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6 year old smile ran around the abandoned mental hospital squeeking the hyenas chew toy in her hand laughing happily as the two dogs chaced her panting and laughing with large toothy grins. Smile began to turn a corner wen she slipped on a puddle on the cement floor that was created by the leaky roof above she fell backwords landing on her behind she began to whiper her lower lip trembleing wen the hyenas caught up to her attacking her with kisses smile laughed at how there toungs tickled coating her in saliva wen a loud crash echoed down the deteriaraiting halls making smile look up with the hyenas curious as to wat caused the crash . She stood up from the floor and mad her way down the hall torad the sound with the hyenas at her heels she made her way down the coridoor and turned to look threw a door way into a room were her father and mother were preasant the hyenas lowered there heads growling smile watched in horor as joker beat her mommy. SLAP! Harley stumble back words crashing into the table she rubbed her head "n-now calm down puddin" she pleeded helplessly as joker round kicked her in the head she cryed  in pain "calm down!? CALM DOWN!?" He kicked her in the side repeatedly making her caugh and curl up in pain "WHO! Are YOU to tell me to CALM DOWN!!" He growled darkley harley weakly tryed to scramble away wen joker grabed her by the ankle dragging her back to him "LISTEN TO ME WEN I TALK TO YOU!" He grabed a fist full of her hair and lifted her up from the floor harley screamed in pain trying to pry his fist off of her hair. He yanked her closer causing tears to stream down her cheeks "you WEAK USELESS LITTLE!-" "mommy?.." A small timid voice whimpered from the door way jokers head snaped around to see his daughter standing in the door way tears in her eyes with the hyenas close to her growling at him. Harley saw smile "go back to ur room sweetie" she ordered but smile stood still shaking slightly "m-mommy?" She whimpered a tear rolling down her face she had never seen her daddy hurt her mommy befor  harley forced a smile "mommys ok sweetie just go to ur room" she said trying to get her daughter to leave as to keep her from harm Jokers fist tightened around harleys hair making her squeek in pain "you heard your mother! GO!" He shouted angrely smile stood frozen in place fear from her fathers sharp tone keeping her there like cement blocks on her feet, joker grew impacient his temper getting worse he growled angrilly and droped harley by her hair she fell with a hard thud she looked up to see joker stalking torad smile harleys heart began to race panic struck her like lightning "n-no! Puddin wait! Leave her alone! Puddin she dosnt know please leav her-" she was quickly scilenced by a hard slap to the face her glared at her "shut it!" He scolded darkley and turned back to smile the child began to tremble stairing up at her father with fear harley quickly jumped up from the floor and leped onto joker "NO!" She exclaimed as she tightly locked her arms around him from behind "let go you idiot!" He shouted trying to get her off him "no! Leave my baby alone!" She protested tightening her grip "run smile! Go to your room and lock the door!" She yelled still struggleing to hold back the obviously stronger man back smile took a step closer "b-but mommy" she squeeked in concern and fear "NOW!" Harley shouted startleing her child. Smile bolted from the room and ran into hers she let the hyenas in and slammed the door shut locking it she ran over to the matress on the floor in the corner of the room and huddled in the corner shaking in fear as a loud banging came at her door "smiiillleeee~" came her fathers voice making her cower and burry her face into the hyenas fur "let me iiinnnn~ daddys not gonna hurt you, hehA come on princess open the door" he said sweetly trying to coax her out wen joker had a responce of scilence his temper boild over again and began banging on the door "OPEN THE DOOR!" He shouted making smile begin to cry the hyenas growled and barked threateningly at the door. 

