Daddys little princess

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Joker sat in his office scribbleing on one of his blue print sheets putting together one of his biggest plans yet,  it would be the best father daughter bonding in history it would! He plastered up another sheet of paper with notes scribbled all over it up on his wall and stood back proudly admiring it his hands on his hips he chuckled to himself "oh who would have thaught that one of my old flames would come back from the grave heha" he said looking at a news paper clipping of the red hood on his wall his grin streched wider across his lips into a full joker signiture grin "oh but he couldnt have come back at a better time" he burst out into laughter spining around on his heal as he made his way back to his desk Wen harley burst through the door shopping bags hagninb from her arms and a big white toothy smile on her face "hiya puddin!" She exclamed wen jokers knife wized past her head lodging itself into the door behind her she gasped and then grinned at her puddin "oh angle pie! You missed me!" She squeeled skipping over to him jokers body tensed "you dim wit! I could have killed you!" He shouted furiously but harly paid him no mind and planted a big red kiss on his cheek "aw you wouldnt hurt me" she said prancing to hos desk, joker slumped down into his chair messaging his temples "try me" he growled lowly. Harley hopped up onto his dest crossing one of her smooth legs across his chest "dont be so sour angel" she said with a pouty look on her perfectly porclien face joker glared up at her trying to stay mad wen she started removing his jacket with her paited toes his body relaxed and he sat up straight a wide joker grin spreading over his lips "come 'er sugar" he said lustfully wrapping harley up in his arms and puling her down into his lap there lips locking there toungs battleing feverishly as harley began undoing his buttons and bow tie joker gripping her hair tightly in his fist his other one pulling her incloser by her thin curved waist harley began to moan as he nibbled at her neck down to her collar bone wen ringo came stumbleing in exsasted sweat soaking through his shirt more then 200 shopping bads in his hands "hey harley were ya want these?" He asked compleatly out of breath but stoped sudently apon seeing his boss tangled up his shirt riped down from his shoulders and harley with her top compleatly gone joker glared down into ringo soul a murderous look in his eyes as he cocked a gun aiming at ringos head as harley continued to plant kisses down his neck. Ringo slowly set down the bags and backed out of the office slowly shutting the dorr behind him tense from the neck down "ringo" a voice sounded from behind, ringo shouted and spun around his hands up ready to fight  his face as pail as jokers wen he looked down to see smile looking up at him confused "um, you good there?" She asked quirking an eyebrow at him ringo quickly tried to recompose him self nervously clearing his throat his hands shaking as he smoothed ouy his shirt "uh-uh ya s-smile im good" he said smile chuckled and patted him on the shoulder as she walked by "your so weired" she commented as soon as she was around the corned ringo collapsed o the floor taking off his beani and whiping his face down with it "im getting to old for this shit" he said.

