Gardens and fruity pebbles

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The next early morning Smile woke up confused not knowing were she was as she looked around the small bed room she was in the warm morning sunrise streaming in threw the blinds on the window. She looked down to see her mother sleeping snoring softly smile nodded still confused "ok so moms here..." She said to her self and peered out the window to the slums of early morning gotham wen she finnaly remembered she was at her anty pams apartment smile face palmed "well duh stupid" she said to herself her second personallity answering her 'course were at anty pams! God you can be such a ditz' "oh hush" she answered and quietly slipped out of bed carful to not wake her mom her feet touched the cold floor and she made her way out of the room nearly tripping over the sleeping pair of hyenas she slipped out into the hall slowing shutting the door behind her. She had never been to her ants house befor..well once or twice wen she was a baby and harley had takenher to seek refuge from jokers abuse but none that she could recall, smile was cautiously making her way down the hall her body tense and her hand on her knife "well good morning sunflower" said a chipper voice from the kitchen making smile jump and neerly drop her knife spinnjng around to see ivy standing in the kitchen drinking a mug of herbal tea smileing sweetly at her "you like tea?" She asked smile relaxed sensing no threat and returned the smile "yes please" she responded and made her way into the small kitchen as ivy prepaired a cup of the herbal drink for her "its jasmin" she said handing the cup to smile. They sat there in scilence at the small kitchen table for a while taking small sips of there tea not knowing wat to really say to one another but smile had noticed ivys constent stair that keped lingering on her it made her uneasy "god u look so much like her" ivy said sudenly catching smile off gaurd she raised an eyebrow at this "hu?" She asked ivy seemed to realise she spoke out loud and her cheeks began to blush lightly "i meen u look like her, your mother that is" she explaned. Smile set down her tea and looked at her aunt "really? I usually get told i look like daddy" ivy frowned at this "no sunflower your far to pretty to look like that insect" she said with disgust tord the joker "you might have green hair and white skin but the rest of your features are definetly your mother" she said matter of factly taking another sip of her tea there silence was ubruptly disturbed by a loud bang of the bedroom door flying open and the hyenas running out with a very energetic harley close behind "good morning!" She beamed loudly with the hyenas bouncing around her feet excitedly harley skiped up to the table and planted a kiss on her daughters cheek "good morning baby!" She exclamed and then skipped over and kissed ivys cheek as well "good morning pamy!" She twirled into the small kitchen and stoped at the fridge opening it and examining its contents she looked at the shelves with disapointment and looked back at ivy "hey red! Ya got anything edible?" She hollard ivy face palmed "your cerial is in the cabinet above the fridge, milks on the door" she answered harley squeeled with delight as she pulled down the box of fruity pebbles and filled two large bowls with that and the milk she then happily skiped back to the kitchen and placed a bowl infront of Smile and plopped down in the seat next to her "there ya go baby your favorite" she said handing smile her spoon. Smile grinned widely and snatched the spoon and began to scarf down the colorful sugary cerial ivy continued to drink her tea as the two ate "i dont understand harl i have plenty of REAL HEALTHY food in the fridge theres kale, and beat juice and carrots and spinnach and-" ivy was cut off by harleys scoff of disgust makeing  a comicaly disgusted face at the list of food "aw god red! ya tryin ta' kill me? You know i dont eat that stuff" she said shuving another large spoon full into her mouth "mommy wen can we go back home?" Smile asked harley stopped eating and looked torad her daughter the gears begining to turn in her head "uh...well monster.. Daddy has to get the house all situaited befor we can go back" she explaned "so that kid in our basement, thats robin?" Smile asked looking at her mom with her brows furrowed "yes baby girl daddy is just cleaning things up for ya thats all" harley said sweetly  smile looked down at her cerial sadly her shoulders slumped "is daddy mad at me?" She asked her voice quivering like a beaten puppy harley imediantly wrapped her daughter into a hug and kissed her forhead "no baby no, daddys not mad hes just worried is all so hes just cleaning up ur mess thats wat parents do they take care of there babys and protect them" she explaned. smile nestled her head into her mothers breast and nodded ivy rolled her eyes and ubruptly stood up from the table and began washing her mug out "im going out to the garden" she said irritably and stormed off out the front door "wats up with her?" Smile asked her mother harley waved her off "pffft pammy? Shes fineee~ her and ya daddy just dont like eachother much is all no big" she said picking up there empty bowls "well why not?" Asked smile. Harley stoped "well..uhh ya see baby they dont get along..some people just do that ya know" she answered not wanting to explane it was over herself and the beatings joker had given her regularly she didnt want the jokers rightfully displayd acts of disiplin to be seen in a negative light. 'God wat an idiot!shes a horable lier dose she think were stupid' snapped smiles other personality Smile glared at the voice she was her only friend but she could still piss her off for one Smile LOVED her mother her other self on the other hand not so much... 