Jokers brat

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They walked out to the car passed the other goons who imediantly held up there guns at the ready at the sight of hood  smile spun around and shot at there feet  making them jump "no! Bad dogs!" She shouted and reholstered her gun "were playing nice now" she snapped the goons were frozen in place wen she turned back around they let out a breath of releife and fallowed her  ringo was getting frustraited he knew that smile could get distracted and change her mind quicker the two face could flip his coin but he was getting a migrain hood smirked and fallowed her litting a cigerett   ringo stoped in place and quickly patted down his jacket realizing his pack was gone he shot a glare at hood who meerly  chuckled and tossed him his pack back taking a long drag from the ciggerette ringo growled and crushed the pack of cigerettea in his fist throwing them at the ground he marched after smile shuving past hood "ok kid wats the deal?! Ur mom sent me out to get u! Shes gonna rip me a new one for being this late!" Smile spun around and continued to walk backwords torad the car "oh lighten up ringo ma's fine have a little fun wont ya" she said with a grin spining back around and hopping into the passenger seat ringo walked over to the drivers side of the car and hood fallowed and patter him on the cheek "ya ringo lighten up" he said ringo growled amd jabbed a finger in the guys face "listen here you little punk! My job is keeping the kid safe i see anything funny and your dead  Capeesh" hood straightened hom self up a cocky smile on his face "wat ever you say lacky" he spat back and chuckled befor climbing into the back seat ringo banged a fist on the roof of the car and smile leaned over the seats torad the open drivers side window "hey watch it! Its a rental!" She said and began to lagh at her own joke leaning back in her seat as ringo climbed in the other two goons climber in on either side of hood ringo glared at him through his rearveiw mirror and he started up the engine and pulled onto the road "i dont like this smile i should make a call to ur mom" he said as quietly as possible so there passengers couldnt hear smile kicked her muddy feet up on the dash as she pulled her thigh high black leather boots back on "watever call her were not goin home thow not with our new freind" she said equally as quiet ringo glances over at her letting out am exsasporated sigh "ok then were are we goin?" Smile thaught on this a moment "uncle harveys in the slammer right?" She asked ringo nodded "ok head to his place off third the one in the basement of the strip club" ringo nodded and quickly made a turn. Awhile later they pulled up infront of a risky strip club on the south east side of town two faces territory the bright neon pink sighn on the side of the dingy brick building show brightly in the night with a loud hum ringo shut off the engine and smile hopped outta the car her heels of her thigh high black leather high heeled boots clicked against the assfault she sauntered into the building fallowed by her little group as they entered the smell of liqure sweat and cash filled the air along with the lound sound of club music the strip club wasnt to crowded and a few girls were preforming on stage smile swong around to face her goons "ok boys go have fun!" She cheered and the other two goons smirked at eachother elbowing one another as smile handed them each a large wad of cash they went off to the stage smile then dangled a wad of cash infront of ringo with a grin "go on big guy go have fun!" She said ringo rolled his eyes and took the cash "scream if ya need me kid" he said making his was over to the bar hood smirked at her his hands in his pockets "wat? Nothing for me?" He teased smile scoffed "no stupid your with me" she quiped and walked over to a booth hood shruged and fallowed her sitting down in the circular red velvet booth next to her wen a large italian man with a large scar running across his face came up to them with a wide grin showing off his gold tooth all two faces men had met smile crom joining there boss in jokers terf for meetings the clown would often let his daughter venture down stairs to observe the meetings "ah! Miss quinn! So good to see you!" He said clapping his meaty hands together smile smirked leaning foward on the table her hands folded under her chin "hiya richie! Got any grub? Im starved" She said richie nodded "ill have don whip you up your favorite, but the boss aint here tonight ya know?" He said in a raspy smokers voicr thick with a boston accent  smile smiled flirtatiously "who says i came for him?" She said with a playful wink richie chuckled "dont play like that kid, your daddy would have me in the er with my dick in a zip lock quicker then the waynes can sighn off a check for games like that" he teased back smile stuck out her lower lip "aw but you know i love games" she pouted  richie waved her off "ill go get your food dont break anything while im gone" he said and walked off smile chuckled to herself and leaned back in the booth and looked over at hood seeing him stairing at her skeptically smile smirked crossing her arms over her chest "wat?" She said hood just continued eyeing her "your pretty freindly with him" he said smile laughed "wat are ya jelous? Heha" hood scoffed "you wish" he said smirking "im freindly with everyone heha makin people smile is kinda the family bizz" she said with a shrug hood glared at her "ya ill bet" he said bitterly wen richie came back with some drinks "here ya go kiddo on the house" he said placing a sherly temple infront of her with an extra cup just filled with cherries down next to it smiles face imedeantly brightened "aw richie your the best!" She exclaimed and popped a cherry in her mouth "ya i know" he said with a chuckle and then turned to hood  with a glair "whos this guy?" He asked hood raised a brow 'did he really JUST notice me?' Hood thaught smile rounghly grabbed hood by the shoulder shaking him excitedly "hes my new toy! Heha!" She said with a wide joker  like grin and grabbed hoods face squizing his cheeks "isnt he pretty?" She said in a baby voice hood slapped away her hand and shook her off him "get off me ya nut" he snapped re-adjusting his jacket  "ya hes gorgeous" richie sneered and slamed down a whisky infron of hood his finger inside the drink as he set it down he wiped his finger on his shirt "foodll be right out" he said still glaring and walked off  hood glared at the middle aged mans retreating figure and took a sip of his drink glancing over at smile who was entertaining herself by tying  cherry stems with her toung and then flicking the knots at the back of peoples heads. Meanwhile ringo stood in the dark corner of the club by the payphone watching intently at the sour looking hood as smile happily began flicking cherry knots at his face laughing at his annoyance and cracking jokes after the fourth ring someone finnaly answered "uh laugh city bebop speaking" said a goon from the other end ringo looked at the phone they must have switch hideouts again to the old abandond comedy club he shoot his head not taking his eyes off smile "its ringo give the phone to harley well ya" he said there was some shuffleing from the other end "wat?" Snapped harley into the phone "harls its me-" she cut him off "were the hell are you!? I sent you out hours ago! Weres my baby!" She shouted  loudly making ringo pull the phone away from his ear befor continueing "smile made a freind and she-" she cut him off again graiding on his patcients "the hell are you talkin bout? Freind? Wat freind?!" Ringo shrugged "dunknow some guy that she keeps kicken around were in dents side of town now i think shes keepen us out for awhile" "i want her home ringo! Not excuses! I want to see my baby befor sunrise got it!?" She snapped and ringo could hear the sound of shattering glass from the other end harley had thrown a vase at the wall nearly hitting a near by goon in thr head ringo winced at the sound her temper could be as bad as jokers sometimes "you say your in dents territory?" She asked ringo nodded "yeah" he answered slowly harley scoffed and hung up the phone at the sound of the dial tone ringo looked at the phone confused "geeze wat the hell?.." he muttered.

