Michael pranks you but it backfired

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You hummed to yourself the new All Time Low song as you munched on a bowl of cereal. You could hear the boys in the next room mucking about for their twitcam. The boys were currently on tour and you were invited with them. You were all staying in a hotel and currently in Michael's suite. It was huge hell it had it's own damn kitchen, the boys career had sky rocketed and they could now afford all those fancy hotels which they had only dreamed about back home. Of course there were always some fans who hated you and accused you of being with Michael for the fame and money. Yeah it hurt but Michael knows how much you love him. You'd been together for nearly two years now and your relationship had never been stronger.

You frowned when the boys screams suddenly silenced replaced with hushed whispers. They're not usually so quiet what was up with them? Creeping up to the doorway you kept quiet trying to eavesdrop on them. You could faintly hear Luke whispering something to your boyfriend Michael over Ashtons constant giggles. It was something about pranking or being pranked, what were they planning?

"Don't be such a pussy-"

"I'm not a pussy," You heard your boyfriend snap defensively to Calum who simply chuckled. Luke snorted in disbelief at your boyfriend's words.

"You don't know how scary she can be okay!" You rolled your eyes as the rest of the boys laughed at Michael's words. You could picture the faint blush on Michael's cheeks from admitting that.

"Come on it's just one little prank, it'll be fun." Ashton spoke up. There was a pause and you arched an eyebrow. Of course when Michael agreed to it you weren't surprised. You had a strange relationship, you both loved to tease, bicker, and prank each other. The fans loved watching the two of you argue over such ridiculous things.

"Tell her you're cheating on her!" You heard someone suggest excitedly. You smirked as Michael agreed and the four began planning their little prank. Shaking your head you moved back over to the sink and began making dinner for the band. They could be such idiots at times.

"Y/N? Come here a sec?" You heard Michael call from the other room sounding distraught. You had to give it to him he sounded convincing. You picked up your bowl of cereal munching on the CoCo Pops with a smirk on your lips.

"Can't it wait I'm making dinner?" You asked trying to keep the teasing tone out of your voice. You padded into the living room when Michael answered with a blatent no telling you to hurry up. You saw the boys sat on the couch watching tv with blank expressions on their faces. The laptop on placed on the table at the side angled at you and Michael. You held back a smirk as you glanced over at your boyfriend worriedly.

"No twitcam?" You asked calmly. Michael hurriedly told you the twitcam ended a while ago taking the bowl of cereal from your hands. You huffed in annoyance but your boyfriend simply ignored you.

"Just listen to me okay?" Michael said with wide eyes. If you didn't know Michael so well and just over heard him talking about the prank you would've believed him.

"What is it? Are you okay, what's wrong?" You asked panicked. Michael rested his hands on your shoulders staring down at you with sad eyes.

"I need to tell you something, I know I should've told you sooner but I was scared that you'll leave me..." He trailed off glancing away. Wow he was seriously convincing. You glanced at the boys sitting on the couch, they were so obvious that they were listening into the conversation it was ridiculous.

"Maybe we should go somewhere private-

"No Y/N, I have to get this out I have to tell you." Michael interrupted you. He was good, really good, but you were better. Stepping forward you placed a hand on his cheek pulling his face so you met his gaze.

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