Restless Night (HISPOV)

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Calum Hood: "He's still fighting?" I ask my wife as I lean against the nurseries door post. (Y/N) nods her head as she rocks back and forth on the rocking chair with Ryder on her chest. She rubs our six month olds back soothingly as he moans sleepily into her neck, trying his best not to fall asleep. We both been trying to put him to sleep for about two hours now. After he would fall asleep, us two would have our time alone but guess not. I sigh and walk towards them. "Want me to call mom?" I whisper as I take a seat on the foot rest of the rocking chair. "I don't know." (Y/N) says, her voice cracking. "He's not running a temp. I don't know what's going on." She places a kiss on Ryder's cheek and I notice that this is stressing her out. "We'll figure it out baby." I say after I place a hand on her knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze. (Y/N) looks at me with teary eyes. "Let me take him." I reach my hands out and she places him in my arms. "You're a fighter, little man." I say with a chuckle after getting him situated in my arms. Ryder looks up at me with sleepy and teary eyes. "Go to sleep, Ry. You're not gonna miss out on anything. Just close your eyes." I begin to rock him slowly, his eyes start to blink heavily but he still doesn't budge. "Sing, Cal." (Y/N) whispers and I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier. I nod my head and then begin to sing quietly a slower version of "Amnesia", earning an eye roll from my wife. She's probably over the song by now. Ryder watches me with heavy eyes and a miracle happens. His eyes close fully. I look up at (Y/N) as I continue to sing and she sighs in relief. She signals me to keep going and I do. I stare at our little, handsome prince as he snores quietly. After awhile, I stop, just waiting for him to wake up. But he doesn't. I get up slowly and walk towards his crib while (Y/N) follows. We each give him a gentle kiss on the forehead before I lay him down. "Thank you, Lord." (Y/N) praises after she covers Ryder up with a blanket. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist. "I believe it's our time to relax now, Mrs. Hood." I whisper before pressing my lips against hers.Ashton Irwin: "Mommy!" I hear Austin scream for (Y/N) for the fifteenth time tonight. My bride sighs a little before getting out of bed again to go see our two year old. "There are monsters again!" Austin cries, clearly frightened. I get up and sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing my eyes. It's gonna be a long night. "Baby there's no such thing. You're okay. Everything's alright." I hear (Y/N) say, trying to soothe him. I look over to the clock next to me. 12:13 a.m. He's been going at this for an hour after he woke up from a nightmare. I breathe in before getting out of bed to go see them. "Shhh baby. Daddy's trying to sleep. He's got a big day tomorrow." I hear (Y/N)'s muffled voice through Austin's bedroom door. My heart drops when I hear his crying as well. "What's going on?" I ask as I open his door. They both sit on his bed, covered in a big blanket. (Y/N) leans her aching back against the wall, her growing stomach hides under the blanket, as Austin leans into her, crying into her side with her arm around him. "Daddy!" He cries once he sees me. I smile a little at my exhausted, little bug. I walk towards the bed and crawl onto it, joining them. "Daddy there's monsters." Austin says as (Y/N) rubs his arm. "Really?" I gasp and he nods. My wife shakes her head at me. She obviously doesn't want me to pretend that they are real. "Where?" Then Austin points under his bed. I nod my head before getting on all fours to check under his bed. "I don't see anything bud." I say. "Are you sure?" My son asks with concern eyes and I nod. "There's nothing. Don't you worry. You got me and your mommy. We'll protect you. And soon, you'll have to protect your baby sister or brother too." I say with a smile. Austin smiles widely and looks up at (Y/N) and she smiles down at him as well. "I can't wait." He says with a yawn. (Y/N) kisses his curly head. "I'm glad, kiddo." She whispers against his head. "Get some rest champ." I say as I get up. "You're going to see-" I stop once I turn around to see Austin sound asleep against his pillow. (Y/N) gets out of the bed slowly. "Well done baby." She whispers, giving me a kiss after closing Austin's door.Michael Clifford: "Relax, baby girl. Just close your eyes. Daddy's got you. Shh." I coo as I rub my almost two year olds back. I rock back and forth