'We should kill her now and save dad the trouble' said the voice wickedly at this smile shot up from the table and began to walk away "im gonna go shower" she said and walked down the hall into the bathroom with haste she quickly shut the door and locked it 'pussy' spat her other personality "your crazy" hissed smile the voice chuckled 'Ring ring mr.kettle this is mr.pot calling' the voices laughter echoed threw her head Smile rolled her eyes and turned on the shower "im NOT crazy. Stupid" she said threateningly 'oh ya? Then were did  i come from?' Smile could feel her evil smirk in her words "YOU are a  nuisance" she said matter of factly 'why dont we just kill her. You know dad dose'nt like her, shes nothing but a stupid distraction' "shut up!" smile snapped back "i well NOT hurt my mom. I know your not a fan. But i love her! And dad dose to you moron" she said wishing the voice were physical so she could strangle the life out of her 'pfft no he dosnt, he dosnt even love us dip shit wat makes u think he'd care about her?' "Yes he dose!" She screamed as she turned to glare at her reflection in the mirror "he dose!" Her voice begining to break 'no no no, he loves ME not you, your the mistake IM the  prodigy he's always wanted' "shut up!" Screamed smile at her reflection angrey tears burnin her eyes wen a sudden knock at the door startled her making her jump "smile baby? Are you ok?" Asked the voice of her mother from the other side of the door. Smile cleared her throat "ya im fine" there was a pause "...ok sweet heart..i love you" responded harley "love ya to" said smile whiping away her tears. After the shower smile got dressed in her neon pink and green dinasour onesie and pink bunny slippers as she settled down in bed and hung upsidown from the matress as she read a phychology book on seduction her mother had given her harley always said "a womens greatest weapon is her body and her words" and to use both to her advantage so instead of regular schooling smile had gotten schooled on shooting, making bombs, toxins,poisons, knifes , the art of comedy, gymnastics, how to fight, and most importantly advanced phychology well that was the most important to smile she loved twisting and manipulaiting the minds of others and took great humor in driving the hench men to there mental breaking point she was desturbed from her reading of chapter 12 facial Q's and what they meen wen she heared her mother talking to someone. Smile back flipped off the bed and crept torad the door slowly pushing it open to see her mother on the phone "i know puddin but i just-....." Smiles heart raced faster 'its dad!' Shouted the voice in her head smile shushed her "she'll hear you" she whispered OutlouD to her voices harley didnt seem to notice and flinched at the phone wich ment the joker must have been yelling at her harleys cheeks burned red with frustration "you listen here! I will not come back and put my baby girl in danger cause ur car has a flat! Im not ur damn maid!! And i dont change tires and i dont come back just so you can use my car! Get one of the goons to do it!!" She paused and smile could hear her fathers screetching from the other end of the phone "shut it ya maroon! I otta kick your teeth in for speaking about her that way! Ya know wat! I dont care!! Just get that dirty little birdy OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" She screamed and slammed the phone down loudly and stormed out of the apartment "ivy!!! IVY!!" She shouted as she slamed the door shut behind her. Smile then burst into fits of laughter rolling around on the floor the hyenas ran over to her and attacked her with wet slobbery kisses making her laugh harder. Harley stormed down the stairs of the apartment complex and around to the side of the building were she found ivy on her knees in the soil happily tending to her plants she ongly looked up wen she saw and angrey harley marching torad her muttering to herself "watch out for my babys harl i dont want u to step on them" she warned stroking one of the leaves of her rose bush harley plopped down in the soft green gass with an annoyed huff "god i hate him sometimes" she muttered bitterly "ya well i hate him all the time" ivy said ripping out a weed "hes like this weed, hes annoying, steals the nutriants from the other plants and thrives off of there suffering." She tossed the weed angrely into the trash bag beside her and planted a seed in her freshly dug hole "so wat'd he do now?" She asked as she covered the small seed with soil and used her powers to begin growing her sprot. Harley rolled over on her back and tilted her hesd back to look at her freind upsidown "hes just.. Such a PAIN! He wanted me and smile to drive Aaaaaallllll the way back home so he could use my car!" She exclamed "wat happened to his?" Ivy said trying to atleast seem interested "has a flat. But anyway thats a 2 hour drive! And i am NOT bringing smile back there! Not intill ik the job is done and that bird is out of my house! I well not bring her back ongly to have her taken away by bat brain!" She said flailing her hands around ivy just shrugged "wat about using one of your thugs cars?"  "Thats wat i said!!!" Harley shouted ivy rolled her eyes "just give it up harl men are morons" she said flatly as she tended to her freshly bloomed bright purple and red exotic flower "i dont think so," harley said rolling onto her stomic "we thaught smile was a boy" she said kicking her legs back and forth "and you should be damn greatful she wasnt!" Scolded ivy "i dont understand why u wanted a boy so bad any way. He would have just been as horrible as that clown!" Ivy said venimously harley shruged "he aint that bad red" ivy scoffed at this rolling her eyes "watever harls" she grumbled "i just hope u leave that clown and take Smile with you far away from him" she said pointing her trowl at harley "that girl deserves better" she said as she stood up dusting herself off harley summersaulted to her feet "aw come on red the kids got it good dont be like that" she said with a grin "i just gotta find a new hideout for us we cant go back to the old one thats for sure" ivy smile at her "alright lets go house hunting" she said and took harleys hand leeding her upstairs.

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