Under the Mistletoe

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Christmas carols rang through the mall, filling you with Christmas cheer. You squeezed Calum's hand and grinned excitedly. Even Santa was there, in the centre of the mall with a big display accompanying him. Christmas was your favourite holiday and Calum knew it. This was why he'd taken you Christmas shopping here, it had been awarded the "Best display of Christmas Spirit" for the entire country. And it was pretty obvious why. Christmas trees around every corner, walls plastered with more decorations than you could ever imagine, and the floor littered with artificial snow and glitter. This truly was a winter wonderland. Behind the Santa display was an indoor ice rink, this was not something you'd see on a day to day basis. You pulled on Calum's hand and dragged him towards the queue to see Santa. He shook his head and laughed. He'd never really understood your obsession with Christmas, but he wasn't one to deny your happiness, so reluctantly he complied. You got to the front of the queue and raced up to Santa, jumping onto his knee. You shot Calum a huge grin as he took your photograph. You then gestured for him to join you. He rolled his eyes before squatting next to Santa, one hand placed on the small of your back. Santa turned to him, "So young man, what would you like for Christmas." You looked down at him and giggled, this was so not Calum's scene. He would kill you if any of his friends came to the mall and saw him talking to Santa. Calum took your hand and smiled sheepishly, "I don't want anything for Christmas, because I've got everything I could ever want right here," he said while rubbing your back. You squealed with delight and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaving Santa behind. The two of you were then ushered away, your turn was over. You beamed from ear to ear, he couldn't have responded with a better answer. Calum was definitely a keeper. He leant over to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips, and with a twinkle in his eye, he asked where you'd like to go next. Of course it had to be ice skating. I mean you were right there already, it was almost compulsory for you to try it out. Calum helped you tie the laces on your skates before doing up his own. You'd only ice skated a few times before so it wasn't surprising that you were a bit wobbly. Calum on the other hand was super coordinated thanks to years of football training, and picked it up instantly. It got kind of tedious at times, Calum was so good at everything, even if he'd never done it before. But then you'd look at his face light up when he realised he could do it, and every doubt you'd ever had about him was washed away. He pulled you out onto the ice, skating backwards like an expert. If you didn't know any better, you would've thought he was lying about this being his first time iceskating, but as it was Calum, you didn't even question it. You wobbled along, clutching Calum's arms for support. You reached the middle of the rink and he span you both around in a circle, before pulling you close to him and kissing you softly. Despite the coldness of the ice rink, his lips were warm and comforting. As cheesy as it sounds, Calum's kisses really did warm your heart. You smiled up at him, staring deep into his big brown eyes. He still made you feel like a princess, even after all this time. You shivered and he comforted you with a warm embrace. "You're getting cold sweetie, let's head in," he told you, before helping you to the side of the rink. Once you'd returned your skates, Calum led you to the closest café and ordered you both hot chocolates with extra marshmallows, just how you liked them. When they arrive, he put all of his marshmallows in your hot chocolate, and then added all of yours, licking his fingers with a cheeky smirk. After you finished your hot chocolates, it was time to go home. The Christmas shopping had kind of failed, you'd both exhausted yourselves so much from all of the other activities that you'd given up. As Calum drove you back to your house, you sat in the passenger seat belting out Christmas tunes with Calum rolling his eyes at your excitement. He walked you to the door, always a proper gentleman. As you reached the door way, he glanced up and took your hand. You looked to see what he was staring at, realising there was mistletoe above the two of you. He bit his lip and looked back down at you with a smile, his dimples making you die a little inside. You stood on tiptoes and wrapped your arms around his neck, before pushing your lips against his. Kissing Calum had become second nature, but he still managed to give you butterflies and make your heart race every time. As you pulled away, you looked up into the big brown eyes of the boy you were lucky enough to call your own. Then you whispered the three little words you know he'd been dying to hear after all this time, "I love you". His eyes lit up and his grin widened, "I love you too baby, more than you'll ever know".

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