slowly on the rocking chair while Aubrey holds my neck for dear life as she cries. "Mama! M-Mama!" She sobs into my neck. "She'll be back, Aubs. Mama will be here very soon. Just go to sleep, baby, I got you." I whisper. (Y/N)'s out for the night with the girls. She was hesitant to leave me with the kids but I insisted she should go, saying that the four of us would be just fine. She deserves it. She's been busy with work and taking care of her three boys and little girl. She deserves to be out for awhile. "I want mama now!" Aubrey screams, making me jolt a little. "Aubrey, what did I tell you about screaming?" I warn, thinking about her brothers sleeping peacefully in their room next to hers. She cries more, her tears soaking into my t-shirt. I pat her back gently while humming a nursery rhyme. Aubrey cries "mama" over and over again shakily and I feel like I've been sucking at being a parent. "Hey, hey, hey." I hear my wife whisper loudly. I relax and sigh in relief when I see her at the door. My hero. "Mama!" Aubrey squeaks out while getting off of me and running to (Y/N). She crouches down and opens her arms for Aubrey. "You should be sleeping little one." She says while kissing Aubrey's cheek after they embrace each other. "Why'd you go m-mama?" She sobs into (Y/N)'s neck. "Shhhh Aubs, you'll wake Zach and Nick." (Y/N) whispers while picking our little princess up. She walks over, giving me a smile and then mouthing a "hi" to me. I give her a small smile before getting up so she can sit down. She sits down and begins to rock back and forth. "Shhh baby. I'm here. A princess like you deserves her beauty rest." (Y/N) whispers to Aubrey. "L-like Princess Aurora?" Aubrey asks, referring to the princess from Sleeping Beauty. (Y/N) smiles. "Like Princess Aurora." She whispers. Once Aubrey quiets down, I walk out of the room to see the boys, making sure to close the door behind me so Aubrey can fall asleep without the light from the hall bugging her. After awhile, I watch (Y/N) walk down the stairs. I get up from the couch before she pecks my lips. "I'm a terrible dad, aren't I?" I mumble against her lips. "You mean awesome, right?" She asks with a smirk before I kiss her.Luke Hemmings: "Luke, leave her be. She has to learn." I hear my wife mumble sleepily as I get out of our bed. "You know I can't do that." I whisper back gently while walking towards the door. Once I heard my little Ella's muffled cries coming from the baby monitor, I had to fight the urge not to get up and help her right then and there. After a good thirty minutes of her crying, I couldn't take it anymore. I walk down hallway to head towards Ella's nursery. "Daddy's right here, pumpkin." I say as I walk through her door. I frown a little at my almost one year old through the cribs rails. She sits on her bum with wet tears running down her red face. "D-daddy." Ella cries in relief before standing up and reaching for me. "What's wrong, huh?" I ask sadly while picking her up. I kiss forehead before she wraps her little arms around my neck. She tries to find her breath. "Breathe sweetheart. You're okay." I start to run my hand up and down her back slowly, trying to calm her down. I check to feel if she needs a diaper change but find out that she doesn't. She rests her head on my shoulder and cries more. "Someone's a little sleepy bug I see." I state with a smile before sitting down on the rocking chair. "No." Ella mumbles her new favorite word into my neck. I chuckle and begin to rock gently. She holds on tight to me, never letting go of me. "Daddy's not going anywhere, Ella. I'm right here." I coo. After a few minutes of doing rocking back and forth and rubbing her back, she quiets down and then cries again, trying to stay awake. "Don't fight it El." I whisper quietly. And then, just as I command, she quits fighting. Small snores escape her mouth. I keep rocking in case she wakes up again but she doesn't. I get up gently and walk over to her crib. I lay Ella down slowly as possible, very careful not to wake her up. "Sweet dreams pumpkin." I whisper after placing the blanket on her. I tense when I see her squirm a little but then she relaxes. I sigh and smile down at her. I turn towards the door and jump a little when (Y/N) leaning against the door post. She gives me a small smile as she reaches her hand out for me. "Come back to bed, Mr. Hemmings." She whispers as I place my hand on hers, then she pulls me back towards our room. I close Ella's door gently behind me, completely hypnotized by my wife's actions.

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