You're their opening act and girlfriend

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I am so sorry for not updating for a while because school!!! i hate school so much! and i have to study a LOT because mid term test is coming in 2 weeks and i need to be prepared soo... i am so sorry for not updating! love yah!

Ashton: While you're onstage
The boys would always be trying to mess you up, even your boyfriend. They'd randomly run out on stage, dancing behind you, making the entire crowd "awww" and laugh. Sometimes they'd bring their guitars and play weird things while you try to sing. Ashton would occasionally get a hold of the mic for your earpiece and say funny/dirty things for only you to hear. You guys would do the occasional duet on stage, wanting to give the fans a little treat. Either way, he'd always be cheering you on and wanting to watch you perform and do your best.

Calum: On The Tour Bus
Although you two had separate busses, you almost always ended up staying on theirs. All the boys loved you, so they didn't mind. You guys would do everything from playing x box to coming up with keek ideas. Whenever you guys got on the bus after a show, you and Cal would always talk to each other about the little insecurities you had onstage, or something funny that happened when you were performing. Once it was time to go to bed, you guys would squeeze into his little bunk and cuddle, silently talking as you guys make your way to your next venue.

Luke: When He's Onstage
You would always be sure to try and catch a few shows by them after yours. You'd love to sneak up towards the crowd to watch your boyfriend do what he loves. You'd scream all the lyrics and dance to the music. You would occasionally be seen by a fan, causing tons of people to come running towards where you were and you would always dance and sing with them for awhile. Whenever Luke's eyes found you in the crowd, he'd be sure to give you a big smile and tend to stay on your side of the stage. The thing you loved the most was the connection between the boys and the fans, you could literally see it as you watched him perform. And you loved it.

Michael: Backstage
Being backstage with the boys was so much fun. They would always take part in crazy antics and somehow drag you into it. For example, prank wars. Surprisingly, you and Luke were always partners in crime when it came to these, always coming up with great ways to prank your boyfriend and the other boys. The pranks would vary from freezing underwear to sticking post its on every square inch of your dressing rooms. You guys would always whip out guitars and play a few songs, which tended to calm your nerves. Michael would always want to do your hair too. He would try to convince you to go crazy and dye your hair, or wear an over the top outfit onstage. Either way, it
was always an adventure with them.

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