Birthday baloons and family fun

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Its been about 5 years  since joker killed the  bird the bat had become more  violent. Joker was thrilled "i finnaly broke the bat!" He would say laughing histarically it was the most amusing thing but sadly he had yet to actually kill anyone, oh god how funny would that be the batman killing people!? Now that. Would be funny, 17 year old Smile hung upsidown from the rafters of the abandon opera house they called home her radio playing chello music echoed off the walls as she day dreamed of slitting throats she played with her long green hair in her skimpy green and pink jesture costume wich constited of a jesture crop top and a shredded jesture mini skirt adorn with blood and bells 'if you think skipping this far ahead is a cop out congradulations you get a cookie' said smiles other self to the reading audiance. Smile hung above the grand decaying  stage the opera house being bult in 1919 it was grand or atleast wat was left of it a broken part of the ceiling letting a merky white silver light pour in like a spot light onto her in the dark dusty room, wen a goon walked into the room walking up to the 3rd row from the stage "uh miss quinn joker says-" he was cut off by a knife to the throat that she had thrown at him the man choked and fell to his knees making smile giggle and she flipped down to the ground landing gracefully she skipped across the stage and back flipped off of it into the rowws of chairs  she sauntered over to the goon and grinned widely as she pressed her heel on the base of his neck making him scream and choke loudly on his own blood as it filled his lungs "you should know betterrrrr" she sang to him as she gripped the handle of the knife "then to interupt me!" She said violently ripping the knife from his neck and then stabing him in the eye laughing wildly, she then stood up from his corpse with an innocent smile across her lips she skipping off down the  aisle humming if ur happy and you know it to herself making her way to her fathers office. Smile stoped at her fathers office door and took in a slow deep breath befor knocking she stood for a few moments holding her breath wen she heared jokers voice "what?!" He snapped smile let out her breath and slowly opened the door grinning widly showing all of her pearly whites "hiya daddy!" She beamed joker went from looking irritaited to a relaxed smile at the sight of his daughter he sat back in his squeeky leather chair and held out his arms "princess!" He exclamed smile skipped over andhugged her father and the  sat on the floor by his knee knowing better then to stand above the joker wen he sat  he patted her head like an obediant dog "hows my little monster today?" He asked smiles grin grew wider "awsome! I killed a goon! I ripped open his throat!" She explaned excitedly the joker gave her a curt look "wat did daddy say about breaking your toys sweet heart" he scolded Smile gave him a long frown sticking out her lower lip "but dadddyyyy~ he was bothering meee~" she whined childishly joker raised his eyebrow his arms crossed as he staired down at her he quickly switched composure and smiled at her widely with that joker grin "ohhhh!! I cant stay mad at you!" He said tapping the tip of her nose with his finger  she giggled he leaned down to her with an eyebrow raised "did you make him scream!?" He asked she nodded excitedly "ya really loud!" Joker slapped his knee with a chuckle "thats my girl!" He then began to scratch his head as he looked back at his plans "nowww~ wats the date princess?" He asked smile bit her lip in thaught "hmmmm aprilll~~ first" she said with a nod joker nodded as he continued scribbleing his pencil broke "ah damn" he said and started to pat down his coat "now i know i should have a spare somewere~" he trailed off and reached into his waist coat and pulled out a small colorfully wrapped box with a large blue bow slapped ontop "ah ha!" Exclaimed the joker smiles eyes widened and her grin seemed to grow ten times its size as she let out a loud gasp "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LITTLE PRINCESS!" He shouted handing her the box, Smile quickly snatched it from his hands and began ripping apart the paper shredding it around her she threw off the top of the box she screamed with glee making the joker laugh loudly ash she yanked out the rainbow butterfly knife with the long Blade she flipped it open to see engraved on one side of the blade were the words 'mommys little monster' she flipped it over to see on the other side of the blade were the words 'daddys little princess' smile quickly jumped up and threw her arms around the joker engfing him in a tight hug "thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!" She said loudly joker laughed and patted her back "its not every day our girl turns 18!!!" He said with a wide grin at his daughters delight "theress moooOooorrrree hehahaHA" he said smile jumped up excitedly "really?!"  