We meet again

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Smile skipped through the night as a light rain fell down on her she laughed and spun in circles her arms outstreched to catch the raindrops wen she heard the click of a gun she quickly spun around to come face to face with a AK47 she grinned widely at it cocking her head to the side letting her soaked locks stick to her face "oooo! Pretty pretty! HehA!" She touched the nosle of the gun with her finger and walked them up the barel pf the gun "ya gonna share" she asked licking her lips it was the same man from befor in the red mask/helmet but he didnt speak smile rolled her eyes and dropped to the ground into the splits propping her elbows up on the cement and resting her chin in her hands as quickly as she dropped he clicked tge saftey off she laughed "oh chill! Heha if i wanted you dead youd be there already" she said nonchalontly she smirked "ya know my toys usually break so quickly, but you didnt even need a wind up after our play date" she said with amusement  "so whats the deal? Ya got a bounty? Or do ya just want me to go to the dance with you and ya dont know how ta ask" she teased batting her lashes "you wanna play so bad? Fine. Lets plays a new game" he said smile perked up at this "it speaks! Wow for a sec i thaught u were a mute! And it would have been such a bore not to hear you scream wen i pop ur collarbone out" she said with a chuckle The man glared at her "get to cocky and you could emd up the same" he warned smile rolled her eyes and moved her hand like a person talking and talking "blah blah blah blah, god your soooooo sirious!" She whined rolling over on her back her crop top slipping up revealing some of her underboob as the rain poored down making her clothes stick to her like a second skin she bit her lip a fire dancing in her eyes red hood couldnt tell why but it unsettled him keeping his gun trained on her she giggled and summersalted to her feet  her face inches apart from his "you need to lighten up" she teased walking her fingers up the face of his helmet He quickly grabed her wrist clenching it tightly smile quirked an eyebrow at him smirking "you must not know who i am" she said his grip tightened "oh no i know exactly who you are. Your the spawn of saitin" he growled his grip tightening more and more with each word smile laughed at the pain "d-damn budy ya gonna snap a bone hehahahahahahaha" red hood leaned closer to her "maybe thats the plan" he said his voice like dark glass "nope HAHAHA" she quickly grabed ahold of his wrist and fliped over his shoulder twisting his arm around behind his back kicking him face first into a murky rain puddle smile doubled back in laughter and flipped out her butterfly knife the rainow color gleaming in the light of the moon as she unbalenced in her foot work walked torad him criss crossing her ankles with each step she took She kicked him hard in the side but as he rolled over he swept his   Leg across her ankles sending her falling ontop of him she laughed as she propped herself up on her elbows tracing shapes on his chest plate "oooohAheHahA  trying to get to third base are we" she tease licking her lips wen she felt the icey cold touch of a blade against her neck amusement twinkled in her baby blue eyes as she glanced down at the tacktical blade held to her throat "ooo romantic" she said smirking flirtatiously "im nothing less of one i assure you" red hood said back pressing the knife slightly harder against her neck drawing a small line of blood "ya know i gotta say ur breaking one of daddys number one rules" she said hood smirked from beneith his helmet "oh? And wats that?" He was cut short wen he heard the click of a gun and glanced down to see she had proped up one of her legs and had a glock pressed to his cock he looked back at her as she twirled a loose curl of her hair between her fingers "dont. Touch. His. Things" she said pressing the gun closer and closer down on his crotch with every word red hood was struck silent She licked her lips and then ran her pink toung up the face of his helmet she burst into another fit of laughter and sat up pressing her knees into his stomic and then straddleing him she back flipped away laughing kicking the knife from his grip "i looovvvveee our little play dates hun, but daddy says not to be out past sunrise" she said catching his knife in her hand and running off into the misty morning as the rain began to settle down leaving a still stone silent red hood lying on the groud the feeling of the gun still ever presant.

Smile skipped through the door of the warehouse as the morning sunlight began to trickle in she skiped into the makeshift kitchen to find harley making a pot of coffee in her skimpy kimono robe from victoria secret she beamed at the sight of her little girl "hi baby!" She exclamed and planted a kiss on smiles forehead "did you have fun last night?" She asked as she started up the pot smile nodded taking off her belt of weapons and tossing them by the door "ya it was fine, i made a new play mate" she said grinning her wide joker grin "outta wat? Tooth picks?" Harley giggled at her own joke "naw ma' like i met someone and they didnt break wen i played with them!" She began getting excited her cheeks turning redder with each word  harley poored her coffe and mixed 5 spoonfulls of sugar into it as she patted smiles head "ok baby cakes calm down" she teased and sat down at the table next to her she was about to take a sip of her coffee wen she noticed a bit of blood trickleing down smiles neck she gasped slamming down her mug as she jumped up from the table quickly tilting back smiles head to get a better look "oh my god! Smile! Wat happened!?" She asked in a panic "my play date got rough" she answered with a nonchilant shrug "oh my god! My poor baby!" Exclamed harley running over to the cabinet yanking out the first aid it popped open sending bandaids and suplys all over the kitchen floor she dropped down in a frenzy to pick it all up "ma im fine" smile said taking a sip of her mothers coffee "you. Are not! Fine!" Harley snapped scrambleing for an alchohaul pad the noise had aparently desturbed a soundly sleeping joked as he stumbled into the kitchen in his boxers and tank top tying his fluffy purple bathrobe around him "wats all the ruckess?" He asked with a yawn "dontchya know daddys been out all night" he said grogily harleys head snapped up at his voice tears brimming her eyes "oh! Puddin! Smiles been hurt! Someone cut her neck!" She nearly shouted voice breaking with tears "mama i said im-" smile was cut off by joker gripping her chin yanking her head to him so her could get a good look "howd this happen" he asked glaring at the blood smile inwardly rolled her eyes "im fine. My play date just gor a little rough is all" she explaned boardly "i dont see wat all the fuss is about" she said shaking her head from her fathers geip taking another sip of coffee wen harley droped to the floor next to her and begam cleaning the cut with an alchohaul pad "its a big deal cause someone obviously didnt get the memo" joker said darkly "no one touches my things" his fingers began to twitch "who did this?" He demended his voice dark with venom smile shrugged and harley put neosporn on her cut and a micky mouse bandaid over it "i dun-know some guy in a red helmet" she said as harley planted a kiss over the bandaid "there all better" she proclaimed and began cleaning up her mess from the kitchen floor, joker scratched his chin "a red helmet hu?..." he pondered and then let out a chuckle "heha, interesting" he trailed off making his way to his study. Harley poped up from behind the table "puddin?" She called after him but her ignored her "verry interesting" he repeated to himself and shut the door to his study behind him harley raised an eyebrow at this but shrugged it off as she packed away the last of the medical suplys and put it away in the cabnit  "smile baby mommys told u about keeping a blades distance from ur toys" she scolded smile groaned "awww but mama it was so much fun" she whined "and im toatally fine" she argued harley smiled and took her coffee from smiles hands kissing the top of her head "i know baby but please be more carful, promise?" She said tapping the tip of smiles nose smile sighed and then beamed a smile at her mother "i promise" she said and harley grinned back thats my little monster she said planting another kiss on her head "MWA! Now go to bed sweetie" she said heading upstairs to her and jokers bedroom "ok i well" smile said disapointed "i love you baby!" Smile called down to her "love ya to!" Smile hollard bacm and the bedroom door clicked shut behind harley leaving smile to think of her fun with the man in the red helmet.

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