Im out!!

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Smile climed in through her window her hand clasped over her mouth to muffle her laughter wen the lights turned on revealing an angrey harley at the corner of the room her hair in rollers dressed in her nightie she had her arms crossed and her foot tapping impatiently "and wear were you" she asked irritaited smiled chuckled and flopped down on her bed below the windowcill "oh ya know.. Hangin around" she said laughing at her own joke as she hung upsidown over her matress harley wasnt amused sharpening her glare at her daughter "verry funny" she was not amused but smile couldnt help but laugh at her mothers anger "thanks ill be here all week" she said with a salute "smile" scolded harley. Smile rolled over on her stomic and looked up at her mother "come on ma i was bored" she said playing with her knife harley stalked up to her snatching her knife away "bored or not your not saposed to leave, were on red alert the bats got eyes everywere smile and daddy dosnt want us leaving till he comes back" she lectured pointing the closed knife at her daughter smiled groaned and rolled her eyes "come on ma you expect me to just sit around inside this smelly ol' fish house" she said scrunching her face up in discussed "you hate fish anyways why do we gotta stay" harley nodded in agreement the fish making her stomic queezy "ya bu....daddy said no and i wont disipoint your father" she said placing her hands on her hips smile sat up criss cross apple sauce holding her feet as she rocked back and forth "but whyyyyyy" she whined "cause i said so and im trying to protect yo, ya wann be taken away from mommy" she began shouting now smile rolled her eyes falling back on her bed "aw ma not this again" , harley waged her finger at her daughter "dont you give me lip. You know why we have to hide" smile rolled onto her side looking up at her mom with a bored expression "come on mama im 18. I should beable to go out! slit throats ,shoot up bars, strangle orphans ya know teenage stuff" she said with a shrug harley sighed placeing her face in her hand  messaging the bridge of her nose she walked over to smiles bed and sat down on her bed "god your so annoying ya know" shaid harley as she flopped back on the matress her hands pressed over her eyes smile smirked and propped her head up on her elbow "one of my many talents" she said fluttering her hand above her head dramadically harley scoffed "watever. Fine, go out have fun" said harley in defeat smile lit up at this her smile could light up a whole city "really?!" She shouted making harleys ears ring "ya ya go nuts" she said waving her off "just dont get caught or tell your father if her knew i let you out id be dead" smile leaped up Into the air "yay!! Thanks mommy your the best!!" She cheered loudly jumping up and down on the bed "yaa.. I know" replyed harley wishing for all this to stop  smile huged her mother tightly making her choke and planted a big kiss on her cheek "love ya mommy! Ima go make some plans!" She shouted excitedly leaping off the bed and running out of the room laughing histarically, Harley sighed and curled up under the sheets "im gettin to old for this crap" she muttered to herself bitterly and snuggled up into the pillow falling asleep.