Joker leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms behind his head "yup your mothers got it in the kitchen" at this smile sprinted out of the office cartwheeling down the hell she did a back hand spring over the railing of the staircase and landed at the floor below she hopped up and down into the kitchen to find harley in her jesture costume and makeup "happy birthday my little monster!" She shouted jumping onto smile wrapping her in a tight squeeze lifting her feet off the ground "oh my little babys growing up so fast!" She said and began to sob loudly "oh god ur getting so big!!" Her sobs got louder and she pulled out a hankey from her bra and wen she blew her nose into it a puff of purple smoke filled the room making smile  cough as it filled her lungs wen the smoke cleared harley was infront of her holding a large banner the read in big sloppy painted letters that were still dripping on to the floor that read 'HAPPY FIRST HEIST!!' Smiles squealed "really?!" She shouted in happy  disbelief harleys grin grew wider "yup!! Your commin with us tonight baby!!" smile jumped up and down and jumped into harleys arms squeezing the life out of her "i get to go outside!!!" She exclaimed happily harley patted her back "uncle. Uncle!" She managed to choke out Smile released her viper like hold on her mother harley gasped for air as joker walked in happily twirlin his knife between his fingers "i see my girls heared the good news" he said and smile then jumped into his arms "its true daddy?! I can go outside!!?" She shouted joker nodded with a long smile on his face "yes indeedee my girl! I think its time gotham learned the meening of the term 'family fun'" he then burst into uncontrolable laughter smile leped into the air "YAHOO! YIPPEE!!! YA!!!" She cheered, harley walked up whiping a fake tear from her eye as she stood next to joker "aw puddin, look how happy she is" she said smileing sweetly "yeeeeeAaaAaAAAssss but the fun hasnt started yet, as soon as the sun sets over gotham we have a birthday BASH to CRASH hehhAhHaaAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAAHAHAAA" he walked back to his offfice to finish up his plans for that evening smile ploped down at the kitchen table shaking with excitement "WE FINNALOY GET TO GO OUT!" She exclamed to her other self 'I KNOW THIS IS THE BEST! WAT DO U THINK WERE GONNA DO?!' "Ohhhh maybe we'll blow up a bank!! Or a tv station!!" 'OMG WE GET TO BE ON TV!' "VEIWER DISGRESION IS ADVISED!" She then burst out into laughter harley chuckled to herself rolling her eyesshe walked over to the table and set down a big stack of confettie pancakes infront of smile woth extra rainbow sprinkles baked in just  for her "alright alright you two thats enough. Smile tell ur freind no speaking at the table with her" she said as she stuck a sparkleing candle into the top pancake 'please let me kill her, she talks to harleen all the time! And she dont hear us complaining!' Her otherself snapped back smile shot her other personality a sharp glare a glare that the joker had taught her but her other self meerly stuck her tung out in responce and laughed at her. Harley lit the candle and kissed smiles soft cheek "happy birthday to youuuu. happy birthdayyyy to youuuUUUU~ happy BIRTHday dear SMILE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPYYYYY BIRTHDAAAAYYYYY TOOOO YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!" She sang Smile blew out her candle and harley clapped and cheered wildly "oh happy birthday my sweet angel!" She took the candle out and put a big scoop of cherry icecream ontop and then covered it in whipped cream smile happily began fo scarf down her special breakfast. Her birthday was always a verry special time it was the one day a year wen joker didnt hit her or use her as a ginnie pig for any of his toxins and poisons and gasses it was the one day a year wen she could be happy and not afraid of her fathers temper he also refrained from beating harley on this day because it made Smile upset, it made her feel...normal to say the least...well as normal as THERE family could get. As smile was eating amxiously awaiting for the day to end so there night of fun could begin harley scubbed the dishes thinking back to smiles first birthday.

