his bundle of laughs

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A loud high pitch wailing filled the latest hideout one of the goons Pinball was desperatly waving his hands infront of him a screeching 1 year old smile on the dingy carpet at his feet hot tears pouring down her face "shh shh! shut up! your gonna get me killed shhh!" he whispered frantically he had been walking threw the room smile was playing blocks in wen he tripped and accidently knocked down her tower. Smile continues to cry loudly her cheeks turning red  from her loss of breath the goons blood ran cold and panic filled him his eyes darted around the room searching for something anything to get her to stop, seeing nothing he reached to pick her up but as his hands got close the click of a gun cut through the room like a knife making him freeze where he stood "and WHAT do you think your doing?" asked a dark voice from behind him the goon gulped his mouth going dry "b-boss you..you dont understand i-" wen joker cut him off "QUITE!!" he shouted making Pinball flinch smiles crying still hadnt stopped but seemed to be getting louder Joker took a step closer pressing the gun to the back of pinballs skull the cold metal seemed to turn his blood to ice joker spoke his voice dark like painted glass "now...whats my number ONE rule?" he asked the goons heart was nearly pounding out of his chest "i-i-i-" he stuttered wen joker leaned in closer his breath tickleing the back of his neck making his hair stand on end "dont. touch. my. things" joker said the goons eyes widened and then a loud bang echoed threw the room blood splattered all over joker and smile the red substance puddleing onto the floor the body collapsed near a still sobbing smile she hadnt even noticed the murder infront of her joker looked in disgust at the blood on his gun "bleh! look at the mess you made!" he shouted at the still bleeding corpse joker whiped the gun off on the goons back and then tucked it back into his own jacket pocket he then looked down at the still crying smile his face turned soft and gentle as did his voice "awww poor princess" he cooed and scooped her up into his arms bouncing her gently against his chest "shhhh now now pumpkin pieee the bad mans dead now" he said gently whipping away her tears smile slowly began to calm down as she bagan to hiccup from being so upset her lower lip still trembleing blood now splattered over her whole body and hair joker whipped away some extra tears and her runny nose with his gloved hand smearing the blood across her face "there there princess all smiles" he said with a grin of his own  blood splattered all over his stark white face most would have found this unnerving but as baby smile looked up at him she sniffled softly and then touched his face with her small sticky hands patting his smile she began to giggle as she stuck her hands into his mouth and began to pull at his lips making joker chuckle "you having fun princess?" he asked with ta light laugh making smile squeel in delight joker chuckled and rasberried her pudgy cheeks making her laugh louder joker laughed and peppered kisses all over her face wich she returned with a wet open mouth kiss to his pointed chin leaving a trail of drool behind joker faked disgust "ew yucky what would your mother say " he teased he readjusted smile in his arms and kicked the goons body away to the wall and then walked back over to smiles pile of blocks he plopped down onto the floor criss cross applesauce and gently placed her in his lap "lets rebuild this hu kiddo?" he asked looking down at his grinning baby girl she squeeled in delight and began slapping her small hands on his legs he chucked and began stacking blocks smile began to so the same every once in a while smile would laugh and then kick down the tower making joker fake anger and end up tickling her making her squeel and laugh hysterically making her body spazz out making joker laugh.

Harley yawned pulling her silk robe back over her shoulder as she shuffled down the hall into the makeshift living room her sweet mr.J had given her the day off from baby duty after she had tiredly tryed to wash there clothes by pouring a cold pot of coffee over the laundry she had thrown into the sink  she hadnt sleeped in days since smile was being extra colicky at night lightly harley stopped short at the end of the damp hall as she caught sight of something on the living room floor a loving grin spread over her lips. joker was laying on his stomach on the dingy carpet with a batman figure he had found in the trash in a old happy meal at the dump in one hand and a superman figure he had ripped the head off of and put a joker figure head on to replace it with a smiley face sticker to cover up the S on its chest in his other hand "you wont get away with this batman! you evil fiend!!" he shouted fallowed by fake punching and exploding noises he was making as he made the figures fight smile sat next to him playing with a harley and poison ivy figure she shouted something in babble making the ivy figure shoot up in the air over the tower of blocks they had made she squeeled loudly and then tried to make the sounds of the harley figure fly at the batman figure spit flew off her toung making drool drip down her chin the harley figure crashed into the batman making joker yell "aaaaahhhh!!! oh no!! its the fearsome harley quinn! how could i possibly win now!!" he shouted making smiles schreach loudly fallowed by her fits of laughted making more drool drip from her chin joker laughed and used the batman figures head to whipe away her drool making him laugh harder harley chuckled covering her mouth with her hand she grabbed her camera from the nearby table and snapped a photo the flash caught there attention making them pause smile threw her figures into the air "MAMA!!!" she shouted and ran/waddled up to harley her arms waving around wildly as she tried to keep her balance harley laughed lightly and crouched down to her babys hight her arms opened wide "hi my little monster!" she said sweetly as smile jumped into her arms harley snuggled her closely "awww are you having fun with daddy?" she asked tickleing her babys tummy making smile wiggle around in fits of giggles joked grunted as he pulled himself up from the floor "man im getting old" he said with a laugh as he streched out his back harley laughed peppering smiles soft pudgy face with kisses making smile laugh more joker chuckles and walked up to his two girls a grin spread wide over his cheeks and he scooped harley up in his arms making her squeele smile still held tightly in her arms "dadaaa!" screeched smile joker planted a big kiss on harleys lips making her smile widen into the kiss smile clapped in delight and joker ruffle her blood stained hair "thats my little bundle of laughs!" he cheered "chip off the ol block!" he said with a joker laugh.

Joker smiled at the memory as he sat in his makeshift thrown atop mountian of disgaurded baby doll heads his head in his hand as he leaned on the golden arm of his thrown he slowly began to build into a laugh "soon everything well come together princess" he said as his burst into hystarical unconrollible laughter it echoed off the walls and into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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