the dock the air reaked of fish and salt watter making smile wrinkle her face in disgust "moms right. Fish suck" she scoffed kickin a dead fosh at the wall splatting it against the wood she giggled to her self and cartwheeled away into the city. As smile entered the narrows of gotham she smiled and outstreached her arms taking a deep breath taking in all of the smog and polition she let put a saticfied sigh "ah gotham ur smell of urin and gasoline sooth me heha"  she skipped down the sidewalk twirling her knife in her hands wen she felt a pair of eyes trained on her she glanced around as she did a cartwheel twisting into a slow back flip as to not make it obvious that she knew who ever it was, was infact watching she laughed and dashed down an alley running threw its trists and turns her joker like laughter echoed all around she could hear the heavy footsteps behind her splashing in the sewage she spun around to face her stalker in a fit of laughter her joker like grin streaching across her lips it was eerie how much she resembled her father sometimes the man skidded to a stop a fee feet infront of her it was a man in a leather jacket two pistol holsters on his belt and a red helmet that covered his face smile laughed harder "oh my god hahahaha! Its black masks cousine! Burn victom!! HehahahaHAHahA!" The man glared at her sharply underneath his mask he was a strong  build and taller then her his leather gloved hands clenched into tight fists  "dont tell me dont tell me!" She said trying to catch her breath "kitchen accident? HahehHahAahahah" she laughed harder and in a flash the man had her pinned up against the brick wall of the alley a gun to her head . Smiles grin widened and she looked up at him tauntingly "oooo! Pretty pretty! Heha!" She said tilting her head to the side "wats that gonna do hu? Hehaha ya gonna kill me?! Hahaha" she said lurtching foward her nose just grazing his mask she licked her lips "thats sounds like fun" she said her smile twitching upward more a dangerous light danced in her eyes she quickly grabed onto the gun and fliped over the mans arm he shouted in pain as his bone cracked smile laughed holding her stomic as mirth filled her eyes "damn i love that part! HehahA"  she shouted to the sky spinning atound in a circle her arms putstreached her face turned to the smogy sky, wen the man bent down and pulled out a tacktical blade from his boot and charged at her smile flipped to the side and kicked him in the head but he kept charging at her swinging the blade back and forth as she dodged "ya know wat if i didnt know any better id say u wanted to cut me up! Heha" she lunged foward letting the blade cut her cheek she ran at him her knife drawn but he simply side steped out of the way she summersaulted to her feet and grinned as she bent foward her ankles crossed and her pointed fingers on her dimples "bam!" She shouted bursting into a fit of giggles a small beeping alerted him to the joker bomb she had atached to his belt he fumbled to undo it "nu-uh-uh" she tisked and pressed the trigger  button on her bracelet under her cuff the bomb went off and thick bright orange smoke erupted through the ally conceiling the man and smile in the laughing toxin  her smile widened as she heard faint coughing from the billow  she turned on her heal to leave "wel'p it was nice knowin ya" she said wen sudently the man jumped down ontop of her sending her on her back with a hard thudd she grimanced at the pain and then began to laugh smirking flirtatiously at the man who held a blade to her throat "oooheha. Movin on ta third base are we? I gotta tell ya thow i dont usually pork on the first date" she licked her lips "well ya gonna do somethin or wat? " he remained quiet smile let out a breath of impatientce and rolled her eyes "well if ur not gonna do something" she said in a far more darker tone her smile twitching with annoyance "then stop waiting my time!" She shouted, her other self had taken over she wraped her legs tightly around his waist and pulled him in makin his blade cut slightly into her neck drawing blood she kneed him just below the ribs pushing him off her she flipped around so she had him on his stomic standing over his back she had a rope of explosive liccorice around his neck chocking him "see this is how u get a women off! hahahehahahaAHA" she tied the rope around his neck and stuck out her toung at him "sucker!" She shouted  as she threw  hand full of gumballs at him and ran off twirling and waving. Quickly red hood cut the rope from his neck and as the gumballs exploded he graple hooked away as the fire and smoke errupted behind he landed on the roof of a distant building. He ran to the edge of the roof scanning the  streets below to see the girl had disapeared but her laughter still echoed through the night.

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