Girls day out!...and ringo..

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Harley woke up early the next morning and threw on her  brunette wig, white crop top and blue jean shorts and thigh high stockings. She was aplying her red lipstick and mascara wen joker came out of there bathroom his chizled lean bleach white body glitsening in watter droplets from the shower as the steam poured out into there bedroom he tied a purple towel around his waist as he flipped his green mop out of his eyed running his fingers through his hair he camr up behind her snaking his toned muscular arms around harleys waist nibbleing at her ear. Harley squeeled and giggled leaning further into him "were you off to today pumpkin pie" he asked in a low husky whisper making harleys tummy burst with butterflys she tilted her head back to look up at him "taken smile out for a girl time" joker rolled his eyes with a scoff "gross" he said and stood up from behind harley she shruged and finished aplyingg her makeup popping her lips as she finished rubbing her lips together she smiled in her slightly dingery vanity mirror saticfied with herself and put on her red heart shaped sunglasses slipping on her white stilletose and grabbing her smiley face purse "dont pout puddin" she teased kissing his cheek leaving a perfect lipstick mark on his skin he irritably whiped it off and glared at her she was about to leave wen she remembered something stopping in her tracks and spun back around a large smile on her face "hey daddy?" She asked in her baby pout voice  "wat" he snapped back she got down on her knees infront of him "i dont got any money daddy" she said lightly tracing shaped on his bare thigh with her finger nail sending chills over his skin she lightly began trailing kisses down his chest  "can i please have some money daddy" she said each word invetween kisses slowly a wide grin spread over jokers lips he lightly hooked his finder under her chin lifting her head to look up at him "oh you little minx. I cant stay mad at you" he said with a light chuckle and reached over to his bead side table opening the drawer and pulling out a large wadd of hundreds handing it to her she grinned happily at him with a laugh and planted a big kiss on his lips throwing her arms around his neck "oh thanks puddin!" She exclamed and hoped up from the floor "you two have fun! Dont spend it all in one place!" He shouted after his wife as she skipped out of the room down the hall to smile. Harley threw open smiles bedroom door as smile was putting on her high heel lace up ankle black boots she wore a green blouse and black leggings she wore one of her mothers long blonde wigs and put on her blue heart shapped sunglasses barrowing clothes from her mother ment high end brand clothes ,shoes  and purses but cheap heart shaped sunglasses she knew her dad could get rough with her mother but he always made sure to spoil her rotten harley squeeled in delight "oh u look so much like me wen i was your age!" She said fanning herself for dramadic effect smile rolled her eyes and hopped up from her bed grabbing her one of her mothers Kate Spade purses from the hook on her wall the two set off with ringo in tow he was assighned to watch them by the joker and was less then thrilled to be forced to go on a shopping spree with the two women he knew had no self controll wen it came to shopping. "Ok smile daddy gave us 900,000 dollars for our shopping today-" she was cut off by smile who held open her purse full of cash "he gave me an extra 900,000 i drew him a picture of a dead batman and dad as a king over a burning gotham and used it to ask him for the money. I ran out of my red crayon but it was worth it to draw in the extra blood" she said proudly harley jumped with joy "oh this is gonna be great!" She shouted laughing loudly the two hooked arms skipping into the busy streets of gotham happily ringo rolled his eyes and lit up a ciggerette hed need a tripple shot expresso to keep up with this pair he couldnt comprehend how cheery they could be in the morning he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as the two skipped into the coach store "and so begins my decent into hell.." grumbled ringo. Harley hapily strutted down the sidewalk sipping on a soda through a swirly straw her daughter next to her eating an almond pretzle, harley tossed her head back "keep up ringo, cant go loosen ya out here" she hallared back at the henchman as he struggled to carry over 100 bags of shoes ,skirts ,jewlery , purses, dresses and makeup as harley carryed but one bag from victoria secret ringo glared at her rolling his eyes and smile spun around to face him and began walking backwords "aw poor ringo" she said with a mock frown tilting down her sunglasses two bags on her arm victoria secret and bobs gun supply "just think! Your getting great cardio" she beamed laughing at her own joke ringo groaned a bead of sweat dripping down his temple wen they came across the diamond beauty spa the most expensive and extravagant spa from gotham to star city bruce wayne had been seen there more then acouple times and rated it 5 stars. Smile and harleys faces lit up at the sight of the shimmering building befor them They burst into the building through the glass doors "come on ringo!" Shouted smile wen they got inside the loby was clean and sheek the floors were a sparkleing white marble as was the front desk and the loby was made up of leather black arm chairs and couches and a mini kitchen off the the side with a women waiting to take your drink order harley and smile looked around wide eyed "damn..." breathed harley but there thaughts were interupted by the s secretarys voice from behind the counter a polite  smile on her face "excuse me,may i help you?" She asked and the pair smiled back and pranced up to the front desk. Ringo glanced around the spa lobby compleatly unfazed and  exhausted but his face quickly lit up as he caught sight of a big black leather arm chair a heavenly glow seeming to shine around it, he could hear