He turns you on

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ENJOY SHE'S KINDA HOT MY FELLOW READERS! BECAUSE IT'S SO GOOD AN I LOVE IT! Guys.. should i do a One Direction Preference? let me know okay? because i would love to do it!oksu guys so you may began to read..

Luke: You quietly watched your broad shouldered boyfriend Luke as he slowly pulled off his shirt, his back muscles tensing and moving along with his muscular arms that fit so well with his muscular back and broad shoulders. He tossed his shirt to the ground as he opened the closet door, you watched as his shoulder blades came closer to touching, muscle making it harder to happen. He turned to grab a shirt out of the closest you drew in a deep slow breath biting down on your lip, examining every exposed part of his body. Soon enough you found yourself standing behind him "Luke?" you breathed, immediately biting your lip again.

"Mh, yeah babe?" He asked turning around to find you standing right behind him, he looks down at you a smirk appearing on his lips when he see's the needy look in your eyes. You then found your arms around his neck your warm lips on his the kiss was the perfect mix of passion and need. Your arms soon found their way down his bare chest and onto his warm muscular back as his hands found their way under your legs lifting you as you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist.

Ashton: You were currently sitting on the couch hanging out with your lovely boyfriend Asthon, he was currently in the kitchen, you could hear him singing lightly, you stood up and made your way toward the kitchen, you leaned against the frame watching Ashton as he made popcorn and was getting candy out of the cabins singing, with his glasses on. "What babe?" He asked looking over at you, you hadn't realized you were staring, you were so lost in his beauty and your wondering thoughts of how just his singing and glasses could possible leave you so unstable and breath hitched.

"Nothing, just looking at you" You say blushing and looking down, you could see his smile appear and your eyes moved to the floor, he turned around and continued to get things out and clean up the kitchen soon enough your trance had you right behind Ashton your arms around his waist he then turned around to face you he looked down at you and smirked as you looked up at him and bite your lip

"You look really turned on right now," Ashton says jokingly with a straight face looking into your eyes as he leans down a little and you blush.

"You're glasses and singing sort of does that to me you know?" You say, your voice getting lower as the sentence drug out and Ashtons face and lips coming closer and closer to yours. Soon enough your lips were connected and you were lifted onto the counter, his hands on your hips, slowly making there way to your upper thighs.

Calum: You and Calum were cuddled on the couch watching a movie, you had your head on his chest and legs on the couch, you were both breathing heavily, his breathing was leading yours. Soon enough you re positioned yourself, now you were on his lap, his arms around your waist your head leaned back on his shoulder. His breath was hitting your neck causing you to tense. "Mhh," Calum mumbled against your neck "You smell nice," He said as he snuggled closer into your neck with a low and husky voice, you drew a deep breath knowing what he was doing to you. He always did this to you, you would always hide it some how or ignore it but this time there was so way out of it, you soon turned around so you were now straddling the beautiful brown eyed puppy faced boy. You pressed your forehead to his.

"Why do you do that to me?" He asked him looking down at his lips biting yours, "You always do that it's like you know it turns me the fuck on." He lightly chuckled removing his eyes from your lips, mashing his lips to yours, his hands aimlessly pushing up your shirt and pulling you close. You lightly pulled away to move your hand, putting your hands in his messy hair, you both out of breath letting out low moans.

Michael: You and Mikey were hanging out in his game room, he was in his little gaming car as you sat criss coss apple sauce on the bed, scrolling through twitter on your phone as your boyfriend played video games. You then put your phone down looking at your boyfriend, watching how his large hands held the controller and how his arms tensed when he was angry and how his jaw tighten because of how focused he was, causing that loop earring you love so much to shake just a little you bit your lip, his earrings always were a turn on for you. You looked away knowing now wasn't the time to get horny. You then heard Micahel yelling at the tv, throwing the controller down, you looked back over at Mikey, he was an open book, he was so angry and frustrated over just that stupid game however you couldn't love it anymore than you did right then, you found yourself grabbing Mike's hand as he reached for the control as you bent in front of him, he looked at you and squinted "What babe? I wanna play" You took a deep breath pushing the controller away, climbing onto Micahel.

"You can finish that after you play with me for a bit Mikey," You said your voice low and sexual as you grabbed his lip and pulled it out, he swallowed the lump in his throat "If you're going to turn me on like this you're going to fix it," You say as his hands found your hips and yours found his face, cupping in as you had a long needy kiss, his tongue battling yours as he pulled away out of breath and left kisses, and bites down your neck.

"I'll gladly play with you for a bit," He whispers against your neck before sucking on it once again.

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