Party crash bash

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Later that evening smile was shaking in excitement she couldnt wait to get out there! Out into the world! She went out once befor but being that she was younger her memories of the night were verry blurry the ongly things she could really remember was that it was raining and the freind she made, robin. Harley brushed the black eyeshadow onto her daughters eyelids creating a sexy smokey eye and conplimenting it with black liquid liner and linning her water line with black as well "baby stop shaking so much ya gonna make me fuck it up" she teased pausing her work as smile rocked back and forth "i cant! Wats the plan for tonight?! Were are we going?! Well there be baloons!?" She rambled on and on like a kid after a sugar rush in a bounce house "cant tell ya zip hun sorry" harley said dipping her brush into some pink blush and aplying it to Smiles cheeks  smile pouted "awww come on mama i wont tell daddy u spilled the beans. Swear" she whined childishly harley chuckled and stuck her toung out at her playfully "nope, sorry no dice kid" harley aplyed smiles lipstick and then sat back admireing her work she squeeled with delight "you look absolutly beautiful!" She exclamed as she held up a dingy mirror to smile so she could see, smile examined her reflection with a grin halrey could barley contain her excitement and leaped foward onto smile engolfing her in a tight hug "ohhhhh!!! My little monsters first heist!! You grow up so fast!!". Meanwhile in jokers office her could hear harleys loud squeels peircing his ears he clamped his hands over them in annoyance "stupid broad" he grumbled "oh you look so pretty! Makeup! Shoes! Sqqquuueeelll" joker moked in a girlie voice flailing his hands around as he did so he then quickly whiped out his gun and shot at hit stuffed dummy of batman that was hung by a rope around his neck by the ceiling intill the stuffing came exploding out of it wen his clip was empty he let out an exsasporaited sigh and sunk back down into his chair "damn why couldnt she of been a boy! JJ would have been perfect! Teach him to be like his old man hahaHAHA" he said grinning pretending to box with  his imaginary son he crossed his arms in annouance " coulda been great ya know! A real chip off the ol' block but noooooo she had to be a GIRL! Now i gotta listen to squeeling and giggleing all the damn time" he said bitterly he sat in silence a moment seething in his disappintment wen a smile slowly began to spread over his perpetual frown "but then again HA" he said with a chuckle "it was a pretty good joke, heha and on april fools no less hehaHahA" he leaped up to stand on his desk "oh its definetly a boy! Its a boy no doubt!! Then shes born and  BOOM! APRIL FOOLS ITS A GIRL!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA" he broke into an insane fit of laughter as he fell back into his chair he he whiped the mirth from his eyes and slowly began to calm down " aahhh yes my little princess did start out with quite a laugh..." His picked up the photo on his desk of wen she was a baby as she was happily pulling on his hair laughing as he was jerked down in pain  making him elbow harley in the nose as the photo was taken her head flying back from the force "sure dose make a guy proud"he said with a nestalgic smile, he then jumped up from his chair his fists on his hips "well! No use in keeping my adoring crowd waiting any longer! Time to start the fun" he burst into another fit of laughter wen a henchman came in "um boss-" he was cut off by a gunshot to the head joker glared at the corpse as he steped on it as he walked out of his office "bitch" he said to the body shooting it again  he walked out into the hall passing a goon named ringo he turned to him with a wide smile "ringo! Buddy! Mind going to my office and cleaning up a mess" he said ringo gave him a confused look "uhhh" he said dumbly "perfect!" Exclamed joker patting ringo on the shoulder "its just something that interupted me and got the floor all bloody wen i shut it up so be a dear and clean that up and mop the floor, thaaaa~aaannnnkksssssss your a pal" he said and walked off down the hall whistling a merry tune. Ringo scratched his head confused but shrugged and went to the suply closet for a mop. Joker marched down to the makeshift living room and kitchen wich at one point must have been a large parlor for men to smoke cigars in and drink he walked in and harley jumped at him wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight hug "puddin!" She squeeled joker stumbled back wen his eyes caught sight of his daughter standing behind harley with a wide grin on her face joker smiled at her and shuved harley off him by her face "oof!" Said harley as she hit the floor joker not seeming to notice keeping his forcu on his daughter was beaming his arms out streached as he aproched his daughter "princess! You look absolutly beautiful! Give daddy a spin" he instructed smile did as she was told and gave a perfect ballett spin pperfectly atop her toes and stoped wen she was facing her father again with a wide grin still shaking with excitement she wanted to yell and scream to get movin but she knew better than to direct her father to do anything. Joker whipped a fake tear from his eye "my little princesses first hiest it seems like just yesterday that she was finger painting in a puddle of blood" harley stood up next to him dusting herself off and cleared her throat "that WAS yesterday puddin" she corected jokers face lit up as the light bulb did in his brain "ah yes! Thats right, the pizza guy! Deserved it anyway forgot my stuffed crust" he said nonchillantly "any-whoooooooo~  were gonna be late for your party princess, cant keep the good people waiting!" At this smile leped into the air cheering and clapping "YAHOO! YA! YIPPEE!" She cheered and ran off tored the car "Come on come on! Hurry up slow pokes!" She shouted back at her parents as she skipped and twirled to the car joker chuckled and put his arm around harley fallowing there daughter. 

