Silent Treatment (Ashyy)

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"Just face it (Y/N), you aren't that good at what it is you wanted to do and you're taking your frustrations out on me because I am, and I've been successful at it" Ashton sighs
"Oh so you think you're better than me?" You question him
"That's not what I said!" He yells
"You didn't have to!" You yell back
"You're just coming across as bitter because I've made it and you haven't" He states
You tut, "You know what, I don't wanna talk to you"
"Well don't! It'll save me from getting a headache anyway"
That was last night. You haven't spoken to him since. It all started when you complained about how he's managed to live his dream, but you can't seem to live yours. He started off saying all the right things, but then it just took a weird turn. He's tried contacting you; texting, calling Etc. But you're ignoring him. He really hurt you last night, and you don't know if you can forgive him.
There's a knock at the door, so you answer it. You should really have expected it to be Ashton and not answered it, but you didn't think. You roll your eyes but let him in anyway.
"Babe listen..." He begins, "I'm sorry, I should never have said any of that last night. I'd just had a really hard day in the studio and the boys had all been complaining, and then I came home to you and you were upset, and I know it's a shitty excuse, but it just threw me off guard a little. I wanted to come home and have a happy welcoming and I didn't get that so that's why I reacted badly"
You don't reply, you just walk into the kitchen, him following you.
"So, I'm getting the silent treatment, am I?"
When you don't reply, he sighs.
"Right fine, maybes I deserve it. I was a dick to you last night, and I can't apologise more for it. I've texted, I've left you voice mails, and now I'm here in person. What else do you want me to do? Write a message in the sky for you?" He snaps
You sigh, letting him know that he's getting too angry, so he calms down.
"Okay" He continues, "If you're going to be silent to me, I'll be silent to you. I'm not leaving. I'm just not going to talk to you. And then maybes you'll see how ridiculous this is"
He pulls out a chair at the dining table and sits on it, folding his arms. You flick through the magazine you were reading before Ashton arrived, and he gets out his phone and begins to text people.
You sit like this for hours, neither one of you speaking to each other. It's kinda new for the two of you, because you're always talking, but he's right. This is getting kinda ridiculous. Even if you end up having another fight, it's better than sitting in silence.
"Look, okay, you win" You speak up, him looking up at you, "Ash, it's been two hours. We haven't said a word to each other. I've been childish. You did hurt me yesterday though"
He sighs, "I know I did. I knew straight away. That's why I've been so desperate to get in touch with you. To apologise. I know I've been a dick, and I hate myself for it. I just want your forgiveness"
You look at him, "Just please, don't say shit like that again because it really upset me"
He leans over and takes you by the hand, "I promise. I will never say something like that to you again. I love you, and I'm here for you 100%"
You smile, "Good. Now, let's just forget this ever happened. I never want to have to give you the silent treatment again"
He laughs, "Well I hope you never have to give me the silent treatment again, because I was fucking terrified I'd lost you"
"Well, you haven't...not this time, anyway"

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