Smile skipped down through the boat house a henchmen she was passing looked at her curiously "why so smiley boss ma'am" he asked and smile smily skipped passed with a grin on her face shuvving him into the watter "just a happy day bingo" she said in a sing song voice and skipped out of the boat house the sun began to rise and smile sat on a barel on the dock playing fetch with the hyenas laughing as they faught over a life vest. Ringo was watching her near by under the shade of the boat house as he puffed a cigg being the longest living of the jokers gang he was asighned to watch her by harley while she was out side he had known her since she was born hed watched her grow up but being with the joker as long as he had he knew that he would definetly do all he could to twist the mind of this girl into a perfectly insane killer just like him he looked up from his play boy at the girl as she sat with the hyenes as she threw acid playing cards at a seagal hitting its wings laughing histarically at its misery he grimanced at this and went back to his play boy, hours later her had fallen asleep wen he felt someone poking his cheek he slowly awoke to see smile standing so close to him there noses were almost touching "GAHH!" He screamed and threw himself backwords into the wall hitting his head "damn" he said rubbing the back of his head smile laughed at his pain the hyenas joining in on her merryment "damn smile ya cant do that to a man. Gonna give me a damn heart attack" he scolded but it ongly made smile laugh harder She ploped down next to him with a wide grin "aw come on ringo have a laugh hehahahHahA" she teased elbowing him lightly he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose she leaned over to him widening her joker like grin he glanced at her and rolled his eyes "wat do ya want smile?" He asked not anticipateing the answer "oooooohhh nothing just umm wanna go get ice cream" she asked as sweetly as she could batting her lashes at him "no" he responded flipping his magazine back open "awww! Come ooonnnn ringoo" she whined with a long frown "pleeeaaaassseee" she begged making her lower lip tremble picking up how to beg from her mother and it was quite A good imitation ringo rolled his eyes "come on kid its to dangerous, your not exactly one to blend into the croud" he said pointivly with a smirk. Smile puffed out her cheeks in annoyance and glared at the thug crossing her arms "com on kid dont give me that" ring said looking back at the play boy, smile threw up her arms "and why not! Its day light the bats not out and ill wear a discuise! One of ma's wigs and some of her old clothes no one well reconized me" she explaned crossing her fingers for a yes ringo threw down his magazine and stood up "fine! Fine ill go run it by your mother" he said scratching his bum as he walked back inside "yahoo! Thanx ringo you the best!" She cheered  jumping up and down into the air  "yeah yeah watever" he muttered shutting the door behind him. Ringo knocked on the door to harleys room "wat?!" She shouted ringo slowly opened the door and peaked in to see harley in her bra and panties sitting on the bed painting her toe nails as she watched reruns of spongebob she perked up at th sight of the henchmen "oh hey ringo! Wats kicken" she asked and continued to paint her nails ringos face turned crimson at the blonde vixen and forced himself to look away rubbing the back of his neck nervously "um.. The kid want to go out for uh ice cream.. That cool?" He asked nervously harley waved him off "ya sure just dont loose her" she tossed him a large wad of cash it thumped onto the floor by his feet "get my baby wat ever she wants and dont you skip out on toppings" she scolded not taking her eyes off the old run down tv screen he slowly picked up the money "uh.. Yes ma'am" he said not sure if harley was compleatly paying atention he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him to see smile with a blonde wige on a blue blouse and jeens with converse sneekers and a big smile on her face "come on come on lets go!" She shouted tuging at his arm "alright alright chill" ringo said pulling on his jacket and stuffing the wad of cash in his jeen pocket and his gun on the inner pocket of his jacket "alright let hit the road kid" he said leaving the boat house with a cheering skipping dmile trailing behind him ringo thaught her a marvle to science she could be so blood thirsty at times and then a sweet child begging for ice cream other times. Smile skipped through the sunny streets of gothan twirling and giggleing about with a more then less amused ringo walking behind her "hey ringo! Knock knock" she said spinning around to face him pretending to knock on a nonexsistant door "whos there" he asked lighting up another cigarette "none ya" she replyed he rolled his eyes taking a slow drag "none ya who?" "None ya buisness!" She shouted and burst into laughter ringo laughed sarcastically "good one kid" he muttered and she grinned and continued to walk backwords "i know ya compleatly blown away b my comical genious. But please no pictures" she teased putting up her hands up "oh no please your such a commical genious im soooooo star struck" he said sarcastically with a dead pan tone but smile didnt pay any mind to it she heard the chime of a shop bell and spun around with wide glittering eyes and a wonderstruck smile to see the ice cream shop "ice cream ice cream we all scream for ice cream!!" She shouted and ran into the shop "smile wait up" ringo shouted after her accidentily dropping his ciggaret out of His mouth as he bolted down the block after her he burst into the ice cream shop out of breath ongly to see smile standing in  line at the end of the ice cream bar excitedly ordering her sunday he could hear her rambleing on and on so the guy behind the counter could barley register wat she was saying "andcoconutandsprinklesrainbowduhchocolatechipsExtrawhipcreamchocolatewhipcreamtoandoreosandstrawberrysAndnutsandhotfudge" the man just started dumping on scoop fulls of all the toppings at once in a frenzy ringo let out a breath of releif he knew she could handle herself but is he let her get nabed by the cops harley would skin his balls he gulped at the thaught his balls hurting he stepped outside the shop and leened against the window lighting up another ciggaret. Smile took her large heaping pile of whip cream anc icecream toppied with really who knows wat the guy got so confused behind the counter her could have put any number of the toppings on smile licked her lips happily as she reached in her pocket to pull out the cash wen a hand slammed down on the counter startleing her smile jumped and glare up at the man "hey buddy ya almost mad me drop my treat" she snapped staring up at the man with dark hair blue eyes and a white streek in his hair he was handsom and built wearing a tshirt leather jacket and jeens he just glared at her ignoring her comment and looked at the casheer "its on me" he said and smile noticed he had slammed money down on the counter "uh..sure that well be 38.50" stammered the casheer "hey buddy watever floats your boat if i dont gotta pay go nuts" said smile turning on her heal and walking off the man ran up next after her "didnt catch your name" he said trying to keep pace with her "didnt throw it dummy" she snapped and continued walking "hey i payed for your icecream that was expensive" he argued smile smirked back "wat do i care that was your choice not mine skunk bait" she said with a chuckle flashing that joker grin the man had a look of shock cross his feature but quickly hid it and glared at her "i...know you..." He slowly said under his breath and went to grab her wrist wen ringo jumped in between them and grabed smile pushing her outta the shop "alright thats enough chitchat" he said as they left the store leaving the man behind "you ok smile?" Ringo asked as he hurryed her down the street smile raised a brow at him "ya wat of it" she asked taking a large spoonful of ice cream and shuvleing it into her mouth ringo glanced back over his shoulder "i think that guy reconized you, thaught he was a nark" he said making smile laugh nearly chocking on her ice cream "he wasnt a cop dummy he was just some guy" she said rolling her eyes "chill ringo have a bit" she  held a dripping spoon full of her sugary mess he looked at it with disgust "nah im good" he said and she shrugged "eh suit urself" she said and shuvled in another spoon full happily she was out.

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