Monkeys bananas and rain drops

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Smile lay on her matress in a ball hugging her knees to her chest as she sniffled it was around midnight and she hadnt been able to sleep she whimpered softly her lower lip trembleing as she thaught back to her earlyer beating wen a soft knock came at the door smile pulled her knees closer her stomic growling from not eating dinner the door slowly opened and in steped a sheepish joker "knock knoc" he said but smile didnt respond she meerly keped still keeping her back torad the door joker sighed "come on sweet pea your not even gonna say hello to your dear ol' dad haha" he said trying to lighten the tension smile keped quiet and joker sat on the matress next to her "come on princess daddy ongly punishes you because he loves you. You know that, and i ongly punished you because you disobayed" he exclamed in a calm fatherly way "you understand dont you?" He asked with a grin smile was still a moment but then nodded whiping her nose with her hand and turned over to look up at her father "do you hate me daddy?" She asked with a tear rolling down her white stary like skin joker frowned but then gave her a gentle smile "of course i dont cupcake" he replyed smiles lip quivered and crawled into her fathers lap curling up into his chest "im sorry daddy. I-i wont do it e-ev-ever a-again" she said threw her tears joker held his daughter stroking her hair soothingly "you promise?" Asked the joker firmly smile nodded quickly "i-i promise i p-promise da-daddyy, never again, i w-wont do it eve-r aga-again" she said still crying joker smiled and kissed the top of her head "good girl, calm down now no more tears" he said soothingly "its alright now" he said trying to calm down his sobing daughter. He noticed the old plush clown doll on the matress he had gotten for her wen she was a few weeks old  he picked it up and handed it to her she quickly grabed it and hugged it close to her chest with both arms. After a few miniutes Smile calmed down and sat up whiping away her tears with a sniffle joker looked at his young teen daughter with a sentamental smile he ruffles her hair with a chuckle "your growing up to fast ya know princess" he said making smile laugh swatting away his hand from her hair he then looked at her seriously "no one saw you did they?" He asked firmly smile breifly thaught back to the oddly dakressed boy and put her finger to her chin "well there was a boy i met he played a game with me" she said with a happy grin joker quirked an eyebrow at this "a boy?" Smile nodded "yup he was dressed really weired thow in all these colors, he looked like a trafic light heha" smile comented with a giggle jokers chest tightened at this he knew who she was talking about the cape crusaders sidekick robin and if he knew it was a matter of time befor bats found out to not scare smile joker forced a fake grin and patted her head "thank you sweet heart daddys gotta run now and tell you mother we sorted things out " he said kissing her forehead and left the room with a "toodaloo!~" shutting the door behind him he walked up to his bedroom and slamed the door colaping on his bed with a groan harley poked her head out of the bathroom her tooth brush in her mouth "wats wrong puddin?" She asked joker put hi hand over his eyes and let out a breath of exsasporation "some one saw her harls" he answers harley spit into the sink and rinsed out her mouth befor stepping out into the bedroom her blonde hair brushed and a towle wrapped around her from her shower sh sat down on the bed next to him "who saw who sweetie?" She asked slightly confused "bird boy. He saw her! He saw her last night!" He gred argrely throwing his fist down on the bed harley staired at him wide eyes "smile?" She exclamed in a panic joker sat up putting his face in his hands "yes  and if he saw her its a matter of time befor bats comes breaking down our door and steals her away!" He shouted harley looked st him in horror and clutched onto his arm "no! That cant happen shes ours he cant take her!" She protested jokers head snapped sround to look at her "of course he'll take her you moron idiot! Even if shes ours he'll take her!" He snapped out of worry and anger for there now unstable situation "wat are we gonna do boss!?" Harley shouted back with tears in her eyes joker thaught a moment and then looked up at her a cold dark look loomed in his eyes "we clean up the mess she made"he said darkly and threw on his trench coat and hat stepping out into the rainy night.

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