He meets you at a signing

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Harry: I think I've seen more teenage girls in this venue today than I ever have in my life. The screams were so loud, I felt like I'd be nearly deaf the next morning. As each girl (and the occasional boy) greet me, I feel myself getting more and more tired. I try to stay lively and awake, though, I don't want to disappoint anybody. As more people pass, I can hear a very quiet sound. It sounds like someone's humming. I can't tell which girl is humming but it makes me smile. I listen closely, trying to decipher what song it is, it sounds like "Kiss Me" so I begin to sing, hoping whoever had been humming might notice and say something. "I'll be your safety, you'll be my laaady," I sing softly, causing one girl in particular to look at me in surprise while the others nearby scream with excitement. "You heard me humming?" she says, handing me her CD and looking adorably embarrassed. "Yes," I admit, my eyes meeting hers. "It's adorable. Great song choice." She looks absolutely starstruck and it makes me laugh, it's hard to believe I had the power to do that to someone sometimes. "Can you follow my twitter, Harry?" she asks, handing me a slip with her username before she goes. "Absolutely," I promise, tucking the paper into my pocket. And I mean it. 

Liam: I cough into the crook of my elbow, careful not to spread my germs and get anyone sick. A lot of people had insisted I stay home, but I'd refused. A lot of people drove really far to come here, to see me and the boys and I wouldn't let them down. A few fans had told me to feel better, and it made me smile. Even though I wanted to be home cuddled up with a bowl of soup, I put a smile on my face and made sure to say hello to every fan I possibly could. "Hello! Hi!" I chirp, signing CD after CD. "Liam! I love you!" "Love you, too, babe!" "Liam! I got these for you, babe!" I look up from the CD at the girl in front of me and a smile falls across my face. A bag of cough drops with a ribbon on top is in her hand, her nails painted an electrifying shade of blue. "You don't know how much I appreciate these, thank you," I say genuinely, taking the bag from her hand. Our fingers brush and I feel chills. "I'm (Y/N), by the way. You're my favorite," she says shyly, biting her lip. I can hardly hear her over the din of the crowd, and Paul is pushing her down the isle so others can have their turn but I know I want to hear more from her. "Check your CD when you get it back!" I manage, shouting over the noise. I scrawl my phone number inside the case and hope she gets it, I also hope Paul doesn't find out I gave out my cell.
Zayn: Something about this girl in front of me wearing sweatpants and a hoodie with her hair in a sloppy bun made my heart pound. She was so casual, unlike all the other girls donning their best outfits and 1D apparel. She was calm and polite, different from many fans I'd met today. Unlike nearly every fan I'd encountered this morning, she wasn't screaming at me or asking me to marry her. Seeing such a normal thing reminded me of home for some reason, I liked that. "Hello, beautiful," I say, causing her to blush. "Hello," she says softly, giving me a small nod. "You're different," I say quickly, as the line behind her pushes forward. "Thank you?" she asks unsurely, as if it might be an insult or a compliment and she's not sure what to think. "No, no, it's a good thing," I assure her, making her smile. Her smile looks perfect and I want to take a picture so I can remember it. Just as the line pushes forward and Paul begins to yell, I make a last minute decision and scrawl my name onto her album. "Hope to see you again, babe!" I call as she takes her CD and heads away from the table.
Niall: "Someone's phone is ringing!" I sing, catching music playing from a girl in front of me's pockets. One girl reaches out to grab my hair so I move back fearfully and Paul scolds them. "NIALL, LET ME LICK YOU!" another girl screams, causing me to move away and offer a small smile. Being a celebrity was certainly an interesting thing. I was flattered, but often a bit creeped out by somethings fans said or tried to do to me. I'd heard a lot of...interesting things at this signing. "Someone's phone is still ringing!" I exclaim, the music having not come to a halt. "That's mine! Sorry!" a girl says quickly, pulling her phone from her jeans and frowning. "Everything all right?" I ask, noticing her smile had faltered. I notice her eyes are really pretty, I'd seen a lot of people today and a lot of beautiful ones, but something about her kind of struck me. Her hair was in a clip, some kind of up-do that girls wear and I never understood. I had the sudden urge to take out the clip and let her hair be loose and free, I'm sure it's beautiful and long and soft. "Oh! I'm fine, just my brother being annoying," she smiles, handing me her phone. "Can you sign my case?" I nod and scrawl my signature on the rubber, then flip the phone over and add myself to her contacts. "What are you doing?" she asks, raising an eyebrow. "Check your contacts once you're gone," I say quietly, hoping Paul doesn't hear. I hand the phone back to her and nod towards her hair. "You should wear your hair down, I'm sure it's even more beautiful that way."
Louis: Today had been a very, very long day. At this particular signing I'd been asked to sign a lot of different things. Someone had asked me to sign their boobs (which I politely refused, although highly tempted), someone had asked me to sign a potato chip (very confusing) and someone had even asked me to sign a carrot (which I did with a plastered-on smile, fighting back the urge to cringe). But I must admit, the most exciting and funnest thing I'd signed all day was simply a photo. But this photo, it was not just any photo, no no. It was a picture of me where I had the absolute funniest and oddest expression. She'd had it blown up and printed on glossy paper and it made me laugh. "Okay, you're definitely my favorite person I've met today," I say honestly, smiling as I sign the photo in the corner. "Am I?" she replies playfully, drumming her fingers on the table. "You're my favorite person I've met all day, too." Clever one. "What's your name?" I ask, poising my Sharpie marker above the picture. "(Y/N). Feel free to write your phone number on there as well," she says boldly. Her confidence and humor was something I'd like to see more of, so I decided to do something I'd never done before and imitate her boldness. I grabbed her hand lightly and scrawled my number in her palm, kissing her finger tips before passing back the photo. "Feel free to call me as well," I wink, giving her a smile. She looks at me with a happy and surprised expression before she's ushered away by body guards and another wave of fans. 

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