the chorus now he quickly ran over to the chair and ploped down into its cushy leather dropping the bags on either side of him he let out a loud sigh of releif and let his body sink down into it wen a smileing women came up to him "can i get you anything to drink sir?" She asked and ringo smiled for the first time all day "yes can i get a large coffee, black" she nodded "comming right up sir" she said and walked of to the mini kitchenet "see ya in 4 hours ringo" harley hallared at him as the women came back and handed him a large porclien mug full of steaming black coffee the heavenly aroma hit his nose making his smile grow wider "uh-hu take your time" he said waving her off not really paying atention taking a slow sip of the rich  beverage  savoring the flavor harley shurged and her and smile entered the spa for there pampering. After facials, body wraps, full body massages, nails, feet, body scrubs, and getting there hair and makeup done harley and smile came out of the spa feeling better then ever harley went up to the front desk to pay and smile skipped over to ringo to find him fast asleep snoring loudly in the arm chair smile giggled to herself and poked his cheek with her freshly polished and painted nail "ringooooo" she called " oh ringooo wakie wakie" he didnt budge and smile had an evil grin spread over her face "i could always wake him up the way daddy would wen i was little" she said to her self and covered his mouth with her hand and pinched his nose with the other cutting off his air supply, ringo jumped awake and smile released him he began taking in large gulps of air his heart pounding 100 miles a miniute "damn it smile!" He shouted making her laugh harley walked over to the pair zipping up her purse "come on you two time for lunch" she said making smiles  stomach growl "pleeeaaassseee" whined smile harley put her sunglasses back on and picked up her large victoria secret bag "go on huney grab ur gun and panty bag" she said, smile obayed and quickly snatched them up and ram out after her mother excitedly driven by hunger. Ringo groaned and  heaved up the over 100 shopping bags from the floor and trudged after them as he came to the door he took one last sad glance back at his arm chair nearly feeling a tear come to his eye he forced himself to fallow the two women knowing if he lost them the boss would cut out his eye and make him eat it he shuddered at the thaught and quickly picked up the pace "were we goin mama?" Asked smile eagerly trying to see wat harley was typeing on her gps "ice burg lounge baby, i just dunknow were it is from this side of town" the screen finished loading and harley smiled "ah perfect ongly 2 blocks north of here" she said and threw her phone back in her purse "can we take a cab?" Asked ringo harley smirked back at him "no dice ringo. Anyhow walking builds character" she teased making ringos chest tighten. At last after wat felt like forever they finnaly arived at there destination cutting infront of the like of people waiting behind the red velvet rope the gaurd glared at harley "ma'am you cant just cut in line. You have to wait at the end just like everyone else" he demanded harley glared at him "get cobblepot out here" she demanded the man looked taken aback "now!" She shouted impatiently her hunger begining to turn her temper sour the man spoke into the radio on his jacket collar keeping his eyes fixed on harley her arms crossed tapping her foot impatiently a moment laitor oswald cobblepot came hobbleing out of the upscale building his monicle in his eye in an expensive three peice suit and top hat compleat with a black cane with a golden diamond and ruby encrusted penguin at the top for the handle  he was hort and stubby with a long pointed nose much like a beak and he did not look happy "alright whos out here causing all this  commotion! He demanded hooking the handle of his cane on the gaurds shirt yanking him down to his hight violently "who the hell is out here demanding stuff of me!?" He shouted a visable bead of sweat dripped down the mans fave as he pointed at harley and penguin shot her an icey glare "listen here sweet cheeks! No one comes waltsing into my club! Demanding me to do anything! You damned-" he cut himself off wen harley took off her sunglasses "come on pengy play nice" she said in a sultry new york accent penguin was taken aback and his ice glar was quickly replaced with a polite buisness man smile he straighted his bow tie "ah miss quinn so nice of your to join us" he said kissing her hand "i apologize for my incompotent staff i promise i well feed this one to my  orca  for this missunderstanding" the guard behind penguin turned whiter then joker at that moment knowing tonight would be his last. Cobblepot held out his arm to her and she took it grinning from ear to ear "aw what a gentleman" she giggled "i braught my daughter and henchman if thats alright?" She said and cobblepot patted her hand "ah yes of course your  Entourage is always welcome miss quinn" he then stopped short and turned to look at the other women standing next to haley he blinked a few times in shock then looked back at harley "shes out?..." he asked in almost a whisper halrey nodded proudly "yup! puddin says it was high time for gotham to meet there next super star!" she cheered penguin nodded at this regaining his composure although he wasnt incharge of watching the girl as much as the others he still knew her he was maybe incharge of watching her 4 times but had been in charge of helping to move her from place to place more times then he could count being in the eyes of the law a legal buisness man he was especialy good at smugleing  things undetected  but he hadnt seen her in quite some time and heared no news about joker thinking of letting her out any time soon to say the least he was in quite a shock. as they entered the resturaunt  smile was grinning ear to ear at the smell of the  exquisite food as servers walked past her with steaming trays her mouth began to watter "and because of this horrible