Toxins and baby bumps

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Harley sat in the abandoned warehouse putting a circus puzzle together as a 5 year old smile played near her with her doll chopping the hair off and scribbleing on its face with black sharpee harley smiled to herself 'shes a little Angel, just like her daddy' she thaught to herself  smile then diped the dolls head in a small bowl of acid and laughed in merry amusment as its head melted. Harley sighed happily 'just the sweetest little angel'  it felt like just yesterday that she found out she was carrying her little princess inside her. 

Harley sat in the run down bathroom of the abandon toy favtory they currently called home anxiously shaking her legs and druming her fingers as she keped glancing at the clock she could hear her heart drumming in her skull it felt like she was waiting for hours and the stress was staring go make her head hurt wen sudently a loud dringing went off startleing her she jumped with a loud shout wen she realized it was just the timer going off she let out a breath of releif relaxing she shut of the alarm and snatched up the test from the counter she staired intensly at the small pink pluss sighn on the test her heart skipped a beat then sudently leped up from the toilet with a loud "YIPEE! YAHOO!!" As she leped up she hit her head on the low hanging light breaking some of the glass harley didnt care she didnt notice she squeeled loudly and leeped out of the bathroom twirling around she ran down the steps with a spring in her step she laughed excidedly with each little hop as she "the hell is that" asked one of the hench men to the others as they sat around the table playing poker the other two shruged and went back to there cards wen a beeming harley burst into the room squeeling and jumping about a large smile on her face as she danced over to the goons and planted a kiss on bozos face they looked at eachother confused "uhh you ok harley?.." He asked a little weirded out "oohhhh just absolutly funtastic bozo!" She sang happily  she twirled and skiped away to mr.J's office the goons were left confused Ringo rolled his eyes "women" "ah-men" agreed pip-squeek . Meanwhile joker was carfully concintrating On the vile of toxin in his hand as he used an eye dropper to drop another chemical into it a bead of sweat rolled down his face Wen the door sudently burst open slaming loudly against the wall an enthuseastic harley im the door way "PUDDIN!!" She shouted the abrupt bang of the door startled joker he jumped loosing his grip of the vile he quickly juggled it around trying to catch it again befor it hit the floor he he finnaly got ahold of it and let out the breat he was holding in releif harley ran over "PUDDIN PUDDIN GUESS WAT?!" He glared at her darkly with an angrey growl "you almost blew us to talahoosey!" He shouted angrely harley grabed his arm jumping up and down excitedly "but puddin i have the best news!!" Joker rolled his eyes in annoiance and put his head in his hand "oooooOOO the best news!" He said mockingly "how exciting" he said sarcastically in a flat tone "wat did u find ur other sock?" He asked not caring harley shook her head with her smile growing wider "did the hyenas eat the mayor?" He asked again getting bored "nope" answered harley , joker smiled widley "DID WE KILL BAT-BRAIN?!" He asked excited "nu-uh" answered harley still smileing "oh" said joker looking bored and annoyed again resting hos head back in his palm "then i dont care" he said Harley made a big frown "awww come on puddin dont be like that" she cooed he looked at her growing inpatient his hand tightening into a fist he shuved harley by her face off of him and onto the floor . Harley rubbed her back side and then began crawling back to him "aw come on pudding dont ya atleast wanna see wat it is" she pouted childishly her growled angrely and slammed his fist on his desk "WELL OUT WITH IT THEN!!" He shouted lossing hos patience harley jumped up with a smile holding up the pregnancy test with both hands to him "im gonna have YOUR baby!" She exclamed beeming with a big bright smile. Joker staired at her with a face of shock eyes wide and mouth agaped harley shook him excitedly "isnt it great puddin!" She exclamed with a smile, joker just sat in silence the gears turning in his head as he tried to process wat he just heared harley noticed his scilence and started to become nervous "uhh..puddin? okay?" She asked waving he hand infron of his face "knock knock anyone home hehe..." She said nervously and bit her lip her anxiety rising scilence was never a good sighn with the joker. A lightbulb went off in the jokers brain snapping him back to reality he folded his hands and gave her a smile that made harley uneasy "im sorryyy~ i must have miss heared u my dearr~ could you repeat that pleaseeee" harley swallowed and  it the tip of her long filed nail betweet her nervous smile "im-im pregnant p-puddin" she managed to stammer out. There was a moment of defening scilence that seemed to drag on longer and longer the air becomming thick with tension joker not taking his dark eyes off harley for a secon his puples shot into her like knifes she glanced around the room awqardly feeling her palms begining to sweat do to her nerves the sound of the leaky pipes seemed to get louder and louder with each drop ticking away for wat harley thaught were her last moments standing as the jokers ever growing scilence loomed over her. Sudently the joker burst into loud fits of laughter "HAHAHAHAHAhooohhhOOOOOHAAAAHAHAHA!! HEHEHEHAAAAAA!HAAAAHAAAHAAAA!!" His abrupt laughter made harley jump back her breath hitched in her throat as the joker continued to cackle loudly slapping his knee harleys anxiety grew as did her nervous smile "heha~ pr-pretty cool hu mista'h J hehehe..