Wings (Soulmate) Pt.1

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You remembered you mother telling you about them. You were very young, only five, but what she told you was still clear in your mind.
"Throughout your life you will meet one person who is unlike many other. You could talk to this person for hours and never get bored, you could tell them things and they won't judge you. This person is your soulmate, your best friend. Don't ever let them go", she said softly and you watched her, even though it was hard because your eyelids were getting heavier.
"Is y/b/f/n my soulmate then?" the five year old you asked.
"Could be, I don't know", your mother stated and turned the lights off.
"How do I find out who's my soulmate?" you asked yawning.
"When you turn 18, me and your dad will take you to get a tattoo. This tattoo will appear also to your soulmate's skin. When you see they have the same tattoo as you do, you'll know", she said sofly and kissed your forehead.
"Goodnight, y/n."
"Goodnight mom, I love you."
~~~~~~~~~13 years later~~~~~~~~~~
"Mom!" you yelled running downstairs, "Mom!!"
When she saw you she smiled warmly.
"Yes, dear. I know what you're going to say. You're going to ask about the tattoo, right?" she chuckled and you nodded excitedly.
It was your eighteenth birthday, and you would finally get your tattoo. You had everything planned out already; you knew exactly what kind of tattoo you'd get.
"Okay then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" she squealed like a little girl. You wondered if you or your mother was more excited.
"And we're done!" the tattoo artist exclaimed and you looked at your tattoo. It was just as you had wanted it; Perfect.
It was two simple wings at your wrist.
Just as you watched it, you wondered who was going to be your soulmate. What did he look like? Did you like the same music? And food? Did you both share the same interest? How old was he? Where was he from?
One hundred questions and zero answers, but little did you know that your soulmate was famous,
and his name was Michael Clifford.

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