"Come on mr.J! Put it on!" Harley begged trying to get joker to wear a party hat, joker sat grumpily at the kitchen table his chin in his hand as he leeaned on his elbow drumming his fingers against the wood "no" he spat harley stomped her foot at this "aw come on!" She whined joker slammed his fist on the table "no! I said no harls! I dont wanna wear that stupid thing! Why are u pestering me about it anyway?" He snapped "cause its her first birthday sweety ! Its important!" She stated matter of factly smile squeeled happily in her high chair playing with the plain macaronie noodles on her highchair "look harl the kid dont give a shit. She aint gonna remember this" he argued "yes she well! Cause its gonna be festive! And fun! And her daddys gonna wear a birthday hat!!" She screamed back she looked at him darkly the room seemed to have a dark threatening shadow looming over it as harley leened closer to joker "now put. The fucking. Hat. On!" She growled threw her teeth Joker quickly glanced away "fine" he muttered harley slaped the hat atop his head "YAY!!" She cheered wen the oven beeped "oh! Its done!!" She sang and skipped over to the oven leaving joker to mumble to himself "stupid dame. Tell me to put on a stupid hat. Fucking stupid for a stupid party. Stupid harley" he muttered bitterly to himself he glanced over at his daughter who was laughing and slapping the tray top attatched to her high hair she was dressed in a frilly, ruffled, sparkly, pink dress with puffy sleeves and a pink bow clipped into her tufft of fine soft spring green curly hair and she seemed to be laughing at his bitter expression joker smirked at this "little brat" he muttered "wat was that?" Harley asked as she placed a sloppily decoraited cake on the high chair tray infront of smile "nothing" responded joker quickly and then staired at the pink and white icing that seemed to be melting off the now tilting two layered cake "wat is that?" Joker asked disgusted pointing at the cake "its a cake" harley shot back putting her hands on her hips, joker sniffed the air "smells burnt" he pointed out harley glared at him "oh shut it! You try baking!" Joker rolled his eyes "harl why didnt u just buy one? Ur a horrible cook. Sits like a rock in ur gut after" this seemed to make harley  angrier "im a great cook! Smile loves my cooking!" Just then as of on que smile had grabbed a handful of the birthday cake and threw it hitting harley smack dab in the face harley stood there frozen in suprise as both Smile and joker laughed "that kids got an arm!" He cheered and continued laughing at harleys expence just then another handfull of cake hit joker in the face making his laughter  cease Instantly he blinked obviously not expecting the  'gift' from his daughter harley then began laughing wildly at her puddin "your right pudd! She should join the pros! HaHAHAHAHAHAAAA" joker ubruptly stood up about to beat some respect into his girlfreind wen he heared a splat harley stoped laughing amd both parents looked down at there baby who had face planted into the cake she looked up at her parents giggling and clapping her hands there was a moment of silence between them as they just stared at there cake faced daughter wen they sudently burst into laughter.

Harley smiled fondly at the memory as she finished up scubbing the pan she shut off the watter and walked over to the couch she sat down and lifter the photo album from the side table and flipped it open to the photo of the three of them smileing and there faces covered in cake she smiled lovingly down at the photo gently running her fingers over baby smiles cake covered face she looked back at her now 18 year old Smile as she stuffed the last bite of pancakes into her mouth tears began to fill harleys eyes she outstreched her arms "come'ere baby! Let mama hold ya!" At this smile jumped up from the table and volted herself over the back of the couch plopping down next to her mother harley quickly engolfed her in a hug pulling her into her lap smile nestled down as harley began slowly stroking her long green hair "stop growing already hu" harley said as she whiped the mirth from her eyes "wanna watch a movie? And then later i can help ya get ready for ya big  premier?" Smile nodded at this with a happy smile on her face she was always at peace wen her mother held her it was as if all the chaos and the voices in her head seemed to melt away and she was no longer in the constant agony she lived threw every day day in and day out in her mothers arms she felt safe and unlike with the joker she felt genuen love there was no uneasy feeling in her gut that her mother was using her or didnt want her she never had to second guess anything and she didnt have to be afraid of her mother snapping out of the blue and stabbing her in the chest she just, wich was very rare for her indeed. Harley flipped on the tv and turned on smiles favorit movie the first rugrats movie as the two waited for the sun to set and the fun to begin.

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