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11 year old smile sat on her fathers desk swinging her legs back and forth over the edge her long curly green blonde hair down to the middle of her back her pure white cheeks dusted in a light pink all of her pigment being in her cheeks they were always rosie she sat humming yanky doodle as she looked around the room with a smile. Joker walked over to his daughter a syringe in his hand he looked at the green liquid inside and flicked the needle smile staired at the large needle and gulped nervously she hated needles "dont worry princess this well ongly take a moment" he said taking his daughters arm and cleaning off a spot with an alchohaul whipe "but i hate needles daddy, do i really need it?" She whined, joker smiled at her "im afraid so kiddo, every kid gets shots. You should be used to this by now daddys been doing this for you scince you were born" he explaned with a light chuckle Smile blew a curl out of her face and frowned "ya but why? Do i really need them sometimes they make me feel funny" she complained joker laughed "heHa well of course they do silly goose! Ha! There daddys own creations! Other kids get booster shots well you get those to but you also get daddys own medician, this well make you stronger, faster, agile, amune to toxins and poisons, and help ur vision and hearing these medicians well help you be compleatly safe from anything you might come in contact with. I meen you wont have super speed or hearing or anything but it well be better then the average person its to help keep you safe so i know you wont be in danger wen you go into the world" he said ruffleing her hair making smile laugh "but you wont even let me outside" she said joker gave her a sharp look "you know why missy. Dont start with that again" smile groaned "but daadyyy" she whined "no! End of discusion" he said firmly making smile press her lips together tightly . Joker then readyed the needle and smile shut her eyes bracing for it her punktured her skin and injected her with the toxen a cold burning sensasion over took smiled arm and began to run threw her body she screamed in pain and joker put a ninja turtle bandaid on the punkture wound "there all done" he chimed with a smile kissing his daughters forhead smile grasped onto her arm "its burns!" She shouted in pain joker taped her nose with a grin "of course it dose sweetie its daddys new medician" he said with a chuckle "its on fire!" Smile gasped threw her tears joker waved his hand at her "no its not" he said cleaning off the needle "its just a sting" he then took the syringe and put the needle into another vile with a bright pink liquid and pulled up the plunger filling the syringe joker flicked the needle and cleaned off a spot on the side of smiles neck he gently made her tilt her head to the side so he can get a better veiw of were he had to inject her safley "ok princess stay still" he ordered, smile clenched her teeth as the needle punktured her neck joker slowly injected the liquid "just breath, in and out sweet heat slow even breaths" he instructed gently he finished the injection and took out the needle and placed a peice of cotton on her neck and put a peice of medical tape over it to hold it down smile coughed and her throught began to feel sticky and her mucles in her neck began to tighten "you said u wouldnt give me that one anymore!" She whined in pain "heHa! Did i~? I dont recal that one" he grined receiving a scowl from smile he threw his hands up in surender "alright ya caught me! HehahAhAHa~ come on smile you need that one! Now u wont be hurt by poisons see!haHahoOHooOooo~" he laughed smile stuck out her lower lip with a frown "can i go play now daddy" she asked with a baby voice joker smiled and lifted his daughter off his desk with a groan "oh wow your getting fat kid!" He said jokingly , smile stuck her toung out at him "i am not" she said folding her arms. Joker set her down on the floor and streched out his back "oh ya you are! Wat! HeHA is your mother feeding you!? HehahahoahaHaA" he teased smile stuck her toung out at him again waving her hands at the sides of her face "Spinnach and broclie yuck!" She said making a funny face making joker laugh " alright kido go have fun. But dont go out side! Or neer the windows!" He shouted after her as she skipped happily out of the room joker smiled to him self his little princess had grown up so much it fel like just this morning that she was crawling around spitting up on his shirt and tie joker made a face of disgust "glad that over HahA" he hoped back in his office chair