Were Freinds?....

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Ringo had broken her out and reluctently taken harley back to joker that night and the rest was history harley speaking so highly of him to joker had earned him good favor with the clown and was now his right hand in all dealings after joker had changed his name to ringo and sworn him in to his gang of corse hed kept his promise keeping her from harm except for the abuse from joker even he couldnt protect her from that and his vow ongly became stronger wen smile had been born for, for a fleeting moment while harley was on the old torn up king bed nursing week old baby smile in her arms ringo had been asighned to gaurd duty by joker while he was out harley had called him into the bedroom  he came close to her bedside he knelt down beside her "ringo..i need to ask ya somethin.."  she whispered fear lingering in her bright blue eyes as she gently placed a danty hand atop ringos he glanced down at it a moment taken aback and looked up at her with furrowed brow confused she wasnt acting herself...or atleast not her harley self. Her hand clutched to his desperatly as if she let go he would diapear "i need you to protect Smile" she said sharply taking ringo by suprise he glanced down at the suckleing baby "please puddins wonderful and he loves her i know he dose but..." harley bit her lip shutting her eyes tight as if to force away a bad thaught she looked him directly in the eyes her own brimming with tears "i dunknow what he has planned for her...i dunknow if he would ever snap and accidently hurt her.." she was diging her nails into his hand now and leaned closer to him "w-what are you asking?" He asked carfully almost afraid of the answer "keep smile safe. Befor anyone or anything else. Even if its from..him... even befor me." She said sternly making a cold chill strike through ringos spine "h-harley you know i cant-" he began shaking his head slowly but she cut him off "bobby please!" She beged ringo staired at her in shock, she hadnt called him bobby for nearly 3 years and thats wen he realized he waznt talking to harley quinn anymore.. he was talking to harleen quinnzelle the women he had fallen in love with all those years ago he held her hand tightly "harleen?.." he asked almost afraid shed vanish "please  bobby! I cant keep it together much longer! I need you to swear put my baby befor my own saftey if it comes down to it and its between me or her for the axe you let me take the hit. And you get her as far away as you possibly can im begging you please promise me!" She begged pleaded as she scrambled to keep her fleeting saine thaughts together befor she broke again bobby nodded quickly grasping her pinky tightly in his "i swear harleen. I wont let nothing happen to her i swear!" Harley smiled breifly and nodded befor the dim light in her eyes fadded away her mouth began to twitch and she began to laugh to her self as she continued rocking her sweet child. Ringo ubruptly stood up from the floor and left he saw her..she wasnt gone..he knew it. Ringo glanced over at the now grown smile sitting in the passenger seat behind him as she popped her bubblegum in her mouth he inwardly sighed and pulled up to a verry familiar abandond asylum on the outskirts out town it was the same building she had been born in that she spent 3 years of her life in smile ubruptly sat up in her seat excitedly and began laughing to herself ringo shut off the engine and windsheild whipers to the car as smile hopped out  barefoot into the sloshy mudd of the unkeped grounds surounding the condemed building  "come on boys lets get crackin!" She shouted happilyand began to jump and splash around in the musdy puddles the two goons in the back growned and rolled there eyes trudging out of the car and into the down poor muttering bitterly to eachother ringo just shook his head and got out of the car slamming the car door shut and lighting up another cigerette wen smile laughed happily splashing into a puddle near him making the mudd splatter up all over his jeans he shot a glare at her and she smile sheepishly bitting her nail "whoops! Sorry ringo" she said with a giggle he rolled his eyes as the two goons pulled out the still unconcious red hood and dragged him through the mudd ringos eyes were trained on him for the slightest movement "ya mothers gonna kill me for lettin ya stay out" he grumbled smile waved him off "naayy! Daddys orders" she said making ringo glance at her curiously wen the goons dropped the hood trying to shuv open the doors making smile snap "you clumsy MORONS!" She shouted stomping up to them "dont break my new toy!" She said hands on her hips she turned back to ringo and glared at him pointing back at the door ringo flicked hi cigerette ro the side and begrugendly walked over to the door he cracked his neck and then threw his shoulder into the door once..twice, three times! And the doors rusted locked busted open and the smell of mold, rust and decay vurst out torad them in a coldy dusty burst of air ringo had stumbled inside and held his nose "damn what reaks" smile hoped in next to him her arms stretchung high above her head as she took in a deep breath grinning widley "ahhh! Rotting flesh! Heha home sweet home" she giggled and skipped and twirled down the hall happily singing whistle while you work from snow white the other two goons drug in hood and kicked the door shut "damn wat the hell is that smell!?" Pip squeek said gagging ringo lit a cigerette to hopefully block it out and braught it between his teeth "kid said somthin died in here" he said inhailing the smoke "oh great another mess for us to clean up" complained bingo ringo exhailed letting the smoke exscape his nostroles "nah its probly some old body the boss left lyin around she wont