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Joker was sifting threw his plans in his office scribbleing and erasing doodles for his next big scheme as a happily entertained Smile play on the flood she was now 13 and was putting her feet behind her head and doing the splits as she balenced a throwing knife on her nose "daddy look" she exclamed proudly "hm? Ya thats uh thats grest princess listen to your mother" he said not even looking up from his work Smile frowned ironically enough and took the knife off her nose and summersaulted to her feet she droped down on the floor next to her fathers foot and rested her chin on his knee looking up at him "aw come on daddy u didnt even look" she whined childishly "daddys busy sweetie" he said still scribbleing smile let out a puff of air in annoyance and stood up and flipped over and began walking around on her hands with ease "cant u work laitor?" She complained "no dear daddy has to finnish this plan, go bug your mother" he said earasing his plan and crumpleing up the blueprint in annoyance and tossed it to the already overfilled trashcan behind him with an angrey growl he yanked another sheet of blue print from the pile on his dest and began scribbleing once more "aw come on daddy" she said flipping over and landing in the splits proping her elbows up on the floor and resting her chin in her hands "dont ya wanna go shoot some goona or somethin" she said getting bored and smile being bored ment jokers patcients wouldnt last long . Joker began to get frustraited "Smile huney. Daddys got very important buisness to do now if u can sit there quietly then go play somewere else" he snapped "aww but daa-" smile began to whine but was cut off by joker slamming his desk with his fist "Smile enough! I told you i have work now go play somewere else!" He yelled angrily this made smile shut up quickly and exit like a dog running for its cage she stoped short and spun bsck around her hands on her hips "you never wanna hang out with me ur always working!" She yelled "i work to pay for ur food missy! Dont give me that atitude!" Joker snaped back "ill give u watever attitude i want!" She snapped back joker threw a knife her way lodging it into the doorframe next to her head "not another word do u hear me!" Joker shouted ready to strangle her as he jumper up from his desk "i am your father you RESPECT ME!" He shouted his anger boild over Smile stuck her toung out at him befor storming out and slamming the door. Harley was making her way down the hall wen an angrey smile marched passed her "hey cupcake wats with the hussle" she asked her beloved daughter Smile spun around angry tears in her eyes "nothing mom leave me alone!" She snapped and stormed into her room slaming the door harley winced at the loud bang and then put her finger to her chin confused "wat the hell was that about?" She muttered to herself. After smile left Joker let out a sigh rubbing his temples to rid himself of his now growing head ache "arent teenagers saposed to be secluded and not wanna be around there parents" he complained to himself "well shes got the whiney teenager part down thats for sure thats all i ever hear!" He muttered annoyed "but ddaaaaddd! I want. I want. I want me me me .blah blah blah. God!" He mocked irritably waving his hands about and making his voice a high pitch annoying girl voice as best he could. Harley snickered in the door way wich got jokers attention he shot a glare at her and went back to scribbleing angrely "wat do u want" he spat harley meerly giggled and entered the room shutting the door behind her she sauntered over to him at his desk and began massageing his shoulders "aw come on puddin it aint that bad" she teased joker scoffed and fded his arms like a stuborn child his brow furrowed in annoyance "shes infuriaiting harley i cant get any quiet with her shes always whineing and asking for stuff and complaining! Jesus christ shes gonna make my brain pop! With all this stupid nagging!" He complained loudly harley just laughed "shes a teen girl watdya want For her to stay 2 forever? Ha!" Joker meerly glared at her "great so i can choose over her shitting herself or bitching at me?" He said throwing his arms up and then weighing it in his hands "oh how ever well i choose there both so, wonderful!" He said sarcastically harley kissed his cheek "aw come on dont be like that sweetie" she cooed "ya know ya love her" she said hugging him tight from behind "do i?" He grumbled  "shes so hot headed! Its infuriaiting!" He shouted slamming his fist on his desk "i wonder were she gets that from?" Teased harley taping him on the nose. Joker growled at her "you obviously" he spat harley rolled her eyes "uh-hu"

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