and spun around wen it slowed to a stop he looked up at the ceiling and let out a sigh. Smile was getting older and with each passing year she got more and more curious at to wat its like to be outside the hideout it worried him he didnt want a certian bat to find her if he ever did joker knew he would never see his daughter again. He ran his hand down his face and pinched the bridge of his nose leening foward on his desk he glanced at a photo of himself, harley and there baby girl at 4 months pulling at her mothers hair laughing joker smiled "you gotta stop growing up so fast squirt" he said picking up the photo with a laugh. He remembered wen she was born harleys watter had broken while joker was on a job wen he had returned to the hideout he was welcomed by the sounds of high pitch screaming joker bolted to the bathroom and found a 9 month pregnant harley reeling on the floor in pain he quickly droped next to her and put a hand to her face "harls! Harly girl! Come on women wat happened!?" He asked in panic and anger harley opened her eyes filled with tears she struggled to speak threw the pain "baby. Watter. Broke.commin" she managed to say in a raspy gasp of air jokers eyes shot open wide realizing wat was happening. After 24 hours of screaming and pushing harley started to become exsausted "i-i cant do it.." She said weakly breathing heavily "yes you can harls! Push damn you!" He ordered "b-but pudd-" she tryed to argue wen joker snapped at her "push! Harley!" He ordered firmly harley obayed and pushed "thats it. I see his head." Said joker trying to incourage his wife to keep pushing "come on one more!" He shouted and with a loud scream harley gave one more hard push and then..the room was filled with the sound of an infants cries harley began to cry tears of joy "is- is JJ ok.." She asked tiredly joker lifted the baby and cut the ambilical cord with his knife "ya...ya he is hes-" joker stoped short and began to laugh "Ha! HehEhaHaAhahehahHahehHEHhahAhahAEHA!" Jokers outburst of laughter made harley confused "puddin?.." Joker placed his hand to his forehead still laughing "heHehahAhaAhAHA HAR-Harley he-he~hahahHAhAHahA JJ is-HahaHahAhehAHAHAHA" he said struggleing to speak threw his laughter "hes wat?! Is he ok?!" Harley asked in a panic joker whiped his tear and lifted up the infant with a wide grin "hes a girl!" He exclamed and then broke into laughter again harley smiled at her baby as if she were made of gold she held out her arms "can i hold her?" She asked like a child asking for a candy joker cleaned off his spawn with a warm damp towel and then smiled and handed her there crying baby, harley gently cradled her "shhhhhhh its ok baby" she cooed softly and sliped her pointer finger into her babys tiny hand the infant grasped onto her mothers finger and harley wiggled it gently "there there little one" she said in a soothing hum the infant bagan to calm down and slowly opened her eyes for the first time harley looked into her daughters crystal blue eyes and she began to cry tears of joy "shes so beautiful" she said with a smile the baby looked up at her mother cureously snd then smiled at her gurgleing and cooing at her mother as she reached up at her with her tiny hands "hi there baby, im your mommy" she said with tears of joy kissing her babys rosie cheeks she then looked up at joker who sat next to her "oh puddin! Shes so beautiful" she said happily joker smiled down at his daughter and harley handed over then infant to her husband. Joker carfully took the baby from her arms as if his daughter were made of glass and cradled her to his chest grinning "heyy there kiddo~" he said softly his daughter was scilent a moment just stairing at him with her blue eyes and then began to laugh reaching for him joker chuckled happily stairing at his daughter as if she were made of precious jewels "heha! Shes not afraid of me" he said his eyes fogging with tears harley smiled at him as he made a connection with there baby. Joker gave his daughter his finger to hold and she took it and began to suck on it with her gummy mouth and laughed her sweet laugh jokers smile grew wider  "there ya go Smile. Our bright little Smile. Im your daddy and i promise to keep you safe" he said to her lovingly and he ment it with that promise he swore to not let any harm come to his daughter he would keep her hidden he would keep her safe that moment somthing in him changed he wasnt just an agent of chaos he was a protector of his precious daughter and he would kill to keep her from harm, litteraly.

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