move it if its his, come on lets not tick her off" he said as he fallowed smile down the dark hall the other goons fallowed knowing all to well smiles temper could get as bad as jokers...or worse even, the thaught made them shudder. Smile kicked open a door to a room dripping with rusty water and splattered with old blood she flipped the old light switch and the large examination light flickered on with a loud buzz it was the old labotomy room smile plopped down in an old chair spinning around happily "weeeee!" She shouted and doubled over in laughter "were ya want him" asked ringo "ya come on this guy weighs a ton" whined pipsqueek smile gestures to a examination table splattered with dryed blood "strap em down boys!" She said skipping merrily over to a tray of old knifes and scalple the men tossed his body onto the cold metal table and tightly straped down his wrists and ankles remoning all his weapons and tossing them to the corner of the room, after pulling the restraints so tight that they cut into the skin the goons went to remove his mask "stop!" Shoulted smile making them freeze smile walked up behind them and hit them upside the head "god dont spoil all my fun!" She scolded making the goons cower back smile staired intently at her captive and with out looking back waved off her goons "all ya go wait in the hall" she ordered the goons scrambled out of the room  but as ringo got to the door he lingered a bit looking back at her "hollar if ya need me kid" he said making smile smirk to herself he then left the room with the other goons leaving smile to circle her prey alone after a few miniutes of lazily spinning in her chair smile glanced at the still unconsious man and scoffed rolling her eyes she lifter her foot and kicked him hard in the stomach "wake up already!" She snapped he let out a grunt of pain and slowly his blurry vision began to clear becoming aware of his situation he bagan to frantically struggle against his restraints "oh good gravey thank god!" Shouted smile jumping to her feet "you were so boring just laying there" she pouted hood threw himself against the restraints trying to break them smile chuckled "try all ya want sugar ,daddy  reinforced those awhile ago" she then put a finger to her chin "although it has been awhile" she muttered to herself hood glared at her "wat do u want?!" He shouted smile rolled her eyes "thats my question dummy!" She shouted putting her hand on her hip "you keep poppin up all ova' and kicken me around! Wats up with that?" She said glaring back at him with a wide grin "heha! Not that i mind seein ya pretty mug" she said slowly running her fingers up his chizzled chest hood jerked away as mich as he could "my mission is none of your buisness" he snapped back smile burst into laughted clutching her stomach "hehAHAHAHAA! Y-your MISSION!?! HAHAHEHAAAAHAHA" she pointed at him and continued laughing "yo-your such a nerd! HAHAHAHA!" She continued like this for a few miniutes and then whiped the mirth from her eyes "oh geez i needed that heha but why dont you tell me what your dumb 'mission' heha has to do with me" she said in a movking tone trying to stop herself from laughing again hood just glared at her silently and smile scoffed "god your such a party pooper, i cant even see ya with this stupid thing" she said walking over to him hood struggled under his ristraints and smile waved him off "oh dont be such a baby i bet ya cant even breath in that thing let me get a look-see" she said and removed his helmet "see aint that-" she stoped mid sentence to see him wearing a red mask over his blue eyes his black hair with a white streak  getting in his eyes smile blinked a moment and a slow grin spread over her lips and she slowly began to laugh intill it built into a loud uncontrolible laughing fit she doubled over dropping the helmet earning a confused look from hood "o-oh my godhahahHAHAHAHAA!!! Y-you g-hahaHAHA GOT A f-fucking mask under ur MASK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Who-who fucking dose that?! HAHAHAHEHAHAHOOHAHAA!!"  She continued laughing hood rolled his eyes and gave her a unamused look "you done?" He said smile held up her finger signifying in a second and slowly began to calm down she took a deep breath and let out one last giggle "oh man i needed that!" She said kicking away the helmet across the room "god! Could you not break it!" Shouted hood smile smiled "pfft lighten up" she slowly ran her eyes up his body to his face smirking "damn ur not to shaby ya know that?" Hood just keped a blank face "lovely" he said bordly smile leaned down on hood  folding her arms over his chizled abs she slowly walked her fingers up his body "come on handsome spill the beans i dont usually play nice this long so take atvantage of it while u can" "fuck you" spat hood smile bit her lower lip "gladly" she purred and pressed her lipe to his roughly hood bit her lip hard and smile jumped back with a smirk and whiped the blood from her lip "damn your good" she muttered to herself she then stopped as there eyes locked she squinted at him curiously "i....i know you.." she said hoods breath hitched in his throat smile staired at him a moment longer "but your..." she trailed off and her eyes grew wide "RINGO!!" She screamed "RINGOOOOO!!!" She screamed louder ringo burst through the door gun at the ready and out of breath "wa-wats wrong!?" He shouted smile threw up her hands and stormed off "watch him! I need to make a call..." she said and stormed outta the room ringo blinked and looked at the straped down man lighting up a cigerette "damn now im babysitting this guy..i dont get payed enough for this" he said bitterly . Smile stormed past the goons at the entrance making them stiffen with fear "keep watch morons" she spat and stormed off into the night. 

