Made ya look!

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Smile ran down the alley her weapons belt swinging around wildly in her hand wen she slipped on a empty beer bottle and fell to the damp dirty concreet her belt flew from her hand and slid across the alley "oh fuck" she muttered to herself lifting up her upper body from the dirty puddle her clothes soaked through "oh gross" she said as she wobbled to her feet examining her now ruined outfit "perfect just perfect" she steped foward and felt something squish beneith her foot she looked down noticing it was the carcus of a dead rat and its wet decaying body fluids were now soaked through her sock "oh! Come on!" She shouted to the sky and stormed off to pick up her weapons she snatched it up off the ground and marched off grumbleing cursed to her self as she snaped it around her waist as a figure watched her from the roof , smile stormed through gotham her blood boiling wen a homless man sitting on a ripped cardborad box grabber her by the wrist "excuse me ma'am could u spare some-" smile quickly punched him in the face and whipped out her knife and began slashing and tearing out his throat laughing maniacly as the blood splattered and spurted all over her "get a job bozo! HehahahaHAHA!" She stabed and slashed over and over and then began to stomp on his face over and over hearing his scull begin to crack she then jumped on his head repeatedly laughing  joyously  all the whil as blood splattered up soaking through the bottoms of her thighhighs and splattering up her legs and face "heHAHAHAHAAAAA". Wen the mans head was nothing more then a splatte of bone blood and brain matter smile splashed in a puddle of his blood twirling around and then skipping off singing to herself  some passer-byers gasped in horror as she skipped by  tracking blood behinde her Wen the pail blue light of the iceburg lounge washed over her "ooooo! Heha! Fun fun!" She said clapping and walked past the line that was ropped in they hissed at her for cutting infront of them those ' privleged whore bags! Do they know who we are!' Shouted smiled other self "eh we can go to there fancy shmancy mansions latter right now i wanna have some other type of fun" smile eeplyed with a grin as she aproched the bouncer he glared down at her and held up his hand as she tried to walk by "sorry lady not on the list no admission" he ran his eyes up her body and scoffed "and we have a dress code" smile put her hand on her hips and stood on her toes getting so close to his face his cigeret breath burned her eyes "check ur stupid list then fatty" she said flicking his nose the bouncer glared at her tightening his fist "scram bitch" he hissed smile gasped dramadically and swooned "oh my! How terribly rude of u to say!" She said in a southern accent and then jumped back in his face and began talking like a boston gangster from the 40s "show me whos in charge see, or we gonna have a problem see" she said elbowing him jokingly in the side scrunching up her face "i said beat it lady!" He snapped getting irritated smile crossed her arms and began to pout "i said bring me your boss fatty!" She shouted stomping her foot wen a man in line spoke up oviously annoyed "hey lady back of the line already!" Smile spun around and held up her gun to his forhead his face inediantly turned white a cold sweat washing over him "wat was that? Sorry i couldnt hear u" she said in a sweet voice smileing all the while the man swolowed trying to foce himself to speak failing he just shook his head smile smirked and pressed the gun to his head he began visibly shaking smile cocked the gun pressing it harder her smirk widening and the burst into laughter dropped her gun to her side and clutching her ribs " hahHAHAHAHA Y-YOU SHOULDA SEEN UR HEHAHAHA F-FACE!! HAHAHAHAHA" the mans eyes rolled to the back of his head and fainted hitting the ground with a hard thudd making smile laugh harder wen a short stubby fat man in a disighner silk black suit matching too hat crystal monacle and diamond cain "wats all this!? Why am i getting so many complaints from u simpletons!" He sqwaked swinging his cain at the bouncer smile perked up and spun around throwing her arms into the air "pengie!!" She shouted penguin looked at her and face planted "oh of course" he muttered and then forced a smile " ah! Smile my dear! What a delight to see you!" He said and kissed her hand "and what may i ask do i owe this pleasure to" smile giggles and fanned her self "oh pengie im blushing! Just having a bad night thaught id pop in" smile then glared at the bouncer her hands on her hips "but your lacky here wont let me in!" She snapped penguin spun around and hit him in the temple with his cane "imbisel" the boucer rubbed the side of his head "b-but sir i-" penguin hit him again *quiet you! Ill deal with you later" he growled then man bowed his head "i-i..yes sir.." he stuttered and undid the red velvet rope and opened the door music sounded from inside penguin turned to smile and held out his arm "now my dear lets get you out of those dirty clothes" smile took his arm and smiled "oh what a gentleman heha" as they walked in penguin stopped and lookes at his other lackies "take care of him" he saide gesturing to the bouncer his lackie nodded and him and 2 others walked over to the bouncer smile looked over her shoulder and stuck her tung out at him he growled back at her clenching his teeth as the door shut behind them she could hear the bouncer start to panic "c-come on guys it was an accident dont take me! No nooo!" He shouted as he was dragged away penguin led her through the club to a large glittering staircase "swanky place ya got here" "yes it dose have its charms" wen they made it to the bottom of the stair case penguin turned and smiled "now my dear if u just head up these steps go to the first door on your right theres a selection of gowns laid out for u and a shower please take all the time you need and then you may rejoin me in the cip sectoin on the balcony"  smile soluted him "you got it" she then ran up the stairs excitedly harley had always come home from the lounge in the most extravigent gowns wen she was in the room penguin let out and exsasperated sigh and snapped his fingers "get me something strong on the rocks" he ordered the waitress in the skimpy leatard nodded and walked off, penguins sunk into his chair "you know what if it werent for her crazy father id of disposed of her years ago" he said in exsasperation the waitstress came back with his drink and he swiped it off her tray and began taking down gulps of the rich liquid the liqure burning on the way down.

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