Caught In A Heated Moment

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you sat down on the couch with your boyfriend michael while he played a video game. the other boys where all out side. you kepy looking at him and then back down at your phone. you decided to go for it. you leaned up and started kissing his neck. "babe" he siad and paused his game. "yeah" "what are you doing" "nothing just play your game" "i can't with your lips on my neck." "well its time to take a break then huh." you said and he smiled and kissed you. you moved over so you straddled him and the kiss soon became a really heated makout session. you reach down and pull off your shirt and he takes off his own. you start kissing again and take off your shorts and he takes off his jeans. you had both forgot the boys where just out side. a few minuits later the door opened and you both pulled away and went to grab your clothes the boys where talking to michael. after you grabbed your clothes you gave michael his. "we'll finish this later" he says and you smile as you walk up the stairs.


you and Calum where in the back of the room on your phones texting eachother even though your sitting next to each other. 'can't wait till' the boys leave -cal' 'why' 'because i can't wait to get you alone' you look at the text then at him, he smiles and kisses you. *time skip* "bye guys" you and calum said as they all left. as soon as the door closed you where pulled down to the couch. "god i thought they'd never leave" he said you smiled and kissed him. which the kiss soon became heated. you started playing with the hem of his shirt which he soon took off your's following soon after. soon all of your cloths where on the floor. by the time the last part of your clothing was on the floor the door opened. "sorry i forgot my" Ashton paused when he looked over a the two of you. you got your cloths and gave calum his. "i forgot my phone." he said finishing his sentence.


you and luke where at the pool with the other boys. "you guys wanna go get some lunch" calum asked. "i'm gonna stay here with Y/N" luke said and the others all left. as soon as they left you where picked up and put on the edge of the pool. "babe, you could've gone with them" "i know but, i needed to do something" "and what would that be" you asked "this" he said and kissed you you wrapped your arms around his neck and he moved his hands beside you. you smiled when the kiss became heated and your swim suit was now off and so was his. you looked at him and he kissed you again. the door opened and eveyone walked inside. "we decided it was to early for lunch so we came back" Michael said as he looked at the to of you. you both blushed and luke covered your body with his own. " what was going on here" Ashton said.

Hot Drummer AF

you where on tour with your boyfriend and right now you where in the back of the bus him on his phone and you watching something on youtube. he kept looking over at you. "ash you okay" "yeah why" "just you keep looking over at me" "oh its just cause your only wearing my shirt and underwear and you look hot." you smiled and look at him "but, you look even better without either" he says and you blush. he kisses you and takes off his shirt and you do the same. you look him in the eyes "i love you" "i love you to Ash" you say and he kisses you again. by the time your ready for the 'main event' the door of the bus opens and three laughing boys walk inside. you put on your cloths and so does ashton. while the boys are haveing a 'stern talk' with him your laying on his bunk thinking about what would've happened if the boys hadn't have walked inside.

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