misshap i shall grant you our finest and most exclusive table" continued cobblepot leading them to a single table on the high balcony over looking the seals playing in the icey watter in the center of the glittering crystal iceburg lounge they all took there seats and ringo set all the bags down next to him safley harley and smile took there seats as a waitor came over and filled there crystal flute glasses with icewater and handed them there menues ringo quickly gulped is all down and grabed the waitor by the sleeve startling him abit "leav the pitcher" he said his face beat red and sweaty from the mever ending work out the two girls had forced apon him, the waitor slowly nodded and set down the pitcher next to ringo who poured himself another glass. Penguin smiled his white gloved hands clasped together a polite smile on his face "if theres anything at all you would like to make your experiance at the iceburg lounge more  enjoyable please let your server know and i well take care of it personally" harley smiled batting her  lashes  "aw thanx sugar your a sweetie" she said making cobblepot smile wider he then glared at the waitor "anything they want they get it got it" he said darkly making the server visibly shake "y-yes sir" he stammered cobblepot then smiled "good, now if youll excuse me i must tend to my other guests but please dont hesitate to ask for anything u may need" he said and turned to leave making his way back down the polished staircase to the rest of the resturant. The waitor gulped as he aproached the table his pen shaking in his hand as he stood ready to jot down there orders on the note pad "can i get your anything to drink?" He asked trying to keep his voice from trembleing he knew if penguin was being this agressive then these people were obviously someone either very powerful or verry dangerous harley perked up her blue eyes sparkleing "can i get a  strawberry daiquiri" the server nodded and jotted it down "and can i get..the strongest thing ya got" said ringo  rubbing his temple smile then piped up "oh oh! and a strawberry milkshake with extra cherrys!" She exclamed excitedly the waitor cracked a slight smile at this a wrote down there orders "ill be right back with your drinks and some bread his nerves calmed by smiles childlike enthusiasm he walked off leaving the three to decide on there orders  the waitor came back with there bread and drinks and set them on the table "alright are we ready to order?"  Harley taped her finger "hmmm ill have the prime rib with collyflower" she said handing him her menue "oo! And ill have the um wait no i want the...oh ya! Wait no.." smile said going back and forth to hersel on her order wen ringo cut her off "ill have the sword fish pasta with mashed potatoes and a side of extra bread" smile stuck her toung out at him for interupting her and began to get anxious as the menue choices overwhelmed her harley smiled softly at her daughters anxiety knowing she had never been good at making desisions like this expecually on the spot and pointed to an item on the menue "here baby youd like this, is that ok?" She sugested smiled face lit up and she nodded excitedly harley smiled up at the waitor handing him there menues "she well have the double club cheese burger with curly sweetpotatoe fries please"  the man nodded "ill be right back with those as soon as there ready" he said and left harley took a sip of her drink "sorry mama.." smile said quietly awkwardly twiddleing with her thumbs in her lap  harley querked a brow at her "for wat sweetie?" Smile then bit her lip "i froze up again" she said obviously embarassed her father had always given her such a hard time about her slow desision making wen it came to food or basic things like that and teased and ridiculed her relentlessly for it he would even throw knives at her wen she was 9 wen she was aloud to start ordering her own stuff and she would take so long at making a choice on just her drink order breaking the thin layer of  patients joker had he would start screaming at her at threatening her in the middle of dinner for it banging his fist on the table and throwing things making 9 year old smile ongly panic more even though they ongly ever ordered take out wen her dad handed her the phone to order she froze instiantly  harley chuckled and squeezed her daughters hand "dont say sorry baby, you didnt do anything wrong" smile glanced up at her and cracked a small smile "thanx mommy" she said quietly "no problem baby girl" harley said softly, Ringo looked at them curiously as he took a sip of wat ever drink the waitor had braught him and watever it was it tasted like straight up draino it was damn strong. After there meal the group hailed a cab much to ringos delight and drove home, as they pulled up to the hideout smile had fallen asleep in harleys lap the cab driver turned around to them "thatll be 18.50" he said and ringo shot him point black in the head waking up smile she sat up tiredly rubbing her eyes "are we there yet?" She asked harley grinned "yes baby were home now lets go inside and show daddy what we  bought hu?" Smile leaped up at this and ran inside cartwheeling through the door "daddy daddy! Come see what we got!" She shouted excitedly harley hoped out after her "ringo get the bags well ya?" She asked  ringo inwardly groaned and nodded going to the trunk for the bags and fallowed them inside as he walked through the door he felt a hard slap on the back and looked over to see joked grinning widely at him laughing "haHA! They tire ya out ringo ol boy! Ha!"  Ringo meerly smiled and went to set down the bags in the livving room and plopped down in on of the chairs to jokers amusement he looked ragged and worn down to the bone he laughed wildly as he sat down on the couch near his henchman and leened foward smileing at his two girls "ok ladys show me what you made ol worn and ragged drag around all day hu? HA!" Smile jumped excitedly and started showing her dad all her new things.

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