Smile skipped down the hall cartwheeling into her room were the hyenas bud and lu waited to greet her, apon seeing her the two jumped onto smile knocking her to the floor attacking her with kisses smile laughed as she pet the two huge animals "i missed u to" she giggled "i gotchya a preasant" she said reaching into her purse and pulling out a large steak she swiped from some guys plate at a padio restuaunt the two began cackleing and barking as they wagged there tails licking there chopps at the smell of meat "go get it!" Smile shouted tossing the steak across the room the hyenas darted after it and began ripping it to shreads. Smipe hopped up from the floor and tossed her shopping bags on her bed she began stripping down letting her clothes drop around her ankles as she  made her way into the shower the hot steam filling the room She steped into the shower letting the warm watter run over her the watter running her masscara and eyeliner down her cheeks she lalathered up the soap and began washing her hair humming if ur happy and you know it to her self. As smile stepped put of the shower she threw on her fluffy pink  bathrobe and began ripping through her tangled green curles her sopping wet hair dripping on the floor behind her the hyenas began growling lowly at a dark corned of the room there fur on end, smile ignored them and sat down at her old  vanity one of the goons swiped from a trash heep she looked at the shards of broken mirror still left in its frame wen she heard the floor bored vreek from behind her "were you always this bad at hide and seek?" She teased a playful smirk playing across her red lips she turned around facing the darkness her rob loosening a bit her shoulder now free glowing in the pail flickering light of the single light bulb that hung from the ceiling she crossed her smooth pail legs and pointed the brush at the corner "wen the kids found u did you cry and throw a fit hehaha" she chuckled letting her head fall to her shoulder like a broken glass doll. A heavy black  boot steped out from the corner revealing the bat the hyenas began to bark and growl agressivlg at the finger baring all of there pointed fangs smile leaned back on the vanity the wood creeking loudly from under her weigh "your not here to give me a time out are ya?" She teased licking her lips a habbit she had picked up from her father the bat simply glared at her and smile gave him a frightened look like a puppy who had been kicked across a room "oh no! The bat glare!" She shouted mocking him and then broke down into fits of laughter once she caught her breath she gave him the signiture joker grin "ya know one word and my daddy well be in here faster then u can say DONT KILL THAT BABY!" She laughed and waved off the bat "aw lighten up batsy dont get ur wings in a twist" the hyenas behan snapping at him but her didnt flinch he meerly said in his deep brooting voice "ill be watching" and then disapeared like fog on a hot sunny day, smile sat there a moment and got frustraited "wat the hell is that saposed to mean!?" She shouted 'wat a nut!' Shouted her other personality "i know!" Smile shouted jumping up the hyenas still  barking even thow the bat had gone smile quickly threw on her rainbow thigh highs pink and green crop top and pink mini skirt and stormed out of her room down the hall into the kitchen to finde harley her hair a mess her clothes wrinkled her makeup smeered and her cheeks flushed pink "ew ma'" said smile with her lip curled in disgust noticing hickys all over harleys neck and chest harley cleared her throat in embarassment "uh daddy wants to see u in his office baby" smile rolled her eyes and truged back down the hall "uuuuhhhgggg! Wat noooowwww" she groaned . Joker was exciteddly ordering the goons around to set up his mini modle of his plans there were atleast 3 dead in the corner from dropping some of the peices on the floor he laughed excitedly wen smile entered his office "princess!!" He exclamed throwing his arms into the air  he hoped over to his daughter and put his arm over her shoulders the other gesturing to his walls covered in many verry detailed blueprints and notes smile looked around confused noticing the goons putting together the mini model there hands shaking wen a drop of sweat dripped onto a tinny figure of a mailman joker whipped out his gun and shot him straight through the temple the other men held up there hands to block the blood from getting in there mouths the dead goons body fell linp to the floor "clean that up!" Snapped the joker the goons quickly began scrambling around to clean up the blood and brain matter joker then put his gun back in his pocket and smiled at his daughter "now princess i have a verry big suprise for u" he said talping the tip of her nose smiles eyes began to sparkle "really?!" She asked excitedly joker flinched at her outburst and then began wiggling his finger around in his ear "uh hu so keep it down daddy has a head ache" he then walked over to the wall and spun around torad smile gesturing his arms above him "this my dear! Is going to be our best daddy daughter day yet!" He exclamed smile raised a brow "you meen our ongly daddy daughter day ever?" She said with a giggle joker shot her a dark look quickly silencing her giggles she lowered her head her hands behinde her back as she staired at her toes like a kid who had been caught takking a cooking from the jar befor dinner joker quicky became gitty again "thats better" he said pinching  her cheek "but this my dead girl is just a sneak peek now wen these delightful MORONS FINISH MY DAMN MODDLE" he shouted agrely making the goonds frantically try to work faster he then turned and smiled back at smile "all shall be reveiled" he said with a theatrical bow  and began nudging her gently out of his offfice "now run along sharpen those knives and go find that play mate of yours " he said with a devilish smile his voice dripping like black acid "uh why? Mama told me not to leav the house for awhile" joker tightened his fist at this trying not to hit her "YOUR!...mother" he said with clenched teeth and a forced smile "isnt! In-chaaaAAAARRGG. Understand?" He growls smile nodded meekly , joker ruffled her damp hair "good girl! Now run along!" He said in a chipper tone smile slowly turned around and began walking away from the door joker went back into his office and slamed the door "MORONS! LOOK AT THE MESS U MADE!" He shouted and three bullets were sounded from the room making smile pick up her pace down the hall "by mama!" She shouted as she quickly grabbed her weapons belt harley poped her head out from there makeshift kitchen "hu? Were ya goi-" she was cut off by the door shutting loudly behind smile harley flinched at the bang and shrugged her shoulders "eh kids" she said and went back to fixing her pot of coffee.

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