~" she said nervously joker whiped the mirth from his eyes still cackleinf nearley falling from his seat "HEHAHAAA O-OH HARLEY GIRLLAHAHAHA!!~ TH-THATS HILLARIOUS!! HEHAHAHAAAA~" he calmed down and looked ar her leaning back in his chair "y-you really got me kid HehA" harley raised an eyebrow sorta confused "got ya? B-but boss it wasnt a joke" jokers smile droped and he stood up from his chair the darkness of his eyes growing colder "ok harley the joke was good but now its over~ so drop it." He said the last part with a dark stern tone harley began to shrink trying to curl up into non-exsistance as she looked up at her precious joker grow darker "b-but puddin. Its true i-ima have Y-your ba-baby" joker tensed up his hands tightening into fists  growling darkly "WHAT!" He shouted making harley back up as he edged closer to her her body pressing against the door as she tryed to make herself seem smaller he grabed her by the neck and began strangleing her shaking her back and forth "why you little!" Harley scratched at his hands trying to release herself from his grip as she choked for air  he droped her making her hit the floor with a thud harley coughed rubbing her neck as the air began to return to her lungs she looked up to see a hand rise up and strike her in the face a sharp stinging pain overtook the left side of her face from the back hand she had received she glanced up and SMACK another hit to her face she gently put her hand to were he hit her making her whimped in pain as tears filled her eyes looking up at her puddin like a broken child "you stupid little tart! How could you do this to me! How could u ruin everything!! You worthless little bitch!!" He shouted venom seeming to drip from each word "i-im sorry pudin" she stammered wich was responded with another hard hit to the face making her lip bleed "get out! Out of my sight you worthless shit!" He ordered harley quickly scrambled to her feet and bolted out of the room in tears she ran up stairs and slammed the door the goons down stairs sat in awkward scilence wincing at the loud slam pip squeek taped bozo on the shoulder and jabed his thumb tored the door bozo nodded and nodded to ringo and lenny that they should leave to avoid being the object for joker to take out his anger they sliped out the door better to leave now then leave in a body bag later. Harley colapsed on her bed sobbing loudly how could he be so angrey wouldnt he be excited its his baby and heir to his legacy why was he so mad? Harley lip quivered "my fault. All my fault" she managed to squeek out befor bursting into tears again. Hours later the bedroom door slowly creaked open the light from the hall streaming into the darkness were harley lay face down on the bed sniffleing she heard a click and the lights flickered on dimly and the door shut harley huddled herself up into a ball with a whimper as she heared foot steps come over to the bed "haaarrrrllEEEyyyy girl" sang the joked standing over her next to the bed, harley rolled over and looked up at him her black eyemakeup run down her face from crying so much joker gave a frown "ohhhhh harls" he said mockingly placing a hand the his chest harley sniffles and whiped her nose childishly with the back of her hand "ar-are ya still mad at me puddin?" She croaked out do to her voice become horse from her crying for so long . Joker smiled and gently placed a finger under her chin "oh you little minx i can never stay mad at u hA" he said making harley smile and reach up her arms to him like a small child joker gave a chuckle and picked her up and sat on the bed with her in his lap "i-im sorry for w-wat i did puddin" she said with a hicup "i forgive you doll" he said with a purr making harley smile "ill get rid of it puddin i promise ill go do it tonight" she pleeded wanting to 100% get back into his good graces Joker responded with an outburst of laughter throwing his head back with loud cackles harley looked at him confused raising a brow "puddin?" She asked timidly not to get him mad again joker laughed a bit more amd then wiped his eyes jokingly with his finger "hA! HOOOOooooooOOOoooo~ get rid of it?! Wat are ya crazy!? HehAhAHaHHAHAHAHAAAA" he laughed at his own joke "ohhhhhHhh~ harleyyy wat a silly thing to say HeHA! Were not getting rid of it!" He exclamed with a chuckle harleys face lit up "r-really puddin? You want it?" She asked still a bit confused this was a compleat oposit reaction from the one earlyer "OF COURSE I DO!" Shouted the joker making harley flinch jokers smile became wider "come on doll face! A baby! My child! An heir of chaos! A chip off the ol' block!i could teach him everything i know! He could carry on my legacy! Slicing throats, KILLING the bat man!! HeHA!" He exclamed with a chuckle in his voice "oh puddin!" Harley cooed as she threw her arms around joker happily "im so happy!! Ur gonna be a great daddy!" She squeeled happily joker chuckled and put his hand to her stomic "you hear that kiddo im your daddy HEHAhA!" He said to her stomic making harleys chest get warm and fuzzy

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