Inside the asylum hood watched the large goon who towered over smile and was far broader then the bat himself who aparently was called ringo his face painted like a clown like the rest of the gang  as he lit up a cigerett "arent u a little old to be wearing  face paint?" He said with a smirk ringo ignored him being used to comments like that from smile hood let out a long bored sigh and began to whistle gradding on ringos nerves he bit down on his cigerette "well u shut up" he hissed spitting the tabaco that got onto his toung on the floor neer the examining table "wat can i say, im bored" replyed hoodand nodded at the goon "let me bumb one" ringo shot him a glare "fuck off" he growled and tucked his pack into his coat pocket "smile says ur hard to break" said ringo making hood quirk a brow "in other words ur tough and hard to pin down" he glared sharply at hood eyeing him carefully "wich makes me wonder, whyd u let us catch you?" Hood smirked at this and was about to quip back wen the door burst open and a grining soaked smile stood in the door way her arms abover her head her hip cocked to the right the black glittering torn evening gown clinging to her body tightly soaked with rain water and splattered mud her weapons belt hanging off her hips once more  "ringo!!" She cheered and sauntered into the room her bare feet clapping against the cement up to the goon who looked at her confused "the hell? U jump in a river?" He said as dropes of watter trailed behind her smile waved him off "pfft naw i was on the pay phone wen this dick head drove by threw a puddle" hood snickeder at this catching her atention she shot him a smirk "shot out his tires he crashed into a building " she skipped up to hood grinning and began to undor his wrist restraints "now these cant be to comfy can they" she said ringo shot up from his post gun at the ready "smile! Wat are ya doin kid?!" He shouted his gun trained on the masked man smile finished untying one restraint and hood flexed his hand confused as she reached over to do the other her torso streched across his chest "oh calm down ringo, dont go gettin trigger happy on me" she stopped and shot a sharp glare at hood " and you! Dont go trying to kill me again  Capeesh  were freinds now got it?" She said firmly and finished undoing the second restraint hood imediantly sat up and began undoing his ankle retraints smile stood next to him hand on her hip as she spoke to ringo "we are gonna play nice now got it" she said looking between the two hood scoffed "why should i im not here for freinds" smile slamed down a large combat knife from her belt in between his legs lodging the tip of the blade down into the metal table one inch from his crotch woth a sweet smile on her face "cause i said so heha" he blinked a few times and said nothing if she wamted to play nice he could use it to his atvantage to get to joker quicker iit saved him having to fight her all the time. He finished unsnapping his restraints and hoped off the table "hand me my belt" he said smile smirked back at him wagging her manicured finger back and forth "nu-uh-uh no dice im the ongly one who gets  to carry around pretty guns from now on well scratch that" she said and went to pic up his weapons from the floor and tossed them at ringo who nearly droped everything in the process smile spun back around torad hood on her heels with a playful grin "im not one for guns ringo gets your pretty toys now" she smiled at ringo from over her shoulder "happy birthday" ringo rolled his eyes and began strapping on the weapons adjusting the belt to his gurth size hood glared at her "sorry princess i dont take orders from anyone" he snapped smile took out her rainbow butterfly knife and behan flipping it around effortlessly as she slowly walked tored him laughing dryly her eyes turning to a darker blue and her expression changed sudently making hood feel uneasy "heha yes you do actually or im gonna be in the drivers seat from now on" she quickly flipped the blade up stoping it just centimeaters below him chin "and i dont like games as much as she dose" she said darkly her voice somehow more sultry then befor rougher even like dark glass hood was unfazed and glanced back at the goon who looked unseatlyed for somereason "smile?" Ringo said to her carfully but she didnt answer  she just keped smirking up at hood evily wen sudently a light switch seemed to turn on and her eyes became that same bright vibrant sky blue from befor a wide playful grin gracing her lips once again "come on dummys let go get a drink im starved!" She cheered and skipped off down the hall flipping her knife around hood glanced at the goon once last time he still looked worried but hood didnt care he straightened his jacket and fallowed after the crazy clown ringo soon regained his composure and fallowed quickly after them hed have to make a call to harls about this later.

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