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batman sat in his cave typing away on the computer wen tim came up behind him leaning on the back of his chair "watchya lookin for?" he asked stairing up at the screen files of hospital records and old news articals on the joker and harley were pulled up along with there arkham files with out removing his eyes from the screen batman answered "something dosnt add up" he said pulling up another artical it was infact a more recent artical on the gala attack with a photo of smile grining ear to ear with harley as joker shot up the paniced crowd "wat do you meen? the girl?" tim asked fixing his eyes on the girl thaughtfully  batman leaned back in his chair folding his hands "exactly joker anounced her as 'his daughter' but there are no other records of her i thaught maybe they had kidnapped her but there are no reports of a baby girl or child being stolen that would line up with her age now its as if she dosent exsist at all like she apeared out of thin air" tim shrugged at this "maybe its really theres?" he sugested batman glared at him making tim tense and hold up his hands in defence "now hear me out, maybe they really HAD a kid its not impossible" batman looked back at the screen and began typing away "it...could be possible.." he muttered he enhanced an image of the front of the newspaper and a few arkham files "records show a time wen harley was not acounted for in arkham and hadnt been spotted anywere else joker had been seen-" he explained wen tim cut him off pointing at the screen "ya but see he wasnt seen that frequently here and there for small heists but nothing big" bruce nodded at this "i had combed the whole city searching for him trying to catch him but for some reason he seemed more elusive he was TRYING to stay in the shadows.." he stopped in thaught wen tim quirked a brow at this "well thats not like him" he comented making bruce nodded "as for harley it was as if she just disapeared i thaught maybe she ran or HE finally killed her and stashed the body but she resurfaced breifly for a heist 10 months later" tim scratched his chin mulling over bruces words "watd she do?" he asked bruce leened back looking at his adopted son "she robbed a toys r us"he said tim nodded "well they have a baby section there, seems to be clicking together pretty easily harley gets pregnant gose into hiding has the baby and so on so on" bruce nodded "yes but how do you keep a baby a secret for so long someone anyone should have known something i should have heared whispers of something expecually because i was looking for them in the first place" tim shrugged at this "eh bad guys are sneaky they probably all knew"he said nonchalantly "this shouldnt have happened...those..monsters shouldnt have been able to have a child who knows wat torment they have put her through" bruce growled tightening his fist tim noticed this he knew how sensitive bats was wen it came to children excpecually after jason but tim ongly knew bits a peices about the former robin since bruce refused to talk about it tim glanced over at the old robin suit in the glass case and sighed heavily looking back at bruce with a sympathetic smile "maybe your right maybe they nabbed her no way god would allow those two to have a child" bruce shook his head and stood up from the computer his cape fluttering behind him as he briskly made his way out of the cave "stay put" he said firmly and jumped into the batmobile the engine roared to life and he speed off with out another word. 

harley stalked through her room zipping up her jump suit and applying her makeup joker had been locked up in his office all night and had blown off her concerns for smile 

"but piddin shes still not back!" she pleaded joker waved her off spinning around in his chair "shes a big girl harls let the kid have a little fun" he said with a laugh harley huffed crossing her arms over her chest "wat about the bat?! wat if he nabs her?!" she nearly shouted joker laughed hopping up from his chair to scribble on one of his blue prints "its almost sun up harls hes probably off brooding somewere" harley growled her patience wearing thin "i thaught we were saposed to be careful?! wat the fuck?!" she shouted grabbing a glass pitcher from the table  next to her and throwing it at joker it missed his head hitting the wall behind him by just an inch joker froze his body tensing seeming ready to explode  the goons dropped down behind the furniture expecting the worse wen joker broke in to fits of hystarical laughter the goons slowly and uneasely relaxed slowly rising from the floor harley stood unfazed and marched across the room getting in jokers face grabbing him by the bow tie yanking him down to her hight she shot a glare at the goons making there blood run cold she could be scaryer then joker sometimes "out!" she snapped making them quickly drop what they were doing and scramble out of the room after they had all cleared out and slammed the door behind them harley went back to glairing at the still laughing joker "jack!" she snapped joker imediantly froze his smile compleatly disapearing he straightened up and glared down at the very angery harley wearing nothing but her thong and tank top her hair loosely hung down past her shoulders in blonde and pink waves having recently colored her highlights he grasped his hand around hers tightly so tightly he could have broken bone a dark look in his eyes "wat have i said about-" he growled but harley cut him off "i dont give a damn! you listen here!" she said sharply and leaned in closer to him her own blue eyes darkening "bring. my. baby. BACK" she gowled they stood in silence a moment a heavy weight hanging in the air wen joker grabbed her roughly by her hair yanking her torad him roughly pressing his lips to hers harley moaned breifly befor biting down hard on his bottom lip making him yank back from her smirking "go find her yourself" he said huskily harley shot him a dirty look before standing on her toes and using the tip of her tongue to lick the blood that was now running down his lip away  a smile slowly spread over jokers lips harley smirked giving him a quick kiss "fine" she purred and turned to walk away joker gave her ass one hard slap on her way out and she slammed the door behind her leaving joker to laugh to himself and return back to work it was so much more fun to him to leave harley in the dark to his plans her doing wat she wanted made things unpredicitble and more exciting for him.

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