4 hours passed by smile still frozen in the corner wen the sound led he making her heart pound in her scull the sleeping hyenas merly opened there eyes there ears twitching at the sound the lock clicked making smiles anxiety rise the door creaked open revealing harley smile relaxed and ran over to her mommy leaping into her arms harley smiled and lifted up her daughter into her arms with a warm smile to her daughtee she shut the door behind her  and walked over to sit on the matress her child in her lap. Smile reached up with her small hand and touched the bruises on her mothers face her face was covered in black and purple and was swallen the bruises trailed down her neck and her lip was bleeding smile looked at her mother sadly tears running down her cheeks harley gently took her daughters hand from her face and gave her a reasuring smile but there was sadness in her eyes "im ok sweety" she said softly whiping the tears off of her daughters budgy cheeks "it was my fault anyway, see baby mommy lost the money we were taking from the bank so daddy got a little..~ heated is all" she explaned smile looked at her with a quiver in her lip "daddy hurt you thow mommy" she whimpered harleys smile faultered abit "no..no not really i deserved it~" she said trailing off abit in her explination she stroked her daughters soft green blonde hair and held her close "daddy was gonna hurt me to?" Smile said her frown growing bigger as her eyes welled with tears, harley looked down at her baby sadly it broke her heart to see her baby girl so afraid harley shook her head and brushed a lock of hair from smiles face "no baby he wasnt gonna hurt you, daddy loves you. Your his pride and joy your his little smile!" She said with a grin trying to comfort her daughter smile broke into tears and burried her face into her mothers chest harley held her closer and gently began rocking her back and forth "shhhhhh its ok smile baby dont cry" she cooed soothingly "daddy loves you he would never hurt you. And daddy loves mommy to i promise he just lost his temper but he loves us. He loves us sweet heart. I promise he loves us" she repeated to sooth her daughter and reasure herself "shhhh baby girl~ shhhhhhhhh its ok, no more tears, shhhhh" she continues to rock her slowly and began to sing her lullaby "hush little baby dont say a word, mama's gonna kill for you the whole damn world, and if they dont laugh at our jokes mamas gonna stab out there god damn throats,and if they start to run away, mamas gonna paint the streets with blood"

Harley continued to sing to her sweet little smile intill she calmed down and fell asleep the door creaked open making harley jump she saw the joker standing in the door way and frowned looking back down at her daughter joker sighed and rubbed the back of his neck as he walked over to his wife "come on harley girl, why so sour?" He asked with a purr in his words harley turned her back to him her sleeping child still in her arms "aw come on pumpkin piee~ give me some sugar" he said with a chuckle sitting down on the matress next to her "dont u sugar me" harley said with disgust turning her nose up at him joker frowned and leaned over so he could see her face "come on baby you know how i get, it was an axcident. Come onnnn~ i love ya harls" he said with a grin this seemed to get harleys atention she glanced back at him "oh do you" she spat joker realized he was getting somewere and pressed on "of course i do! I love ya baby!" He exclamed with a wide smile. Harley turned to him and looked up to meet his eyes with hers "ya really meen it puddin?" She asked jokers grin widened and he kissed her deeply making harley moan softly he then broke the kiss and smiled at her "dose that answer your question" he said waggling his eyebrows harley smiled "aw puddin!" She squeeled with happyness "i love ya to!" She said kissing him again the sound of a stirring Smile made harley break the kiss and look down at her daughter who was starting to wake up smile yawned and rubbed her eyes she saw her father and clutched onto her mothers torn jump suit burrying her face into her in fear joker frowned and looked at harley sadly she returned his look and the turned to look at her daughter "its ok baby daddy wont hurt u" she cooed smile peeked up at her dad who was smiling apologetically "its ok princess, daddys not gonna hurt u i promise" he said crossing his heart this made smiles lip quiver again and she reached up for her daddy joker lifter her from her mothers arms into his lap she gripped onto his purple jacket with her tiny fist "ohhhh its ok princess~ im sorry i scared you kid daddy didnt meen to i was just angrey is all but its ok now. Daddy wont ever hurt you i wont let anything hurt you." He said soothingly smile looked up at her father and whiped her nose on her arm "promise?" She squeeked out, joker held her close and kissed her head "i promise smile. And i NEVER break my promises"

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