Tell me what happened!

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The echo of a gunshot echoed through the night followed by a strike of thunderthe sound of panic and gunshots still ringing in the distance smile staired at hood with a look of horror both hands gripping her side she stumbled back "y-you shot me!" She shouted frightened tears now running down her face "ya shot me!" She shouted again hood stood trying to remain unfazed as she visibly began to shake wen she fell to her kneews her legs seemingly giving out from under her "no no no! I dont wanna die! I didnt meen it!" She screamed her voice breaking hood holstered his gun and  briskly made his way over to her guilt...why did he feel guit? She began to cry hystarically  "oh god im gonna die!" Her voice broke as more mascara began to stain her snow white skinhood dropped down next to her "no your not let me have a look" why did he care wat the hell, smile glared up at him darkly "it went right through my gut ya crazy animal!" She began to cough violently hood hesitently reached for her wen her crying slowly began to turn into crazed laughter making him freeze it earily resembled the jokers smile lunged foward and stabed his hip he let out a shout of pain and smile laughted harder and held up her hand that was clutching her side it was ongly slightly bloody she  wiggled her finers infront of his face "gotchya,just a flesh wound sweet cheeks" she patter the side of his helmit  and yanked her knife outta his hip laughing "hehahahHhAa geeze aunty pamys right!l she exclaimed licking his blood from the blade "heha! Men are saps!" She laughed and twirled up to him he backed away ready for another fight smile rolled her eyes "oh come on were even now" she said with a chuckled whiping her tears "damn ya made me ruin my makeup thow hehA!"  "Your insane"he growled smile snorted trying to hold back a laugh "well d-hA-duhahaheHEhA" she looked down at the tears in her gown "aw fuck! I just got this!" She stomped her foot and began to pout "who are u" hood demanded smile stoped and a slow grin spead over her lips she began trapsing over to him slowly swinging her hips as she did twirling her knife she clicked her toung "you know who i am heha" she cocked her head to the side her grin even wider now "question is why do u care so much" as she drew closed hood whiped out a gun and shoved it against her forehead backing her into a wall smile put her hands up against the brick smirking at him she slowly licked her lips "ooooOoo- touched a nerve did i? hehAhahAHA" she wiggled her brows he pressed the cold metal of the gun closer to her skin "mmm HEhA i love it wen u play ROUGH with me" she teased biting her lip "were is he?" Hood said darkly steping closly smiled raised a brow with a look of mock innosence "wat ever do ya meen?" "Listen clown u either tell me now or i make u" smiles eyes lit up with excitement "oooOhohOoooooo~ ya gonna torcher me? HehA! Sounds kinky! HAHAHhahaaaa" she squeeled as she laughed in excitement "take me! Take me im yours!" She swooned "oh but make me bleed!" She shouted "make me beg!" She shouted louder and burst into a fit of crazed laughter wen she grabed his wrist scrunching up the sleeve enough to be touching his skin she made him press the gun harder to her head "shoot me! Come on baby please! Shoot me! Shoot ME! HAHAHEHAHAHAAAAHOOHAHA!" A sharp sting peirced hoods wrist he winced and shot her a glare as she slowly lifter her hands for him to see a joy buzer with a needle was straped to her palm she gliggled and covered her mouth "woops heha did i do that?" She asked sweetly  hood began to stumble back his vision bluring he dropped his gun as his hands began to shake violently smile let sn evil smirt play on her lips as she steped foward and kicked the gun away "your good babycakes" she cooed "heha but not that good!" He then fell to his knees his body becoming heavyer making it harder to suport himself "its a new mix of joker venom i made heha thanks for testing it out " she steped closed her heels clicking against the assfault holds vision begain to blur hazily watching as she crouched down infront of him "dont worry ur not gonna die heHa..yet" he voice echoed a bit as he finnoly lost conciousness. Smile looked down at the unconcious  man infront of her and scoffed "damn ur usually more fun then this" she whined wen the sound of a cars tired screetched to a hault at the  end of the alley smile rolled her eyes and stood up crossing her arms as ringo and the two goons trotted up to her "smile! Smile wat the hell ya doin  ya crazy kid?"ringo scolded worriedly but wen he came closer he noticed wat she had been crouching over "wat the hell is that!?"  He asked jesturing both hands at hood smile stood up and streched her arms over her head "my new play thing!" She anounced happily and skipped off torad the car leaving ringo and the goods to stair verry obviously confused at the body smile spun around to them now skipping backworda torad the car "well come on! Throw him in the trunk i got places to be!" She then hopped into the car slanming the door shut ringo scratched his head a moment looking back at the unconcious body and exsaspoatedly ran his hands over his face "damn i know im gonna regret this" he muttered to himself "you heard the lady! Throw 'em in the trunk he shouted making the other two goons scramble to do as they were told ringo took s cigerette from his beanie and put it to his lips as he walked back to the car "hurry it up!" He shouted back at the struggleing goons  "aw come on ringo! This guy weighs a ton!" Whined one as they lifted hood off the ground with a loud grunt  ringo ignored them and hopped into the drivers seat lighting his cigerette he inhaled deeply closing his eyes and then slowly let it out smoke surounding him he looked in his rearveiw mirror at a grinning smile who had leaned foward on the back of his chair she poked his cheek "come on ringo lets see a smiiiilllee on that pretty mug of yours" she giggled batting her eyes at him ringo swatted her hand away the goons poped the trunk slipping and dropping hood his head smacked the bumper and he hit the ground with a lound thudd "fuck u clumsy-" "shut up and grab him!" The two bickered as they scrambled to throw him in the trunk ringo pinched the bridge of hos nose shaking his head and took another hit of his cigerette "damn kid wat are ya getting me into" he grumbled smile climed into the passenger seat she plopped down and kicked her feet up on the dash "aw come on  we're just havin some fun heha"  the goons slammed the trunk shut and climed into the back seat nodding at ringo he quickly put it in drive and  sped off. They whized through trafic weaving through cars ringo chewed on his cigerette "so  where we takin him?" He asked glancing at a happily lounging smile  she quirked a brow putting her finger to her chin " feelin sentimental lets head to the asylum" she said with a toothy smile ringo sighed and made a sharp turn down third "your dad aint gonna like this" smile rolled her eyes waving him off  "pfft ya worry to much daddy well be fine he likes a bit of mayhem" ringo glared foward muttering curses under his breath "ongly reason im takin ya is cause i promised ya ma' id watch ya" he grumbled smile put her hand to her chest and smiled "aw ringo im touched" she mocked whiping away a fake tear ringo rolled his eyes and continued driving as smile took out a lollipop and poped it into her mouth happily as he thaught back to what had gotten him into this mess.

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