Joker laughed wildly as the whiped past the traffic harley weaving in and out through the on comming traffic each car swerving out of the way as they were driving on the wrong side of the road the sounds of horns blairing loudly as they paniced and swirved into one another smile grinned with a sparkle in her eye that resamled a child in an all you can eat candy store as she faced peering out the back of there purple convertible at the 12 car pile-ups that were forming behind them she took in a deep breath of the cool crisp sent of city polution with glee watching the city lights wiz by them "outta my way slow pokes!" Shouted harley as she layed on the horn speeding down the streets of gotham making joker laugh louder "looky there baby theres ya party!" Shouted harley back to her daughter, smile eagerly spun around and saw two bright spot lights swaying back and forth in the dark smogy skys of gotham indicaiting a big event they were now in a line of limos smile hung half way out the car window at the flashing camra lights ahead surounding a red carpet outside the gaylord hotel the swankyest hotel and ball room in all of gotham joker ajusted his bow tie and picked something out of his teeth as harley ajusted her breasts in her push-up bra underneath her jumpsuit Smile fixed her hair s the car infront of them pulled up a vintage rols-royce "uhg! There taking to long" schoffed smile a wicked smile streached over harleys lips "then lets give em a little push" she slamed down on the gas as there car slammed into the back of the royce sending it flying foward harley then jerked to a stop at the end of the long velvety red carpet the people gasping at the force of the crash joker then kicked open his door laughing and stood up on the carpet people screamed and gasped in terror at the sight of gothams number 1 phychopath "good evening gotham!" Anounced joker taking a slight bow he turned back to the car and held a hand out to harley helping her out of the car she stood up out of the car smiling widely and waving to her 'adoring' croud blowing kisses as she wraped her arm around jokers "its seemed we have miss placed out invitations, so we thaught we would just drop by. After all wat is a birthday party with out the birthday girl!" Shouted the joker fallowed by a loud bellowing laugh as his men apeared from inside the crouds and then alined themselfs down the carped, large mechine guns aimed at the crouds of people as a group of four other men were tieing up the cops the people screamed in terror but then froze as the guns aimed at them there eyes wide with tears and terror as women hid behind there men clutching onto there suit jackets "now! Lets hear a big round of applause for the guest of honor!" And with that joker snapped his fingers making one of the goons shoot into the air startleing the people into slowly begin clapping as the coward in fear "LOUDER!" Shouted the joker making them clap louder and more desperatly some crying as they did so "there thats better" he said with a nodd to harley she grined and turned back tothe car and stuck two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly "come on baby!" She shouted to smile. Smile leaped out of the car and landed next to her mother her arms streached above her head with her ankles crossed the biggest joker grin on her beautiful doll like face "introducing the guest of honor our daughter! Smile! Say hello princess" joker said smiling sweetly at her "hiya!" Said smile and some of the croud awkwardly waved back a murmer of hellos went through the croud the family of three walked down the carpet waving and blowing kisses to the croud as they clapped sweat and tears dripping down there faces in fear of there own lives as they made there way into the extravigant hotel.

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