Meenwhile back at the comedy club joker spun around happily in his office putting the finninshing touches on his plans "heHa! Oh joker ol boy youve done it again!" He said standing by admiring his work "and i know exactly were im gonna set up to! The perfect place for a reunion with out old freind! HehaAaaahehOooOoooOooOOO!!~" he burst out into the hall arms streached out wide the door slammed into the wall loudly creating a dent the goons jumped in fright there card and poker chips flying all over the floor "boys!" Shouted joker getting there imediate attention "i have a littlr shopping list for you" he said with a grin holding out a peice lf paper to them "just a few things i need to be braught to me by tommarow night" the papper unfolded intill the long list hit the floor making the goons go slack jawed at the sight of it chuckles reached out and took the list scanning over a few items he scratched his head "bu-but boss were do we even nab this kinda stuff?" He asked feebly joker spun around to him angrily jabbing a finer in his face "i dunknow you ninny! Be creative! Go to metropolise if you have to!" He shouted making the goons go stark white underneath there clown makup joker then smiled pleasently switching like the flip of a switch "now be a dear and got get that taken care of" he said and the goons quickly ran out the room the joker laughed darkly to himself as he looked over his plans once more.

Meenwhile Smile sucked down her 4th sherly temple bouncing her her chair happily wen she finnaly broke there silence "wats it like being dead?" She said spining her straw in the ice this caught hood off guard "wat are you talking about?" He asked smile chuckled "wat do ya think im a idiot? I remember you my daddy killed ya" she said as if ot were compleatly casual hood gritted his teeth and glared at her tightering his hand around his cup "your crazy" he spat smile laughed again "well duh course i am heha its one of my best qualitys" she said cheekily batting her lashes hood scoffed in diguest smile continued to laugh and mudged hos shoulder "come on lighten up! Hahehahaaaa i bet it wasnt that bad"  hood jabbed hs finger in her face lowering his voice to a low growl "listen here you little freak! Im not answering any of your stupid questions got it! Im not your freind! Im not ur team mate! Hell im not even a light aquantince if it were up to me id kill you right now but like it or not i need you to get wat i want so shut up and leave me alone or ill cut out ut tong and vocal cords and hang you with them!" He snapped angrily smile blinked a moment taken aback stairing at his finger but then a large grin spread over her lips as she gently placed her cold dainty fingers over his pointer finger and lowered it from her face "ooOOOoo~hehaha touched a nerve didnt i baby cakes heha im just curious heha" she srugged "just wanna know if that whole heaven or hell thing is real to be perfectly honest i think id choose to be a ghost ora demon or somthing so i can fuck around with everyone still once im gone eternal peace is to boring and eternal damnation sounds like a week at that arkham place my moms always jabberin about" she said hood just glared at her and took another sip of his drink "wat if i killed you?" He asked darkly "wat if i killed you the way you presume your dad, that scum! Killed me?" He said smile just shrugged "eh sounds like my regular tusday nights" hood shook his head "no this time you die you look for a way out, you think someones gonna come just in the nick of time, you think this isnt really im gonna be fine there gonna find me im gonna be saved and this well all be a bad dream, but then after 1,2,3 its a bright white light amd then BOOM everythings dark and cold and then nothingness.. nothing at all" smile thaught a moment and then shruged "see this is why id be a ghost everything just being lights out sounds to boring if im gone there well be no one here to keep everyone on there toes" hood let out an exsasporated sigh and ran a hand through his dark shaggy hair "why did i even bother" he muttered to himself smile popped another cherry into her mouth ignoring him and tying the stem into a knot with her toung she spat it out and placed it in the pile with the other knotted cherry stems on the table wen a loud banging knock sounded from the door  "the fuck?" said richie as he grabbed a bat from behind the bar and stormed to the door he opened the slot to peek out and his eyes widened "dony get the!-" he shouted but was cut off wen the door was kicked open knocking richie to the floor 6 armed goons with gas masks on entered the club the strippers began to panic and duck for cover as two faces men became alert and hostile  hood and smiles lackys jumped up the 2 clowns had there guns at the ready wen the armed thugs threw down some smoke bombs and a green smoke started to slowly leak from them two goons stepped aside as a man with a torn sack on his head that looked as if he came right out of your nightmares entered his silky dark voice rang through the chaos "i heard  jokers brat was presant" he said smiles face dropped " scarecrow" she said breathlessly.

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