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You and Ashton has been dating for 6 months now. And he is being the best boyfriend he is tends to show his jealousy
You and him are in Target, to look for some food and some supplies.
"Hey I'mma go get the ice cream ok?" He asked
"Okay, i'll stay here.." You smiled
He smiled, turned around and walk away. You keep looking for supplies, but then you bump into someone, making him fall to the ground
"Oh my gosh! are you okay? i'm so sorry!" You chanted
He looks up to you and said "Well hello there beautiful.."
"Umm- are you okay?"
"I'm fine now.." He grinned
You were disgusted by his act. "Okay cool goodbye.."
As you were about to walk away he grab your wrist and said "Aww don't go.. how about you and me go to dinner?.."
You let go of his arm "Sorry! I have a boyfriend!"
"YEAH SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND THAT SHE LOVES SO MUCH!!!!!" You hear Ashton yell behind you making you blush and smiled
The man was about to grab your wrist again but Ashton pulled you to his side "BACK OFF!" He said the man simply run away
"Awww is ashton is widdle jealous?...." You tease him
"No...?" His answer which turns into a question
"Ooh so you're not jealous?.. okay then maybe I should call him over..."
"Hahaha! you know i'm just kidding ash.. you don't have to be jealous, because you know why?.." You asked him
He shook his head. You put your arms around his neck "Because I love you.. I love you so much.. and I will not let anybody replace you in my heart.." You smiled and kiss his cheek
He smiled as he leans in and kiss you. You kissed him back duh!
"I love you too babe!"
"And you know what... I love drummers" You wink him
He just grinned as you both pay and go home.


You and your bestfriend Luke is hanging out at the park. Cause you know that's yours and his favourite place to just relax. You were craving for ice cream, you look around and gladly you found an ice cream truck just a few miles away. You tell luke you are getting an ice cream. He said sure and he wants some choco chip. You stand up and walk to the ice cream truck. You ordered 2 choco chip to the man, you were about to pay but shit! you forgot your money.
"Shit! i forgot my money!" You mumbles so nobody can hear you. But the guy behind you hear it.
"I'll pay for the beautiful young lady.." He said
"Oh my gosh! you don't have to do that, it's okay i can just get my money later.." You said
"No it's cool.."
"Thank You very much.." You thanked him
"No problem.." He pays and he handed your and Luke's ice cream. You both walk together, and found Luke staring at you both. You said "Goodbye and thanks again for the ice cream!" You said
"No problem! bye nice meeting you!" He yells
"You too!" You shout back
You walk over to Luke, and he has the pissed looking face. You handed him the ice cream but his face is stiff, pissed. You asked him was wrong
"Whats wrong luke?..."
"Aww come on we're best friends, you know you can tell me anything.." You said as you lick the ice cream. He does the same.
"So are you dating him?.." He asked pissed
"Dating?- wha- who?" You were confused
"The guy you just walk with.." He explained
You started laughing "Why are you laughing?.."
"Because, I'm not dating him.. I barely even know him!" You said continue laughing
"Luke.. he is nothing, the reason why we both walk together is because i forgot to bring my money and he pay the ice cream you just ate, so i thanked him. Done nothing more.." You explained
"Wait a minute! are you jealous?.." You tease
"Yes I am!" He yelled
You didn't expected him to say that "Whyy?"
"Bec-because- I love- you Y/N.."
You sit there shocked, you dont know what to say
He continued "I love you since the first time we met which is 1 year ago, and I haven't stop until now.. I love you so much so fucking damn much! I can't stand this whole friendship thing! it's killing me! And i wanna ask you.. Will you be my girfriend?.. if you want to. If you don't want to is okay i-"
You cut him off by kissing him passionately. You break away "So is that a yes?.." He asked
"Um.. i dont know what do you think?.."
"Yes.." You smiled as you kiss him one more. "I love you Y/N"
"I love you too lukey...."


You and Calum were walking hand in hand at the park. You stopped your track because you saw your brother Josh walking. You release your hand with Calum and walk straight to him and he kiss your cheek. It's just a brother sister kiss, it just shows how much your brother means to you. You never told Calum you have a brother, so when he saw you kiss his cheek, he came up to you and slid his hands around your waist, you know to told him you're mine. You say goodbye and walk away with Calum. You look up to him and his face is mixed with jealousy, anger.
"Babe?.. are you okay?.." You asked worried
"Yeah, I'm fine!" He yelled
You stood there shocked because he never yelled at your before. "Babe! what is your problem?! Have I done something wrong?" You spat
He didn't say anything, he just looked at the ground. You walk away from him, and walk to the nearest bench and sit there, crying

Cal's POV

When I saw Y/N let go of my hand, I know something's not right. Then I saw her walking towards a guy, his quite cool. And he kissed her cheek.

Oh fuck no! He did not just kissed my girlfriend's cheek! how dare he! Who the fuck he thinks he is?! I can't let this happen. I walk straight to her and slid my arms around her waist to tell him don't ever kiss my girlfriend's cheek. She says goodbye and we walk away. I was totally jealous! I mean who wouldn't! One day you were walking at the park with your girlfriend, but then you saw another guy kissed her cheek!! what the fuck! who does that! I mean does he not sees me here standing!
"Babe are you okay?.." She asked worried
"Yeah, I'm fine!" I yelled
She just stood there shock. Oh man what am i doing! i never yelled at her before! oh no! she's gonna hate me now.
"Babe! What is your problem?! Have I done something wrong?!" She spat
I couldn't say anything, I just stood there looking at the ground. But then she walked away from me.

Gosh Cal! you're so stupid! dumb dumb! I can't loose her no! I love her so much! I need to find her! I ran and ran and ran. I couldn't find her. But then I saw a girl sitting at a bench crying, oh my gosh that's her. I came up to her. She looked at me and looked away. I grab her hand and kissed it. "Babe.. I'm sorry..." I apologize
"I'm so sorry that i yelled at you, i didn't mean to! i was just mad and jealous!"
She looked at me "Why would you be jealous?.."
"Because I saw a guy kissing your cheek.. I mean how could I not be jealous?.." I said
But suddenly her sad face fades and laughter came along. She laughs, i sit there confused. "Why are you laughing?"
"HAHAHA! Because that guy who kissed my cheek is my brother you idiot!" She laughs again.

A brother? she never told me she have a brother. She cupped my face and looking me straight in the eye "Babe! don't worry, he is my brother. I would never let anyone replaced you okay?.. Because I love you so much.." She said pecking me
in the lips
I break away and said "I'm sorry for yelling at you, I'm sorry for being so jealous, and I love you more.."


Couldn't think of anything sorry...

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