Aw fuck

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scarecrow slowly stalked into the club his long syringe fingers lightly clanking against the bar stool as he went by as the gas filled the room the girls on stage began screaming and running out the back two faces goons began to open fire along with smiles wen scarecrow hit a button on his suit anda dark blue smoke sprayed out like a stream of pepperspray right into the goons faces they instantly began to scream and sob histarically clawing away at there own skin and gouging there own eyes out scarecrow chuckled darkly "a new formula ive been working on hmmmm works just as id hoped" he said with a silky purr hood yanked smile under the table and put on his own gas mask over his nose and mouth offering her his second but she wasnt paying attention she simply smiled to herself and reached up on the table taking hoods whisky "looks like its your time to shine baby doll" smile said to her other self who began chearing wildly hood gave her a confused look "the hell are you doin? put the damn mask on" he spat smile quickly downed the drink and shut her eyes tight as it burned her throat  wen she opened them back up an evil smile spread wide over her lips she looked at hood with a saucy half lidded stair wich made hoods stomach churn with unease like a flip of a switch smiles whole demeaner had changed and what sent a cold rush through his bones was the fact that her once bright blue eyes had turned a dark shade of blue green they were almost black just like the jokers he was about to say something wen she grabbed his face roughly "shhhhh baby doll" she said in a low purr "dont miss me to much ok muffin mama well be right back" she said in a teasing baby voice and gave his cheek a hard slap befor jumping up from behind the table catching scarecrows attention "there you are" he said slowly gestureing his arms to her smile slowly examined him taking in his upgraded appearence "get all dressed up for me crane?" she teased that same smile never leaving her face scarecrow took a step torad her as she began circleing him "jokers brat all grown up" he mused "i had heared you were finally let out of that dirty little hole your mother had you locked up in so long" his goons began to flank her there own gas tanks at the ready wich were obviously old exterminator tanks scarecrow had upgraded smile began flipping around her butterfly knife "well here i am" she said almost bored looking up at the flickering lights scarecrow stepped in close and gently began stroking smiles cheek with his needled fingers "pitty you wont be here for long" hood then threw out a flash granade and smoke bomb as the flash granade went off smile backflipped kicking scarecrow square in the chin sending him tumbleing back as the bright light filled the room his goons screamed and began to panic sparying there own toxins from there gas tanks wildly through the room the smoke and toxins clouded the room like a thick screen smile began laughing wildly in the chaos as scarecrow began slashing and kicking at her she dodged each attempt with ease spinning and twirling out of the way as if she was dancing and began charging at him with her own knife as hood quickly shot the two still panicking goons in the head he ran over to grab smile she had stabbed crane in the shoulder  she then launched herself at him feet first knocking him to the ground pinning him down as she stood squating on his chest and began twsiting the knife deeper into his flesh he shouted in pain and slashed at her as she began to loose control and stab him repeatedly wen her knife punctured his gas tank the blue smoke sprang from the leak wen hood ran up and wrapped both arms around her waist struggleing to pull her off crane she kicked and flailed around in his arms as she was lifted off the man she had been so happy to make a mess with she keped slashing and stabbing at the air around her her laughter turning manic "come on!" shouted hood as he threw down another smoke bomb and used his grappleing hook to pull them out through a skylight window glass shattered and rained down everywere scarecrow glared up the the ceiling as he sat up his arm and shoulder was in shreds blood pooled out from his wounds he angrily ripped off his mask glistening in sweat and made a retreat to his car, as the bar cleared out ringo came out from the bathroom whistleing a tune as he wiped his hands on his shirt he stopped short at the now compleatly distroyed strip club after taking in the destruction he registered that smile was no were in sight he noted that his own comrads were dead along with another cluster of lackeys layed in a bloody mess he quickly reckonized them as scare crows men "aw fuck" he leaped over the corpses of fallen cronies and out the front door and looked around frantically seeing the alley way compleatly empty he face palmed "aw damn harls is gonna kill me" he muttered he was about to turn back inside wen he heard the metalic chime of a coin and a gravley voice echo through the darkness "well well well looks like someones made a mess of my club" ringo froze he knew that voice two face stepped out of the darkness his two eight hand men flanking him his suit had been freshly pressed and his shoes polished flipping his coin he glared down at ringo "you wanna tell me wat YOUR doing her lacky" he spat ringo straightened himself up he had been in enough meetings with joker and him to see how this guy worked he was unpredictable but more so predictible then joker showing respect and being civil with the guy was a good way to stay ontop of his back and forth tempers "dent i heard u were in the slamer?" He questioned harvey ran a chared and scared hand through his neatly  combed  Hair "yes well the odds were in my favore you see" he said in amusment but his smile quickly disapeared as he gripped the coin tightly flipping like a switch "did the clown send you?" Harvey snaped but ringo stood unfazed "naw smile needed a place to regroup and chose here she said u were at arkham" harvey steped closer to ringo his shoes almost steping ontop of his own a puzzled look etched on both his faces "shes out?" He questioned almost soflty ringo nodded "looks like scare crow scared her off thow" ringo said jabbing his thumb over his shoulder torad the blood soaked club two face stood silently for a moment muling over this new information and then spoke shoving past ringo i to the club "ill take care of it" he said leaving ringo , it was a well known fact that scare crow and two face didnt get along expecually since smile was born ongly a few knew about her as to keep her safe cobblepot , kyle, dent, crane, and isley but after smile turned 9 the group had a falling out with crane after he and joker got into a teritory dispute and cranes method of getting even was nearly exposing smile to the bat wat joker did to piss off the man enough to do that no one knew except crane and joker himself but from that day on they had been at eachothers throats and crane had a personal vendetta to seeing to that the one thing joker cares about was destroyed taking it apon himself to see smile dead and everyone knew It now dent didnt hate scare crow like joker did he even still did buisness with him wen  necessary  But he did have a soft spot for smile and would constently tell crane to drop his vendetta to no avail but this was diferent smile wasnt aloud out something about joker waiting for the perfect day for her debut  keeping her under constant watch and never staying in the same place for long as the keep the bat off there trail and also never giving crane enough time to plan a proper attack so wen scare crow got wind that ahe was out and vonerable he struck with out thinking letting his excitment get the better of him resulting in this mess a mess that ended up trashing dents club wich ment now he had to get involved and he was planning on putting crane in his place

Do to smiles constiant squirming hood tumbled onto the near by roof ungracefully her still sling over his  shoulder smile then gave Him a solid kick to the side of the head "the fuck?!" He shouted dropping her to the ground making her break out into laughter "jesus crazy wat was that about?" He snapped smile layed on her back trying to calm down her laughter "g-give me a a sec heHahahA" hood scoffed at her crossing his arms smile then shut her eyes tight and gripped the sides of her head tightly "go back! Go back! Go back!" She yelled still laughing hood quirked a brow at her "Youuu ok..?" He asked taking a short cautious step torad her smile laughter ongly got louder as she colapsed to her side tears began to run down her face "sto—HAHHAS s-sTOP! HehHahaa!" Hood dropped next to her roughly grabing hold of her shoulders "hey! Clown calm down!" He nearly shouted smile bit down on her bottom lip drawing blood as she tryed to make the laugjter and the taunting voice of her other personality from compleatly taking over again she then began to hit her head on the concreat to try to stop the now angery and venomous voices in her head as blood began to drip drown from her head  hoods blood ran cold "shit!" He shouted and quickly pulled out a trank gun from his inner jacket pocket quickly injecting her in the neck smiles painful chuckles began to die down intill her body slumped into hoods lap hood ran a hand through his hair "damn wat the fuck.." he muttered.

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